(alias2 alias-sym ns-sym)
(and- & pred-forms)
Same as s/and except all predicates take the 'raw' value instead of the conformed value.
Same as s/and except all predicates take the 'raw' value instead of the conformed value.
(char-code-for s)
A number representing the UTF-16 code unit value of s. s must be a string of length 1.
A number representing the UTF-16 code unit value of s. s must be a string of length 1.
(cleanup-check-result result)
(closed-multi-spec name dispatch-key dispatch->spec)
(date-generator {:keys [min-date max-date]
:or {min-date #inst "1900-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00"
max-date #inst "3000-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00"}})
(duration-generator {:keys [min-duration max-duration]
:or {min-duration Duration/ZERO
max-duration (Duration/ofDays 300)}})
Generator for Java Duration objects.
Generator for Java Duration objects.
(duration-in & {:keys [min max]})
(duration-within-bounds? duration min max)
(exact-keys? m kset)
(finite+ & {:keys [max] :as opts})
(finite-non- & {:keys [max] :as opts})
(infinite? x)
Returns true if x is infinite.
Returns true if x is infinite.
(keys-eval & {:keys [req req-un opt opt-un gen closed?]})
Like s/keys but will eval the key args
Like s/keys but will eval the key args
(map-spec-keys spec)
(next-up x)
(not-blank? x)
(number-in & {:keys [min max NaN? infinite?] :or {NaN? false infinite? false}})
Returns a spec for an int or a double.
Returns a spec for an int or a double.
(number-in-gen gen-argm)
(parse-spec-keys spec)
Given a spec
, returns a set of keys the spec has.
Given a `spec`, returns a set of keys the spec has.
(safe-explain-data spec x)
Try to remove the possibility of large values existing in the explain data message.
Try to remove the possibility of large values existing in the explain data message.
(sdef name doc-string? metamap? spec)
Like s/def but supports setting a map of metadata.
Like s/def but supports setting a map of metadata.
(sdef-form k argm)
(smeta k)
Returns the metamap for k or nil if it does not exist.
Returns the metamap for k or nil if it does not exist.
(sorted-map-of kpred vpred & opts)
(spec-form keyword-or-form)
(string-in & {:keys [min max]})
(string-in-gen min max)
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