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(active-successors ods
                   {:keys [self-if-active?] :or {self-if-active? true}})

Returns the active successor(s) of the given organisation. If the specified organisation is still active, by default returns a sequence containing only it. If 'self-if-active?' is false, returns nil.

Returns the active successor(s) of the given organisation.
If the specified organisation is still active, by default returns a sequence
containing only it. If 'self-if-active?' is false, returns nil. 
sourceraw docstring


(all-predecessors ods org)

Returns a vector of all predecessor organisations.

Returns a vector of all predecessor organisations.
sourceraw docstring


(download params)

Download the latest ODS release. Returns a map containing data including codesystems, codes and the organisations. See

Download the latest ODS release.
Returns a map containing data including codesystems, codes and the
See ``.
sourceraw docstring


(get-relationship ods rel-code)

Return the relationship associated with code specified, e.g. "RE6"

Return the relationship associated with code specified, e.g. "RE6"
sourceraw docstring


(get-role ods role-code)

Return the role associated with code specified, e.g. "RO72".

Return the role associated with code specified, e.g. "RO72".
sourceraw docstring


(install dir nhspd api-key cache-dir)

Download and install the latest ODS release using the defined NHSPD service. Parameters:

  • dir : directory in which to build ODS service
  • nhspd : an NHS postcode directory service
  • api-key : TRUD api key
  • cache-dir : TRUD cache directory.
Download and install the latest ODS release using the defined NHSPD service.
- dir       : directory in which to build ODS service
- nhspd     : an NHS postcode directory service
- api-key   : TRUD api key
- cache-dir : TRUD cache directory.
sourceraw docstring


(matching-org-id? source-org-id target-org-id)

Do the organisational identifiers match? Parameters:

  • source-org-id : a map containing ':root' and ':extension' keys
  • target-org-id : one of: - a map containing ':root' and ':extension' keys - a string representing the extension.
Do the organisational identifiers match?
- source-org-id   : a map containing ':root' and ':extension' keys
- target-org-id   : one of:
                    - a map containing ':root' and ':extension' keys
                    - a string representing the extension.
sourceraw docstring






(normalize-id id)

Normalizes an ODS identifier oid/extension to a URI/value with the URI prefix of 'urn:uri:'

Normalizes an ODS identifier oid/extension to a URI/value with the URI
prefix of 'urn:uri:'
sourceraw docstring


(normalize-org org)

Normalizes an organisation, turning legacy ODS OID/extension identifiers into namespaced URI/value identifiers

Normalizes an organisation, turning legacy ODS OID/extension identifiers into
namespaced URI/value identifiers
sourceraw docstring


(normalize-targets v)

Normalizes the target key (containing :root and :extension keys) to turn root/extension into `system/value' where system is a URI

Normalizes the `target` key (containing `:root` and `:extension` keys) to
turn `root/extension` into `system/value' where system is a URI
sourceraw docstring



(all-organizations this)

Returns a lazy sequence of all organisations

Returns a lazy sequence of all organisations


(code-systems this)

Return all ODS codesystems

Return all ODS codesystems


(fetch-org this root extension)

Fetch an organisation by identifier

Fetch an organisation by identifier


(fetch-postcode this pc)

Return NHSPD data about the specified postcode.

Return NHSPD data about the specified postcode.


(fetch-wgs84 this pc)

Returns WGS84 lat/long coordinates about the postcode.

Returns WGS84 lat/long coordinates about the postcode.


(search-org this params)

Search for an organisation using the parameters specified.

Search for an organisation using the parameters specified.


(open-index {:keys [ods-dir nhspd nhspd-dir] :as params})
(open-index ods-dir nhspd-dir)

Open a clods index. Parameters are a map containing the following keys:

  • :ods-dir - directory representing the ODS index
  • :nhspd - an already opened NHSPD service
  • :nhspd-dir - directory containing an NHSPD index

Clods depends upon the NHS Postcode Directory, as provided by <a href="">nhspd. As such, one of nhspd or nhspd-dir must be provided

Open a clods index.
Parameters are a map containing the following keys:
 - :ods-dir   - directory representing the ODS index
 - :nhspd     - an already opened NHSPD service
 - :nhspd-dir - directory containing an NHSPD index

Clods depends upon the NHS Postcode Directory, as provided by <a href="">nhspd.
As such, one of nhspd or nhspd-dir must be provided
sourceraw docstring


(org-identifiers org)

Returns a normalised list of organisation identifiers. The first will be the 'best' identifier to use for official use. This turns a single ODS orgId (oid/extension) into a list of uri/values.

Returns a normalised list of organisation identifiers.
The first will be the 'best' identifier to use for official use.
This turns a single ODS orgId (oid/extension) into a list of uri/values.
sourceraw docstring


(org-part-of org)

Returns a best-match of what we consider an organisation 'part-of'. Returns a tuple of root extension.

Returns a best-match of what we consider an organisation 'part-of'.
Returns a tuple of root extension.
sourceraw docstring




A priority list of what relationship to use in order to determine the more abstract 'part-of' relationship.

A priority list of what relationship to use in order to
determine the more abstract 'part-of' relationship.
sourceraw docstring


(predecessors ods org)


(related? ods
          {:keys [rels successors? predecessors?]
           :or {rels (constantly true) successors? true predecessors? true}
           :as opts})

Is the organisation specified related to the target specified? The target should be the organisation, or a parent of that organisation, or have a similar historical relationship.

Parameters: ods : ods index org : a map representing the organisation, from 'fetch-org' target : a map with ':root' & ':extension' keys of target organisation rels : (default, 'all') a set of relationship types, or predicate successors? : (default, true) use successor orgs to test relationship predecessors? : (default true) use predecessor orgs to test relationship

For example, (related? ods (fetch-org ods nil "RWMBV") "7A4")) returns true, as 'RWMBV' was the old University Hospital of Wales, under a parent organisation, 'RWM', which is now inactive and replaced with '7A4'.

Is the organisation specified related to the target specified?
The target should be the organisation, or a parent of that organisation, or
have a similar historical relationship.

ods           : ods index
org           : a map representing the organisation, from 'fetch-org'
target        : a map with ':root' & ':extension' keys of target organisation
rels          : (default, 'all') a set of relationship types, or predicate
successors?   : (default, true) use successor orgs to test relationship
predecessors? : (default true) use predecessor orgs to test relationship

For example,
(related? ods (fetch-org ods nil "RWMBV") "7A4"))
returns true, as 'RWMBV' was the old University Hospital of Wales, under a
parent organisation, 'RWM', which is now inactive and replaced with '7A4'.
sourceraw docstring

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