Hermes: "Herald of the gods."
Hermes provides a set of terminology tools built around SNOMED CT including:
It is designed as both library for embedding into larger applications, or as a microservice.
It is fast, both for import and for use. It imports and indexes the International and UK editions of SNOMED CT in less than 5 minutes; you can have a server running seconds after that.
It replaces previous similar tools I wrote in java and golang and is designed to fit into a wider architecture with identifier resolution, mapping and semantics as first-class abstractions.
Rather than a single monolithic terminology server, it is entirely reasonable to build
multiple services, each providing an API around a specific edition or version of SNOMED CT,
and to use an API gateway to manage client access. Hermes
is lightweight and designed
to be composed with other services.
It is part of my PatientCare v4 development; previous versions have been operational within NHS Wales since 2007.
You can have a working terminology server running by typing only a few lines at a terminal. There's no need for any special hardware, or any special dependencies such as setting up your own elasticsearch or solr cluster. You just need a filesystem! Many other tools take hours to import the SNOMED data; you'll be finished in less than 10 minutes!
A HL7 FHIR terminology facade is under development : hades.
This exposes the functionality available in hermes
via a FHIR terminology API. This already
supports search and autocompletion using the $expand operation.
You can have a terminology server running in minutes. Full documentation is below, but here is a quickstart.
e.g on Mac OS X
brew install clojure
git clone
cd hermes
If you're a UK user and want to use automatic downloads, you can do this
clj -M:run --db snomed.db download uk.nhs/sct-clinical api-key trud-api-key.txt cache-dir /tmp/trud
clj -M:run --db snomed.db download uk.nhs/sct-drug-ext api-key trud-api-key.txt cache-dir /tmp/trud
Ensure you have a TRUD API key.
This will download both the UK clinical edition and the UK drug extension. If you're a UK user, I'd recommend installing both.
If you've downloaded a distribution manually, import like this:
clj -M:run --db snomed.db import ~/Downloads/snomed-2021/
My tiny i5 'NUC' machine takes 1 minute to import the UK edition of SNOMED CT and a further minute to import the UK dictionary of medicines and devices.
clj -M:run --db snomed.db compact
clj -M:run --db snomed.db index
My machine takes 20 seconds to compact the database and 6 minutes to build the search indices.
clj -M:run --db snomed.db --port 8080 serve
You can use hades with the 'snomed.db' index to give you a FHIR terminology server.
provides a simple library, and optionally a microservice, to help
you make use of SNOMED CT.
A library can be embedded into your application; this is easy using Clojure or Java. You make calls using the API just as you'd use any regular library.
A microservice runs independently and you make use of the data and software by making an API call over the network.
Like all PatientCare
components, you can use hermes
in either way.
Usually, when you're starting out, it's best to use as a library but larger
projects and larger installations will want to run their software components
independently, optimising for usage patterns, resilience, reliability and
rate of change.
Most people who use a terminology run a server and make calls over the network.
Previously, I implemented SNOMED CT within an EPR.
Later I realised how important it was to build it as a separate module;
I created terminology servers in java, and then later in golang;
is written in clojure.
While I support the provision
of a national terminology server for convenience, I think it's important to
recognise that it is the data that matters most. We need to cooperate and collaborate
on semantic interoperability, but the software services that make use of those
data can be centralised or distributed; when I do analytics, I can't see me
making server round-trips for every check of subsumption! That would be
silly; I've been using SNOMED for analytics for longer than most; you need
flexibility in provisioning terminology services. I want tooling that can both
provide services at scale, while is capable of running on my personal computers
as well.
Unlike other available terminology servers, hermes
is lightweight and has no other dependencies
except a filesystem, which can be read-only when in operation.
I don't believe in the idea of uploading codesystems and value sets in place. My approach to versioning is to run different services; I simply switch API endpoints.
SNOMED CT is distributed across the world. The base distribution is the International release, but your local distribution will include this together with local data. Local data will include region-specific language reference sets.
The core SNOMED API relating to concepts and their meaning is not affected by issues of locale. Locale is used to derive the synonyms for any given concept. There should be a single preferred synonym for every concept in a given language reference set.
When you build a database, the search index caches the preferred synonym using the locale specified during index creation. If no locale is specified, then the system default locale will be used. In general, you should specify a locale that will match the distribution you are importing.
For example, when you are building your search index, you can use:
clj -M:run --db snomed.db --locale en-GB index
You can specify the requested locale using IETF BCP 47, or by using a special SNOMED CT defined locale that includes the identifier of the language reference set you wish to use. I have added BCP 47 matching as an extension in hermes as the burden of managing which reference sets to use is left to the client in the SNOMED standard. Hermes tries to provide a set of sane defaults.
Note: the mapping of BCP 47 codes to a language reference set, or set of language reference sets, is easily modified. If your locale is currently unsupported, please raise an issue and it can be added easily. The current map can be found in impl/language.clj.
Such mapping is simply an extension for convenience and may not be necessary for you. You can always get the preferred synonym given a specific set of language reference sets but I find it easier to simply use 'en-GB' and let hermes do the work for me.
Yes. Raise an issue, or more formal support options are available on request, including a fully-managed service.
Small modules of functionality are easier to develop, easier to understand, easier to test and easier to maintain. I design modules to be composable so that I can stitch different components together in order to solve problems.
In larger systems, it is easy to see code rotting. Dependencies become outdated and the software becomes difficult to change easily because of software that depend on it. Small, well-defined modules are much easier to build and are less likely to need ongoing changes over time; my goal is to need to update modules only in response to changes in domain not software itself. I aim for an accretion of functionality.
It is very difficult to 'prove' software is working as designed when there are lots of moving parts.
for?I have embedded it into clinical systems; I use it for a fast autocompletion service so users start typing and the diagnosis, or procedure, or occupation, or ethnicity, or whatever, pops up. Users don't generally know they're using SNOMED CT. I use it to populate pop-ups and drop-down controls, and I use it for decision support to switch functionality on and off in my user interface - e.g. does this patient have a type of 'x' such as motor neurone disease - as well as analytics. A large number of my academic publications are as a result of using SNOMED in analytics.
I think health and care data are and always will be heterogenous, incomplete and difficult to process. I do not think trying to build entities or classes representing our domain works at scale; it is fine for toy applications and trivial data modelling such as e-observations, but classes and object-orientation cannot scale across such a complete and disparate environment. Instead, I find it much easier to think about first-class properties - entity - attribute - value - and use such triples as a way of building and navigating a complex, hierarchical graph.
I am using a graph API in order to decouple subsystems and can now navigate from clinical data into different types of reference data seamlessly. For example, with the same backend data, I can view an x.500 representation of a practitioner, or a FHIR R4 Practitioner resource model. The key is to recognise that identifier resolution and mapping are first class problems within the health and care domain. Similarly, I think the semantics of reading data are very different to one of writing data. I cannot shoehorn health and care data into a REST model in which we read and write to resources representing the type. Instead, just as in real-life, we record event data which can effect change. In the end, it is all data.
Ensure you have a pre-built jar file, or the source code checked out from github. See below for build instructions.
I'd recommend installing clojure and running using source code but use the pre-built jar file if you prefer.
If your local distributor is supported, hermes
can do this automatically for you.
Otherwise, you will need to download your local distribution(s) manually.
There is currently only support for automatic download and import for the UK, but other distribution sources can be added if those services provide an API.
The basic command is:
clj -M:run --db snomed.db download <distribution-identifier> [properties]
or if you are using a precompiled jar:
java -jar hermes.jar --db snomed.db download <distribution-identifier> [properties]
The distribution, as defined by distribution-identifier
, will be downloaded
and imported to the file-based database snomed.db
Distribution-identifier | Description |
uk.nhs/sct-clinical | UK SNOMED CT clinical - incl international release |
uk.nhs/sct-drug-ext | UK SNOMED CT drug extension - incl dm+d |
Each distribution might require custom configuration options. These can be given as key value pairs after the command, and their use will depend on which distribution you are using.
For example, the UK releases use the NHS Digital TRUD API, and so you need to pass in the following parameters:
For example, these commands will download, cache and install the International release, the UK clinical edition and the UK drug extension:
clj -M:run --db snomed.db download uk.nhs/sct-clinical api-key trud-api-key.txt cache-dir /tmp/trud
clj -M:run --db snomed.db download uk.nhs/sct-drug-ext api-key trud-api-key.txt cache-dir /tmp/trud
will tell you what configuration parameters are required:
clj -M:run download uk.nhs/sct-drug-ext
Will result in:
Invalid parameters for provider ' uk.nhs/sct-drug-ext ':
should contain keys: :api-key, :cache-dir
| key | spec |
| :api-key | string? |
| :cache-dir | string? |
So we know we need to pass in api-key
and cache-dir
as above.
Depending on where you live in the World, download the most appropriate distribution(s) for your needs.
In the UK, we can obtain these from TRUD.
For example, you can download the UK "Clinical Edition", containing the International and UK clinical distributions as part of TRUD pack 26/subpack 101.
Optionally, you can also download the UK SNOMED CT drug extension, that contains the dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d) is available as part of TRUD pack 26/subpack 105.
Once you have downloaded what you need, unzip them to a common directory and
then you can use hermes
to create a file-based database.
If you are running using the jar file:
java -jar hermes.jar --db snomed.db import ~/Downloads/snomed-2020
If you are running from source code:
clj -M:run --db snomed.db import ~/Downloads/snomed-2020/
The import of both International and UK distribution files takes a total of less than 3 minutes on my machine.
This reduces the file size and takes 20 seconds. This is an optional step, but recommended.
java -jar hermes.jar --db snomed.db compact
clj -M:run --db snomed.db compact
Unlike prior versions, you do not need to give java more heap.
java -jar hermes.jar --db snomed.db index
clj -M:run --db snomed.db index
This will build the search indices; it takes about 6 minutes on my machine.
When I first built terminology tools, either in java or in golang, I needed to also build a custom command-line interface in order to explore the ontology. This is not necessary as most developers using Clojure quickly learn the value of the REPL; a read-evaluate-print-loop in which one can issue arbitrary commands to execute. As such, one has a full Turing-complete language (a lisp) in which to explore the domain.
Run a REPL and use the terminology services interactively. I usually use a REPL from within my IDE.
clj -A:dev
You can obtain status information about any index by using:
clj -M:run --db snomed.db status
("SNOMED Clinical Terms version: 20200731 [R] (July 2020 Release)"
"31.3.0_20210120000001 UK clinical extension"),
:concepts 574414,
:descriptions 1720404,
:relationships 3263996,
:refsets 9424174,
{:descriptions-concept 1720404,
:concept-parent-relationships 1210561,
:concept-child-relationships 1210561,
:installed-refsets 293,
:component-refsets 6094742,
:map-target-component 1125516}}
The result will be different after I also import the UK dm+d (dictionary of medicines and devices) distribution.
By default, data are returned using edn but of course, simply add "Accept:application/json" in the request header and it will return JSON instead. You can see examples below.
java -jar hermes.jar --db snomed.db --port 8080 serve
clj -M:run --db snomed.db --port 8080 serve
If you omit the serve command, or specify --help, hermes
will show help text:
Usage: hermes [options] command [parameters]
-p, --port PORT 8080 Port number
-a, --bind-address BIND_ADDRESS Address to bind
--allowed-origins "*" or ORIGINS Set CORS policy, with "*" or comma-delimited hostnames
-d, --db PATH Path to database directory
--locale LOCALE Locale to use, if different from system
-v, --verbose
-h, --help
import [paths] Import SNOMED distribution files
list [paths] List importable files
download [provider] [opts] Download & install distribution from provider
index Build search index.
compact Compact database
serve Start a terminology server
status Displays status information
Example usage of search endpoint.
curl "http://localhost:8080/v1/snomed/search?s=mnd\&constraint=<64572001&maxHits=5" -H "Accept: application/json" | jq
"id": 486696014,
"conceptId": 37340000,
"term": "MND - Motor neurone disease",
"preferredTerm": "Motor neuron disease"
Here I use the httpie command-line tool:
http -j localhost:8080/v1/snomed/concepts/24700007/extended
The result is an extended concept definition - all the information
needed for inference, logic and display. For example, at the client
level, we can then check whether this is a type of demyelinating disease
or is a disease affecting the central nervous system without further
server round-trips. Each relationship also includes the transitive closure tables for that
relationship, making it easier to execute logical inference.
Note how the list of descriptions includes a convenient
and preferredIn
so you can easily display the preferred
term for your locale. If you provide an Accept-Language header, then
you will also get a preferredDescription that is the best choice for those
language preferences given what is installed.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2021 22:01:13 GMT
"concept": {
"active": true,
"definitionStatusId": 900000000000074008,
"effectiveTime": "2002-01-31",
"id": 24700007,
"moduleId": 900000000000207008
"descriptions": [
"acceptableIn": [],
"active": true,
"caseSignificanceId": 900000000000448009,
"conceptId": 24700007,
"effectiveTime": "2017-07-31",
"id": 41398015,
"languageCode": "en",
"moduleId": 900000000000207008,
"preferredIn": [
"refsets": [
"term": "Multiple sclerosis",
"typeId": 900000000000013009
"acceptableIn": [],
"active": false,
"caseSignificanceId": 900000000000020002,
"conceptId": 24700007,
"effectiveTime": "2002-01-31",
"id": 41399011,
"languageCode": "en",
"moduleId": 900000000000207008,
"preferredIn": [],
"refsets": [],
"term": "Multiple sclerosis, NOS",
"typeId": 900000000000013009
"acceptableIn": [],
"active": false,
"caseSignificanceId": 900000000000020002,
"conceptId": 24700007,
"effectiveTime": "2015-01-31",
"id": 41400016,
"languageCode": "en",
"moduleId": 900000000000207008,
"preferredIn": [],
"refsets": [],
"term": "Generalized multiple sclerosis",
"typeId": 900000000000013009
"acceptableIn": [],
"active": false,
"caseSignificanceId": 900000000000020002,
"conceptId": 24700007,
"effectiveTime": "2015-01-31",
"id": 481990016,
"languageCode": "en",
"moduleId": 900000000000207008,
"preferredIn": [],
"refsets": [],
"term": "Generalised multiple sclerosis",
"typeId": 900000000000013009
"acceptableIn": [],
"active": true,
"caseSignificanceId": 900000000000448009,
"conceptId": 24700007,
"effectiveTime": "2017-07-31",
"id": 754365011,
"languageCode": "en",
"moduleId": 900000000000207008,
"preferredIn": [
"refsets": [
"term": "Multiple sclerosis (disorder)",
"typeId": 900000000000003001
"acceptableIn": [
"active": true,
"caseSignificanceId": 900000000000448009,
"conceptId": 24700007,
"effectiveTime": "2017-07-31",
"id": 1223979019,
"languageCode": "en",
"moduleId": 900000000000207008,
"preferredIn": [],
"refsets": [
"term": "Disseminated sclerosis",
"typeId": 900000000000013009
"acceptableIn": [
"active": true,
"caseSignificanceId": 900000000000017005,
"conceptId": 24700007,
"effectiveTime": "2003-07-31",
"id": 1223980016,
"languageCode": "en",
"moduleId": 900000000000207008,
"preferredIn": [],
"refsets": [
"term": "MS - Multiple sclerosis",
"typeId": 900000000000013009
"acceptableIn": [
"active": true,
"caseSignificanceId": 900000000000017005,
"conceptId": 24700007,
"effectiveTime": "2003-07-31",
"id": 1223981017,
"languageCode": "en",
"moduleId": 900000000000207008,
"preferredIn": [],
"refsets": [
"term": "DS - Disseminated sclerosis",
"typeId": 900000000000013009
"directParentRelationships": {
"116676008": [
"116680003": [
"363698007": [
"370135005": [
"parentRelationships": {
"116676008": [
"116680003": [
"363698007": [
"370135005": [
"refsets": [
Here we use the expression constraint language to search for a term "mnd" ensuring we only receive results that are a type of 'Disease' ("<64572001")
http -j 'localhost:8080/v1/snomed/search?s=mnd\&constraint=<64572001'
http -j 'localhost:8080/v1/snomed/search?s=mnd\&constraint=<64572001'
"conceptId": 37340000,
"id": 486696014,
"preferredTerm": "Motor neuron disease",
"term": "MND - Motor neurone disease"
More complex expressions are supported, and no search term is actually needed.
Let's get all drugs with exactly three active ingredients:
http -j 'localhost:8080/v1/snomed/search?constraint=<373873005|Pharmaceutical / biologic product| : [3..3] 127489000 |Has active ingredient| = < 105590001 |Substance|'
Or, what about all disorders of the lung that are associated with oedema?
http -j 'localhost:8080/v1/snomed/search?constraint= < 19829001 |Disorder of lung| AND < 301867009 |Edema of trunk|'
The ECL can be written in a more concise fashion:
http -j 'localhost:8080/v1/snomed/search?constraint= <19829001 AND <301867009'
There are endpoints for crossmapping to and from SNOMED.
Let's map one of our diagnostic terms into ICD-10:
is multiple sclerosis.999002271000000101
is the ICD-10 UK complex map reference set.http -j localhost:8080/v1/snomed/concepts/24700007/map/999002271000000101
"active": true,
"correlationId": 447561005,
"effectiveTime": "2020-08-05",
"id": "57433204-2371-5c6f-855f-94ff9dad7ba6",
"mapAdvice": "ALWAYS G35.X",
"mapCategoryId": 1,
"mapGroup": 1,
"mapPriority": 1,
"mapRule": "",
"mapTarget": "G35X",
"moduleId": 999000031000000106,
"referencedComponentId": 24700007,
"refsetId": 999002271000000101
And of course, we can crossmap back to SNOMED as well:
http -j localhost:8080/v1/snomed/crossmap/999002271000000101/G35X
If you map a concept into a reference set that doesn't contain that concept, you'll automatically get the best parent matches instead.
Here we have multiple sclerosis (24700007
), and we're mapping into the UK emergency unit
reference set (991411000000109
http -j localhost:8080/v1/snomed/concepts/24700007/map/991411000000109
As multiple sclerosis in that reference set, you'll simply get:
"active": true,
"effectiveTime": "2015-10-01",
"id": "d55ce305-3dcc-5723-8814-cd26486c37f7",
"moduleId": 999000021000000109,
"referencedComponentId": 24700007,
"refsetId": 991411000000109
But what happens if we try something that isn't in that emergency reference set?
Here is 'limbic encephalitis with LGI1 antibodies' (763794005
). It isn't in
that UK emergency unit reference set:
http -j localhost:8080/v1/snomed/concepts/763794005/map/991411000000109
"active": true,
"effectiveTime": "2015-10-01",
"id": "5b3b8cdd-dd02-50e3-b207-bf4a3aa17694",
"moduleId": 999000021000000109,
"referencedComponentId": 45170000,
"refsetId": 991411000000109
You get a more general concept - 'encephalitis' (45170000
) that is in the
emergency unit reference set. This makes it straightforward to map concepts
into subsets of terms as defined by a reference set for analytics.
You can use git coordinates in a deps.edn file, or use maven:
In your deps.edn
file (make sure you change the commit-id):
[ {:git/url ""
:sha "097e3094070587dc9362ca4564401a924bea952c"}
In your pom.xml:
Or, build a library jar (see below)
The terminology server can be embedded into your own applications or, more commonly, you would use as a standalone web service. Further documentation will follow.
clj -M:check
By default, testing includes tests against a real local SNOMED CT datafile named 'snomed.db' in the local directory. This is ideal for development.
However, for automation purposes, you can exclude those tests and rely on tests using synthetic data instead.
clj -M:test # Run all tests
clj -M:test -e :live # Run tests but exclude those needing a real local SNOMED distribution
Additional test coverage reports and linting are also available:
clj -M:test/cloverage
clj -M:lint/kondo
clj -M:lint/eastwood
clj -M:outdated
You can view a complete list of dependencies; try:
clj -X:deps tree
Build the uberjar:
clojure -T:build uber
A library jar contains only hermes-code, and none of the bundled dependencies.
clojure -T:build jar
Or you can install hermes into your local maven repository:
clojure -T:build install
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