ods-weekly is an NHS dataset that supplements the standard ODS dataset. It principally links GP surgeries with general practitioners, with additional tables to support the mapping of GP identifiers to GMC reference numbers.
ods-weekly is an NHS dataset that supplements the standard ODS dataset. It principally links GP surgeries with general practitioners, with additional tables to support the mapping of GP identifiers to GMC reference numbers.
(download {:keys [_db _dir api-key cache-dir] :as params})
Downloads the latest release to create a file-based database. A function designed to used as an exec-fn from deps.edn. Parameters:
The only mandatory parameter is api-key. If ':db' and ':dir' are omitted, the current directory will be used. If ':cache-dir' is omitted, a system 'tmp' directory will be used.
Downloads the latest release to create a file-based database. A function designed to used as an exec-fn from deps.edn. Parameters: - :db - specific name for file-based database - :dir - directory in which a file-based database should be created - :api-key - filename of file containing TRUD API key - :cache-dir - directory for TRUD cache. The only mandatory parameter is api-key. If ':db' and ':dir' are omitted, the current directory will be used. If ':cache-dir' is omitted, a system 'tmp' directory will be used.
(get-organisation-by-code svc organisation-code)
Return data on the 'organisation' specified.
Return data on the 'organisation' specified.
(gp-by-gmc-number svc gmc-number)
Return a sequence of GNC records for the GP with the given GMC number. The NHS Prescription Service use a number called the Doctor’s Index Number or DIN (allocated by the Health and Social Care Information Centre when a doctor first applies to practice in the UK), to derive a GP's first GNC code; this is prefixed with a ‘G’ and suffixed with a check digit. Thereafter however, if a GP begins to work at further practices (i.e. is working within more than one simultaneously), the NHS Prescription Service allocate further codes not based on the DIN. A GP can therefore have multiple GNC codes, one for each practice they work at simultaneously. If a GP completely leaves a practice before joining a new one, and there is no overlap, then the current code will be retained and just the links within the data updated.
Return a sequence of GNC records for the GP with the given GMC number. The NHS Prescription Service use a number called the Doctor’s Index Number or DIN (allocated by the Health and Social Care Information Centre when a doctor first applies to practice in the UK), to derive a GP's first GNC code; this is prefixed with a ‘G’ and suffixed with a check digit. Thereafter however, if a GP begins to work at further practices (i.e. is working within more than one simultaneously), the NHS Prescription Service allocate further codes not based on the DIN. A GP can therefore have multiple GNC codes, one for each practice they work at simultaneously. If a GP completely leaves a practice before joining a new one, and there is no overlap, then the current code will be retained and just the links within the data updated.
(latest-release api-key)
Returns data about the latest release of the ODS weekly TRUD item.
Returns data about the latest release of the ODS weekly TRUD item.
(open-index db)
Open an index, returning an opaque handle that supports java.io.Closeable. Parameters:
Open an index, returning an opaque handle that supports java.io.Closeable. Parameters: - :db - path to ods-weekly index The index must have been initialised and of the correct index version.
(status {:keys [db]})
Return the status of a specific ods-weekly index. A function designed to used as an exec-fn from deps.edn. Parameters:
Return the status of a specific ods-weekly index. A function designed to used as an exec-fn from deps.edn. Parameters: - :db - path to index.
(surgery-gps svc surgery-identifier)
Returns a sequence of general practitioners in the surgery specified.
Returns a sequence of general practitioners in the surgery specified.
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