This library provides a collection of data structures implemented using a modular, extensible, foldable, weight balanced persistent binary tree: ordered-sets, ordered-maps, interval-sets, and interval-maps.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[com.dean/interval-tree "0.1.2"]
The public api resides in the top-level com.dean.interval-tree.core
(require '[com.dean.interval-tree.core :as dean])
The basic operation of this library is as a drop-in replacement for
and clojure.core/sorted-map
(dean/ordered-set coll)
(dean/ordered-set-by pred coll)
(dean/ordered-map coll)
(dean/ordered-map-by pred coll)
(dean/interval-set coll)
(dean/interval-map coll)
Imagine you'd like to associate values with members of a set of
intervals over some continuous domain such as time or real numbers.
An example of this is shown below. An interval map answers the question,
which intervals overlap at some point on the domain. At 3.14159, in this
case, would be x4
and x7
. The interval map is sparse itself, of
course, and would only need to contain the 8 constituent intervals.
x8: +-----+
x7: +-----------------------------------+
x6: +
x5: +-----------+
x4: +-----------------------------+
x3: +-----+
x2: +-----------------+
x1: +-----------+
This corresponds to the following example code:
(def x (dean/interval-map {[1 3] :x1
[4 7] :x2
[8 9] :x3
[0 5] :x4
[6 8] :x5
[9 9] :x6
[3 9] :x7
[4 5] :x8}))
(x 3.141592654) ;; => [:x4 :x7]
(x [5 5]) ;; => [:x4 :x7 :x8 :x2]
(get x 9) ;; => [:x7 :x3 :x6]
(get x 9.00001) ;; => nil
(get x [1 4]) ;; => [:x4 :x1 :x7 :x8 :x2]
This library implements a diverse collection of efficent set operations on foldably parallel ordered sets:
(def foo (shuffle (range 500000)))
(def bar (shuffle (range 1000000)))
(def s0 (shuffle (range 0 1000000 2)))
(def s1 (shuffle (range 0 1000000 3)))
;;; dean/ordered-set
(time (def x (ordered-set foo))) ;; 500K: "Elapsed time: 564.248517 msecs"
(time (def y (ordered-set bar))) ;; 1M: "Elapsed time: 1187.734211 msecs"
(time (def s (dean/intersection
(ordered-set s0)
(ordered-set s1)))) ;; 833K: "Elapsed time: 1242.961445 msecs"
(time (r/fold + + y)) ;; 1M: "Elapsed time: 54.363545 msecs"
;;; clojure.core/sorted-set
(time (def v (into (sorted-set) foo))) ;; 500K: "Elapsed time: 839.188189 msecs"
(time (def w (into (sorted-set) bar))) ;; 1M: "Elapsed time: 1974.798286 msecs"
(time (def s (clojure.set/intersection
(into (sorted-set) s0)
(into (sorted-set) s1)))) ;; 833K: "Elapsed time: 1589.786106 msecs"
(time (r/fold + + w)) ;; 1M: "Elapsed time: 167.916539 msecs"
Testing is accomplished with the standard lein test
$ time lein test
lein test com.dean.interval-tree.interval-map-test
lein test com.dean.interval-tree.interval-set-test
lein test com.dean.interval-tree.interval-test
lein test com.dean.interval-tree.ordered-map-test
lein test com.dean.interval-tree.ordered-set-test
lein test com.dean.interval-tree.tree-test
Ran 30 tests containing 98214 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
real 5m34.487s
user 10m21.397s
sys 0m5.047s
This data structure library is designed around the following concepts of modularity and extensibility.
The top level collections are built on the standard Clojure/Java
interfaces, so, for example, working with an ordered-set
identical to working with Clojure's sorted-set
, using all of the same
standard collection functions, for the 99% case: meta, nth, seq, rseq,
assoc(-in), get(-in), invoke, compare, to-array, empty, .indexOf,
.lastIndexof, size, iterator-seq, first, last, =, count, empty,
contains, conj. disj, cons, fold, and many old friends will just
work, using an efficient implementation that takes full advantage of the
capabilities of our underlying tree index.
An exception to the above is due to the fact that clojure.set
does not
provide interfaces for extensible sets. So, we provide our own
intersection, union, difference, subset, and superset. These operators
work most efficiently on com.dean.interval-tree collections and provide
support for backward interoperability with clojure (or possibly other)
set datatypes.
The individual collection types (ordered-set, ordered-map, interval-set,
interval-map} are defined by their individual Class (clojure
) of top level container that holds the root of an
indexed tree. This container describes the behavior of the underlying
tree data structure along several architectural dimensions.
The fundamental collection of nodes provides an interface to node allocation machinery and to the root contained node. A variant based on persistent (on-disk) storage, for example, has been built with customizations at this layer.
For functional balanced trees, provides an interface to the stitch
function that returns a new, properly balanced tree containing one newly
allocated node adjoined. The provided algorithm is
weight balanced
however others may be used. We've experimented with red-black trees,
in particular, as variants at this layer.
Ordered collections define a comparator and predicates to determine the underlying algorithmic compatibility of other collections. Interval Collections are a special type of OrderedCollection.
The heart of the library is our persistent tree.
The code is well documented and explains in more detail the efficiencies of the internal collection operators.
This species of binary tree supports representations of sets, maps,
and vectors. In addition to indexed key and range query, it
supports the nth
operation to return nth node from the beginning of
the ordered tree, and node-rank
to return the rank (sequential
position) of a given key within the ordered tree, both in logarithmic
The axes of exstensibility of the tree implemntation
, *t-join*
) correspond to the interfaces
described above.
This implementation of a weight-balanced binary interval-tree data structure was inspired by the following:
Adams (1992) 'Implementing Sets Efficiently in a Functional Language' Technical Report CSTR 92-10, University of Southampton.
Hirai and Yamamoto (2011) 'Balancing Weight-Balanced Trees' Journal of Functional Programming / 21 (3): Pages 287-307
Oleg Kiselyov 'Towards the best collection API, A design of the overall optimal collection traversal interface'
Nievergelt and Reingold (1972) 'Binary Search Trees of Bounded Balance' STOC '72 Proceedings 4th Annual ACM symposium on Theory of Computing Pages 137-142
Driscoll, Sarnak, Sleator, and Tarjan (1989) 'Making Data Structures Persistent' Journal of Computer and System Sciences Volume 38 Issue 1, February 1989 18th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing Pages 86-124
MIT Scheme weight balanced tree as reimplemented by Yoichi Hirai and Kazuhiko Yamamoto using the revised non-variant algorithm recommended integer balance parameters from (Hirai/Yamomoto 2011).
Wikipedia 'Interval Tree'
Wikipedia 'Weight Balanced Tree'
Andrew Baine, Rahul Jaine (2007) 'Purely Functional Data Structures in Common Lisp' Google Summer of Code 2007
Scott L. Burson 'Functional Set-Theoretic Collections for Common Lisp'
The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.txt at the root of this distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
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