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Returns the answer to the question you asked the LLM.


  • q: The string or messages seq question you want to ask the LLM. If it were a sequence of messages, the items would have the following keys and string values: :system, :user, :ai.

    • [{:system "You are a helpful assistant."}, {:user "Hello!"}]
  • params: A map of parameters to pass to the LLM.

    • :type: The type of LLM to use. Defaults to :open-ai.
    • max-tokens: The maximum number of tokens that can be generated in the chat completion.
    • temperature: What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2.
    • top-p: An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top-p probability mass.
    • :tools: List of function Vars to use as tools for the LLM.
    • :as: If you use :values in the :as option when tool is invoked with the tools option, it will return the resulting list of following map of tool calls:
      • key: function name
      • value: result of the function call


  • String: The answer to the question you asked the LLM.


(ask "Hello!")

(ask "Hello!" {:type :open-ai})

(ask "Hello!" {:type :open-ai :model "gpt-4o"})

(ask [{:system "You are a helpful assistant."}, {:user "Hello!"}])

;; tools
(defn ^{:desc "Get the current weather in a given location"} get-current-weather 
  [^{:type "string" :desc "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA"} location] 
(ask "What's the weather like in San Francisco, Tokyo, and Paris?" 
     {:tools [#'get-current-weather]})
Returns the answer to the question you asked the LLM.

- q: The string or messages seq question you want to ask the LLM. If it were a sequence of 
 messages, the items would have the following keys and string values: `:system`, `:user`, `:ai`.
  - [{:system "You are a helpful assistant."}, {:user "Hello!"}]
- params: A map of parameters to pass to the LLM.
  - `:type`: The type of LLM to use. Defaults to :open-ai.
  - `max-tokens`: The maximum number of tokens that can be generated in the chat completion.
  - `temperature`: What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2.
  - `top-p`: An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, 
             where the model considers the results of the tokens with top-p probability mass. 
  - `:tools`: List of function Vars to use as tools for the LLM.
  - `:as`: If you use `:values` in the `:as` option when tool is invoked with the tools
           option, it will return the resulting list of following map of tool calls:
     - key: function name
     - value: result of the function call

- String: The answer to the question you asked the LLM.

(ask "Hello!")

(ask "Hello!" {:type :open-ai})

(ask "Hello!" {:type :open-ai :model "gpt-4o"})

(ask [{:system "You are a helpful assistant."}, {:user "Hello!"}])

;; tools
(defn ^{:desc "Get the current weather in a given location"} get-current-weather 
  [^{:type "string" :desc "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA"} location] 
(ask "What's the weather like in San Francisco, Tokyo, and Paris?" 
     {:tools [#'get-current-weather]})
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