(app-header title)
Large header. Title can be either a string or a subscription vector
Large header. Title can be either a string or a subscription vector
(draw-tags {:keys [selected-tags-sub set-selected-tags-event class-of-tag-sub
selected-class unselected-class sort?]
:or {selected-tags-sub [:sodium.extensions/selected-tags]
set-selected-tags-event [:sodium.extensions/selected-tags]
class-of-tag-sub [:sodium.extensions/class-of-tag]
selected-class "selected-tag"
unselected-class "unselected-tag"
sort? true}}
Draw a list of tags. Formatting will depend on whether the tag is in the list of selected tags. Clicking on a tag will toggle it between selected and unselected.
:selected-tags-sub - Re-frame subscription that returns the set of selected tags
:set-selected-tags-event - Re-frame event that sets the set of selected tags
:class-of-tag-sub - Re-frame subscription that returns the CSS class for a tag
:selected-class - CSS class name for selected tags
:unselected-class - CSS class name for unselected tags
:sort? - Should the list of tags be sorted
tags - Set or sequence of tags to display
Draw a list of tags. Formatting will depend on whether the tag is in the list of selected tags. Clicking on a tag will toggle it between selected and unselected. Options: - :selected-tags-sub - Re-frame subscription that returns the set of selected tags - :set-selected-tags-event - Re-frame event that sets the set of selected tags - :class-of-tag-sub - Re-frame subscription that returns the CSS class for a tag - :selected-class - CSS class name for selected tags - :unselected-class - CSS class name for unselected tags - :sort? - Should the list of tags be sorted - tags - Set or sequence of tags to display
(google-ad & {:keys [unit ad-client ad-slot test]})
Google advert component. See https://react.semantic-ui.com/views/advertisement and https://www.google.com/adsense.
Google advert component. See https://react.semantic-ui.com/views/advertisement and https://www.google.com/adsense. - unit, ad-client, ad-slot - Supplied by your Google ad campaign - test - Text to render instead of a real ad. You will typically supply this in your development builds.
(labelled-field & {:keys [label content field-key errors inline?]})
Form field with a label and arbitrary content
Form field with a label and arbitrary content
(native-text-area {:keys [on-change placeholder rows value] :as params})
Simple HTML text-area, to bypass some problems in Semantic UI (temp?)
Simple HTML text-area, to bypass some problems in Semantic UI (temp?)
(panel-header title)
Medium header. Title can be either a string or a subscription vector
Medium header. Title can be either a string or a subscription vector
(panel-subheader title)
Small header. Title can be either a string or a subscription vector
Small header. Title can be either a string or a subscription vector
(section-header title)
Medium de-emphasized header. Title can be either a string or a subscription vector
Medium de-emphasized header. Title can be either a string or a subscription vector
(subsection-header title)
Small de-emphasized header. Title can be either a string or a subscription vector
Small de-emphasized header. Title can be either a string or a subscription vector
(tag-adder {:keys [all-tags-sub selected-tags-sub set-selected-tags-event
:or {all-tags-sub [:sodium.extensions/all-tags]
selected-tags-sub [:sodium.extensions/selected-tags]
set-selected-tags-event [:sodium.extensions/selected-tags]
partial-tag-text (reagent/atom "")}})
Component that lets the user add a tag (existing or new) to the set of selected tags.
Component that lets the user add a tag (existing or new) to the set of selected tags. Options: - :all-tags-sub - Re-frame subscription that returns the set of all tags - :selected-tags-sub - Function or re-frame subscription that returns the set of selected tags - :set-selected-tags-event - Function or re-frame event that sets the external set of selected tags - :partial-tag-text - Atom to use to hold text of new tag before it is added. This parameter is not often needed, but is important if something outside us needs to watch our exact state. I use this, for example, when I don't want to let a dialog close if the user has started to create a new tag but has not yet saved it.
(tag-selector {:keys [all-tags-sub selected-tags-sub set-selected-tags-event]
:or {all-tags-sub [:sodium.extensions/all-tags]
selected-tags-sub [:sodium.extensions/selected-tags]
Component that lets the user select tags
Component that lets the user select tags Options: - :all-tags-sub - Re-frame subscription that returns the set of all tags - :selected-tags-sub - Re-frame subscription that returns the set of selected tags - :set-selected-tags-event - Re-frame event that sets the set of selected tags
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