This namespace contains helpers for common periodic waveforms.
These waveforms are periodic over tau (2 pi) and output values in the range of [-1, 1]. Companion 'normalized' functions are provided which map the output to the range [0, 1].
This namespace differs from 'artlib.modulation as the latter is intended for use with some external clock and operates on time values. Additionally, 'artlib.modulation is a set of higher-order functions whereas these are simple waveforms.
This namespace contains helpers for common periodic waveforms. These waveforms are periodic over tau (2 pi) and output values in the range of [-1, 1]. Companion 'normalized' functions are provided which map the output to the range [0, 1]. This namespace differs from 'artlib.modulation as the latter is intended for use with some external clock and operates on time values. Additionally, 'artlib.modulation is a set of higher-order functions whereas these are simple waveforms.
(cos-norm t)
Cosine wave, normalize output [0, 1]
Cosine wave, normalize output [0, 1]
(sin-norm t)
Sine wave, normalize output [0, 1]
Sine wave, normalize output [0, 1]
(tri t)
Triangle wave.
Note: the input is phase shifted to output 0 for an input of 0.
Triangle wave. Note: the input is phase shifted to output 0 for an input of 0.
(tri-norm t)
Triangle wave.
Note: the input is phase shifted to output 0 for an input of 0.
Triangle wave. Note: the input is phase shifted to output 0 for an input of 0.
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