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A Guava based library for hashing clojure edn. This library is inspired by aesahaettr but with less ambitious goals and easier spelling. The hash of clojure's edn should be independent of JVM architecture and Object.hashCode implementations.


(require '[cljhash.core :as h])

(def foo {:a {:b #{1 2 3} :c #uuid"3b896c80-ddfc-4e73-98be-554847c0d5be"}})

(def hash-code (h/clj-hash (Hashing/sha1) foo))

(h/to-hex hash-code)
=> "ce45e1feca96d8594ac4435810ef2037fbe09146"
(h/to-base64 hash-code)
=> "zkXh/sqW2FlKxENYEO8gN/vgkUY="
(.asBytes hash-code)
=> #object["[B" 0x4610b746 "[B@4610b746"]
(into [] (.asBytes hash-code))
=> [-50 69 -31 -2 -54 -106 -40 89 74 -60 67 88 16 -17 32 55 -5 -32 -111 70]

If you want your own serliazation strategy you can implement your own cljhash.core.Hashable protocol and use cljhash.core.hash-obj! function.


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