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ADR 1: Use tools.namespace

Date: 2022-03-21

Status: Accepted


To have the dependencies of each namespace in a project it is necessary to parse these declarations from source file, and for that we look at three options:

  • Use combined with the read function to read clojure file, find ns form and then parse its contents (how ns-graph works).
  • Use analysis data provided by clj-kondo which serves just to enable writing tools and linters that are not yet in clj-kondo itself.
  • Use tools.namespace that was created and is maintained by the clojure team for the purpose of being a toolset for managing namespaces in Clojure.


We will use tools.namespace because it is a set of specific tools for our need.


  • tool.namespace also has a dependency graph data structure that is useful for dependency analysis.
  • We don't need to maintain our own parsing algorithm.
  • We don't force our users to use clj-kondo if they don't want to.
  • Keep the design as simple and performant as possible.

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