-style expect { ... }.to change
assertions for Clojure.
Use the expect
macro to string up any number of assertions with respect to a given Clojure form. Assertions are grouped by expressions - use :to-change
, :to-not-change
, :to-conjoin
and :to-pop
to specify expressions.
Multiple expressions may be specified. By default, expect
generates code which asserts that they all hold. You may use the keyword :any
(see example below) to specify that one or more of them hold.
(let [x (atom 0)]
(expect (swap! x inc)
[{:to-change @x
:from 0
:to 1}]))
The above expands to the following:
(let [x (atom 0)]
(let [before-0 @x
_ (swap! x inc)
after-0 @x]
(is (= 0 before-0) ":from check failed")
(is (= 1 after-0) ":to check failed")))
(let [x (atom [:a :b :c])]
(expect (swap! x pop)
[{:to-change (count @x) :by -1}]))
The above expands to the following:
(let [before-0 (count @x)
_ (swap! x pop)
after-0 (count @x)]
(is (= -1 (- after-0 before-0)) ":by check failed"))
(let [x (atom "ABC")]
(expect (swap! x clojure.string/upper-case)
[{:to-change (count @x) :from 3 :to 4}
{:to-not-change @x}]))
The above expands to the following:
(let [x (atom "ABC")]
(let [before-0 (count @x)
before-1 @x
_ (swap! x clojure.string/upper-case)
after-0 (count @x)
after-1 @x]
(is (or (and (= 3 before-0)
(= 4 after-0))
(= after-1 before-1)))))
, :to-fn
and :by-fn
are to be assigned a function. In that case, we assert the result of applying the function to the corresponding checkpoint:
(let [x (atom 1)]
(expect (swap! x inc)
[{:to-change @x :from-fn odd? :to-fn even?}]))
The above expands to the following:
(let [before-0 @x
_ (swap! x inc)
after-0 @x]
(is (odd? before-0) ":from-fn check failed")
(is (even? after-0) ":to-fn check failed"))
/ :to-within
let us assert that a checkpoint lies within some continuous numerical range. Use them with a [radius :of origin]
vector as follows:
(let [x (atom 0)]
(expect (swap! x inc)
[{:to-change @x :from-within [0.6 :of -0.05]}]))
The above expands to the following:
(let [x (atom 0)]
(let [before-0 @x
_ (swap! x inc)
after-0 @x]
(is (>= 0.6 (java.lang.Math/abs (- before-0 -0.05)))
":from-within check failed")))
Assert growth of sequential collections with :to-conjoin
(let [x (atom [1 2])]
(expect (reset! x [1 2 3 4 5])
[{:to-conjoin @x :with [3 4 5]}]))
The above expands to the following:
(let [x (atom [1 2])]
(let [before-0 @x
_ (reset! x [1 2 3 4 5])
after-0 @x]
(is (= after-0 (conj before-0 3 4 5)) ":with check failed")))
Alternatively, provide :with-fn
with predicates to apply:
(let [x (atom [-2 -1])]
(expect (reset! x [-2 -1 0 1 2])
[{:to-conjoin @x :with-fn [zero? odd? even?]}]))
The above expands to the following:
(let [x (atom [-2 -1])]
(let [before-0 @x
_ (reset! x [-2 -1 0 1 2])
after-0 @x]
(is (= before-0 (pop (pop (pop after-0)))) ":with-fn check failed")
(is (zero? (peek (pop (pop after-0)))) ":with-fn check failed")
(is (odd? (peek (pop after-0))) ":with-fn check failed")
(is (even? (peek after-0)) ":with-fn check failed")))
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