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A set of functions for implementing TOTP multi-factor authentication.

A set of functions for implementing TOTP multi-factor authentication.
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Generates a new 256-bit TOTP secret.

Generates a new 256-bit TOTP secret.
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(qrcode uri
        {:keys [width height margin image-type]
         :or {width 250 height 250 margin 4 image-type "PNG"}})

Returns a QR Code PNG image of the user's TOTP secret as a byte array.

Returns a QR Code PNG image of the user's TOTP secret as a byte array.
sourceraw docstring


(uri service username secret)

Given a service name, username, and TOTP secret, returns a TOTP URI.

Given a service name, username, and TOTP secret, returns a TOTP URI.
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(verify secret token)

Given a TOTP secret and token, verifies the token.

Given a TOTP secret and token, verifies the token.
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