(expect effect config)
(expect effect composition config)
Asserts modifications specified by config
using the clojure.test
is a Clojure form representing the effect to test.
is a collection of declarations, each of which consists of:
The observable is an expression and is declared by one of the following keys:
key | use when the value of the observable is expected |
:to-change | to change with the effect |
:to-not-change | to remain unchanged by the effect |
:to-conjoin | to be a collection which the effect conjoins to |
:to-pop | to be a collection which the effect pops |
Assertions are bound to checkpoints. Each observable has two checkpoints:
Assertions are declared by the following keys:
key | description |
:from | b-val |
:from-fn | predicate to assert on b-val |
:from-lt | non-inclusive upper bound of b-val |
:from-lte | inclusive upper bound of b-val |
:from-gt | non-inclusive lower bound of b-val |
:from-gte | inclusive lower bound of b-val |
:from-not | value which b-val is expected to not be equal to |
:from-within | radius declaration vector (see example below) on b-val |
:to | a-val |
:to-fn | predicate to assert on a-val |
:to-lt | non-inclusive upper bound of a-val |
:to-lte | inclusive upper bound of a-val |
:to-gt | non-inclusive lower bound of a-val |
:to-gte | inclusive lower bound of a-val |
:to-not | value which a-val is expected to not be equal to |
:to-within | radius declaration vector (see example below) on a-val |
:by | numerical difference between b-val and a-val |
:by-fn | predicate to assert on numerical difference between |
b-val and a-val | |
:times | number of times to pop b-val collection |
(let [x (atom 10)]
(expect (swap! x inc)
[{:to-change @x
:from 0
:to 1}]))
The above expands to the following:
(let [x (atom 10)]
(let [before-0 @x
_ (swap! x inc)
after-0 @x]
(is (= 0 before-0) ":from check failed")
(is (= 1 after-0) ":to check failed")))
(let [x (atom [:a :b :c])]
(expect (swap! x pop)
[{:to-change (count @x) :by -1}]))
The above expands to the following:
(let [x (atom [:a :b :c])]
(let [before-0 (count @x)
_ (swap! x pop)
after-0 (count @x)]
(is (= -1 (- after-0 before-0)) ":by check failed")))
(let [x (atom "ABC")]
(expect (swap! x clojure.string/upper-case)
[{:to-change (count @x) :from 3 :to 4}
{:to-not-change @x}]))
The above expands to the following:
(let [x (atom "ABC")]
(let [before-0 (count @x)
before-1 @x
_ (swap! x clojure.string/upper-case)
after-0 (count @x)
after-1 @x]
(is (or (and (= 3 before-0)
(= 4 after-0))
(= after-1 before-1)))))
(let [x (atom 0)]
(expect (swap! x inc)
[{:to-change @x :from-within [0.6 :of -0.05]}]))
The above expands to the following:
(let [x (atom 0)]
(let [before-0 @x
_ (swap! x inc)
after-0 @x]
(is (>= 0.6 (java.lang.Math/abs (- before-0 -0.05)))
":from-within check failed")))
(let [x (atom [-2 -1])]
(expect (reset! x [-2 -1 0 1 2])
[{:to-conjoin @x :with [zero? 1 even?]}]))
The above expands to the following:
(let [x (atom [1 2])]
(let [before-0 @x
_ (reset! x [1 2 3 4 5])
after-0 @x]
(is (= after-0 (conj before-0 3 4 5)) ":with check failed")))
(let [x (atom [-2 -1])]
(expect (reset! x [-2 -1 0 1 2])
[{:to-conjoin @x :with-fn [zero? odd? even?]}]))
The above expands to the following:
(let [x (atom [-2 -1])]
(let [before-0 @x
_ (reset! x [-2 -1 0 1 2])
after-0 @x]
(is (= before-0 (pop (pop (pop after-0)))) ":with-fn check failed")
(is (zero? (peek (pop (pop after-0)))) ":with-fn check failed")
(is (odd? (peek (pop after-0))) ":with-fn check failed")
(is (even? (peek after-0)) ":with-fn check failed")))
Asserts modifications specified by `config` using the `clojure.test` API. `effect` is a Clojure form representing the effect to test. `config` is a collection of declarations, each of which consists of: * an **observable** * one or more **assertions** on the observable The observable is an expression and is declared by one of the following keys: | key | use when the value of the observable is expected | | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | | :to-change | to change with the effect | | :to-not-change | to remain unchanged by the effect | | :to-conjoin | to be a collection which the effect conjoins to | | :to-pop | to be a collection which the effect pops | Assertions are bound to **checkpoints**. Each observable has two checkpoints: * **before** the effect (**b-val**) * **after** the effect (**a-val**) Assertions are declared by the following keys: | key | description | | ------------ | --------------------------------------------------------- | | :from | b-val | | :from-fn | predicate to assert on b-val | | :from-lt | non-inclusive upper bound of b-val | | :from-lte | inclusive upper bound of b-val | | :from-gt | non-inclusive lower bound of b-val | | :from-gte | inclusive lower bound of b-val | | :from-not | value which b-val is expected to not be equal to | | :from-within | radius declaration vector (see example below) on b-val | | :to | a-val | | :to-fn | predicate to assert on a-val | | :to-lt | non-inclusive upper bound of a-val | | :to-lte | inclusive upper bound of a-val | | :to-gt | non-inclusive lower bound of a-val | | :to-gte | inclusive lower bound of a-val | | :to-not | value which a-val is expected to not be equal to | | :to-within | radius declaration vector (see example below) on a-val | | :by | numerical difference between b-val and a-val | | :by-fn | predicate to assert on numerical difference between | | | b-val and a-val |. | | :times | number of times to pop b-val collection | **Examples**: ``` clojure (let [x (atom 10)] (expect (swap! x inc) [{:to-change @x :from 0 :to 1}])) ``` The above expands to the following: ``` clojure (let [x (atom 10)] (let [before-0 @x _ (swap! x inc) after-0 @x] (is (= 0 before-0) ":from check failed") (is (= 1 after-0) ":to check failed"))) ``` --- ``` clojure (let [x (atom [:a :b :c])] (expect (swap! x pop) [{:to-change (count @x) :by -1}])) ``` The above expands to the following: ``` clojure (let [x (atom [:a :b :c])] (let [before-0 (count @x) _ (swap! x pop) after-0 (count @x)] (is (= -1 (- after-0 before-0)) ":by check failed"))) ``` --- ``` clojure (let [x (atom "ABC")] (expect (swap! x clojure.string/upper-case) :any [{:to-change (count @x) :from 3 :to 4} {:to-not-change @x}])) ``` The above expands to the following: ``` clojure (let [x (atom "ABC")] (let [before-0 (count @x) before-1 @x _ (swap! x clojure.string/upper-case) after-0 (count @x) after-1 @x] (is (or (and (= 3 before-0) (= 4 after-0)) (= after-1 before-1))))) ``` --- ``` clojure (let [x (atom 0)] (expect (swap! x inc) [{:to-change @x :from-within [0.6 :of -0.05]}])) ``` The above expands to the following: ``` clojure (let [x (atom 0)] (let [before-0 @x _ (swap! x inc) after-0 @x] (is (>= 0.6 (java.lang.Math/abs (- before-0 -0.05))) ":from-within check failed"))) ``` --- ``` clojure (let [x (atom [-2 -1])] (expect (reset! x [-2 -1 0 1 2]) [{:to-conjoin @x :with [zero? 1 even?]}])) ``` The above expands to the following: ``` clojure (let [x (atom [1 2])] (let [before-0 @x _ (reset! x [1 2 3 4 5]) after-0 @x] (is (= after-0 (conj before-0 3 4 5)) ":with check failed"))) ``` --- ``` clojure (let [x (atom [-2 -1])] (expect (reset! x [-2 -1 0 1 2]) [{:to-conjoin @x :with-fn [zero? odd? even?]}])) ``` The above expands to the following: ``` clojure (let [x (atom [-2 -1])] (let [before-0 @x _ (reset! x [-2 -1 0 1 2]) after-0 @x] (is (= before-0 (pop (pop (pop after-0)))) ":with-fn check failed") (is (zero? (peek (pop (pop after-0)))) ":with-fn check failed") (is (odd? (peek (pop after-0))) ":with-fn check failed") (is (even? (peek after-0)) ":with-fn check failed"))) ```
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