This namespace contiains utilities for interfacing with definitions from the book "A Dictionary of Colour Combinations" compiled by Sanzo Wada.
This namespace contiains utilities for interfacing with definitions from the book "A Dictionary of Colour Combinations" compiled by Sanzo Wada.
(cmyk->rgb c m y k)
(cmyk->rgb cmyk-scale rgb-scale c m y k)
Convert a CMYK color to RGB values. Defaults range for CMYK is [0, 100] and default range for RGB is [0, 256).
Convert a CMYK color to RGB values. Defaults range for CMYK is [0, 100] and default range for RGB is [0, 256).
(color->Color color)
Convert a color to an instance of java.awt.Color.
Convert a color to an instance of java.awt.Color.
(color->hsb color)
Convert a color to HSB values. Range for H is [0, 360) and for S, B is [0, 100).
Convert a color to HSB values. Range for H is [0, 360) and for S, B is [0, 100).
(color->rgb {c :c m :m y :y k :k})
Converts a color to RGB values. Range for RGB is [0, 256).
Converts a color to RGB values. Range for RGB is [0, 256).
(get-color-hsb color-dictionary color-name)
Retrieve the HSB values of a color by name.
Retrieve the HSB values of a color by name.
(get-color-java color-dictionary color-name)
Retrieve Color by name.
Retrieve Color by name.
(get-color-rgb color-dictionary color-name)
Retrieve the RGB values of a color by name.
Retrieve the RGB values of a color by name.
(get-combination color-dictionary combination)
Retrieve the color combination. Combinations are from :1 to :348.
Retrieve the color combination. Combinations are from :1 to :348.
(get-combination-hsb color-dictionary combination)
Retrieve the color combination. Combinations are from :1 to :348.
Retrieve the color combination. Combinations are from :1 to :348.
(get-combination-java color-dictionary combination)
Retrieve the color combination. Combinations are from :1 to :348.
Retrieve the color combination. Combinations are from :1 to :348.
(get-combination-rgb color-dictionary combination)
Retrieve the color combination. Combinations are from :1 to :348.
Retrieve the color combination. Combinations are from :1 to :348.
(init resource-path)
Load the color dictionary into memory.
Load the color dictionary into memory.
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