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A Clojure namespace dependency analyzer.


Add [com.fabiodomingues/clj-depend "0.1.0"] to :plugins.

$ lein clj-depend

In case any cyclic dependency is found the analysis will fail with the error message: Circular dependency between "foo" and "bar".

Exit codes

  • 0: no violations were found
  • 1: one or more violations were found
  • 2: error during analysis


To let clj-depend know the existing layers in your application and the allowed dependencies between these layers, create a .clj-depend directory at the root of the project and inside it a config.edn file.

Layer Checks

Diagram to exemplify the dependency between layers:

graph TD
    A[foo.controller] --> B[foo.logic]
    A --> C[foo.model]
    B --> C

Configuration file (.clj-depend/config.edn) for diagram above:

{:layers {:controller {:defined-by         ".*\\.controller\\..*"
                       :accessed-by-layers #{}}
          :logic      {:defined-by         ".*\\.logic\\..*"
                       :accessed-by-layers #{:controller}}
          :model      {:defined-by         ".*\\.model\\..*"
                       :accessed-by-layers #{:logic :controller}}}}

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