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(publish! broker msg)

Publishes msg to subscribers, who will be notified asynchronously. msg must not be nil. Returns true unless broker is stopped.

Under high load, this will block the caller to respect back-pressure. As such, this should not be called from (go ...) blocks. When blocking is not desired, use core.async/put! on the channel returned by publish-chan, or install a windowed buffer using the :buf-or-n option of start to drop messages under high load.

Publishes `msg` to subscribers, who will be notified asynchronously.
`msg` must not be `nil`.  Returns `true` unless `broker` is stopped.

Under high load, this will block the caller to respect back-pressure.
As such, this should not be called from `(go ...)` blocks.
When blocking is not desired, use `core.async/put!` on the channel
returned by [[publish-chan]], or install a windowed buffer using the
`:buf-or-n` option of [[start]] to drop messages under high load.
sourceraw docstring


(publish-chan broker)

Returns the channel used for publishing messages to the broker.

Intended for publishing from a (go ...) block or advanced usage such as bulk publishing / piping into the broker.

Closing the returned channel will stop the broker.

Returns the channel used for publishing messages to the broker.

Intended for publishing from a `(go ...)` block or advanced usage
such as bulk publishing / piping into the broker.

Closing the returned channel will stop the broker.
sourceraw docstring


(shutdown! broker)
(shutdown! broker timeout-ms)

Stops the broker and waits for all messages to be processed, or timeout-ms to pass. Returns true when successfully stopped, or false on timeout.

Stops the broker and waits for all messages to be processed, or `timeout-ms`
to pass.  Returns `true` when successfully stopped, or `false` on timeout.
sourceraw docstring


(start opts)

Starts a broker.

Supported options:

  • :topic-fn - function used to determine the topic of an incoming message for subscribe. Defaults to first, expecting messages to be vectors [topic payload...].
  • :xform - a transducer to transform/filter messages as they are published. Should not throw exceptions and must not produce nil messages.
  • :buf-or-n - core.async buffer to use for the publish channel. Defaults to a large fixed-size buffer (1024).
  • :buf-fn - function to create core.async buffers for subscribing functions. By default, uses small fixed-size buffers (8).
  • :error-fn - when a subscribing function throws an exception, this function will be called with two arguments: the exception and a map with keys :broker, :fn, and :msg. With no :error-fn (default), exceptions are passed to the current thread's UncaughtExceptionHandler.
  • :exec - default subscription execution type -- see subscribe.
Starts a broker.

Supported options:
* `:topic-fn` - function used to determine the topic of an incoming message
  for [[subscribe]].  Defaults to `first`, expecting messages to be vectors
  `[topic payload...]`.
* `:xform` - a transducer to transform/filter messages as they are published.
  Should not throw exceptions and must not produce `nil` messages.
* `:buf-or-n` - `core.async` buffer to use for the publish channel.  Defaults
  to a large fixed-size buffer (`1024`).
* `:buf-fn` - function to create `core.async` buffers for subscribing
  functions.  By default, uses small fixed-size buffers (`8`).
* `:error-fn` - when a subscribing function throws an exception, this function
  will be called with two arguments: the exception and a map with keys
  `:broker`, `:fn`, and `:msg`.  With no `:error-fn` (default), exceptions are
  passed to the current thread's `UncaughtExceptionHandler`.
* `:exec` - default subscription execution type -- see [[subscribe]].
sourceraw docstring


(stop! broker)

Stops the broker, closing all internal async channels. After that, the broker will no longer accept messages. Any priorly published messages will still be delivered. Can be called multiple times. Returns nil.

Stops the broker, closing all internal async channels.
After that, the broker will no longer accept messages.  Any priorly
published messages will still be delivered.  Can be called multiple
times.  Returns `nil`.
sourceraw docstring


(stop-chan broker)

Returns a channel that will close when the broker stops and all pending messages are processed by the subscribers. Can be used to block for a graceful shutdown.

Returns a channel that will close when the broker stops and all
pending messages are processed by the subscribers.  Can be used
to block for a graceful shutdown.
sourceraw docstring


(subscribe broker f)
(subscribe broker f opts)
(subscribe broker topic f)
(subscribe broker topic f opts)

Subscribes to messages from the broker.

When a topic is given, subscribes only to messages of this topic. topic can also be a sequence of multiple topics to subscribe to. Without topic, subscribes to all messages.

If f is a channel, it is the caller's responsibility to read messages asynchronously, and making sure that the JVM process waits for the consumer process to finish.

Options, only when f is a function:

  • :exec - subscription execution type:
    • :sequential (default) - call f in a separate thread, one message at a time
    • :go - call f in a (go ...) block, one message at a time
    • :pipeline, :blocking - call f in a core.async pipeline, with parallelism according to the :parallel option
    • :async - call f in an async pipeline. f is expected to start an asynchronous process and return immediately. It must accept a second argument: an unary function to signal the event has been handled.
  • :parallel - how many parallel calls to allow when :type is a pipeline (default: 1)
  • :chan - a custom channel to use for the subscription. Useful to fine tune the buffer or to use a transducer on the channel.
Subscribes to messages from the broker.

When a `topic` is given, subscribes only to messages of this topic.
`topic` can also be a sequence of multiple topics to subscribe to.
Without `topic`, subscribes to all messages.

If `f` is a channel, it is the caller's responsibility to read messages
asynchronously, and making sure that the JVM process waits for the consumer
process to finish.

Options, only when `f` is a function:
* `:exec` - subscription execution type:
  * `:sequential` (default) - call `f` in a separate thread, one message at
    a time
  * `:go` - call `f` in a `(go ...)` block, one message at a time
  * `:pipeline`, `:blocking` - call `f` in a `core.async` pipeline, with
    parallelism according to the `:parallel` option
  * `:async` - call `f` in an async pipeline.  `f` is expected to start an
    asynchronous process and return immediately.  It must accept a second
    argument: an unary function to signal the event has been handled.
* `:parallel` - how many parallel calls to allow when `:type` is a pipeline
   (default: `1`)
* `:chan` - a custom channel to use for the subscription.  Useful to fine
  tune the buffer or to use a transducer on the channel.
sourceraw docstring


(unsubscribe broker f)
(unsubscribe broker topic f)

Unsubscribes a function or channel. If a topic is given, unsubscribes only from this topic. Otherwise, unsubscribes from all topics, i.e. clears all subscriptions from subscribe.

If f is not a subscriber, this is a no-op. Returns nil.

Unsubscribes a function or channel.
If a `topic` is given, unsubscribes only from this topic.  Otherwise,
unsubscribes from all topics, i.e. clears all subscriptions from

If `f` is not a subscriber, this is a no-op.  Returns `nil`.
sourceraw docstring


(unsubscribe-all broker)
(unsubscribe-all broker topic)

Unsubscribes all subscribers. When a topic is given, only subscribers to the given topic will be unsubscribed. Returns nil.

Unsubscribes all subscribers.
When a `topic` is given, only subscribers to the given topic will be
unsubscribed.  Returns `nil`.
sourceraw docstring

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