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(*satisfy pred)

Returns a parser that parses a sequence of zero or more characters satisfying pred, and returns them as a string.

Similar to:

  • fparsec: manySatisfy
Returns a parser that parses a sequence of zero or more characters
satisfying `pred`, and returns them as a string.

Similar to:
- fparsec: `manySatisfy`
sourceraw docstring


(*skip-satisfy pred)

Like *satisfy, but returns nil.

Like `*satisfy`, but returns `nil`.
sourceraw docstring


This parser skips over zero or more space characters.

Similar to:

  • fparsec: spaces
This parser skips over zero or more space characters.

Similar to:
- fparsec: `spaces`
sourceraw docstring


(*str p)

Returns a parser that matches p zero or more times and returns a string of the concatenated results of p.

Similar to:

  • fparsec: manyChars, manyStrings
Returns a parser that matches `p` zero or more times and returns a string of
the concatenated results of `p`.

Similar to:
- fparsec: `manyChars`, `manyStrings`
sourceraw docstring


(*str-until p pend)
(*str-until p pend include-end?)

Returns a parser that repeatedly applies the parser p for as long as pend fails (without changing the parser state). It returns a string concatenation of the results returned by p.

When include-end? is true, also includes the result of pend in the returned collection.

Similar to:

  • fparsec: manyCharsTill
Returns a parser that repeatedly applies the parser `p` for as long
as `pend` fails (without changing the parser state).  It returns a string
concatenation of the results returned by `p`.

When `include-end?` is true, also includes the result of `pend` in the
returned collection.

Similar to:
- fparsec: `manyCharsTill`
sourceraw docstring


(+satisfy pred)

Like *satisfy, but requires pred to succeed at least once.

Similar to:

  • fparsec: many1Satisfy
Like `*satisfy`, but requires `pred` to succeed at least once.

Similar to:
- fparsec: `many1Satisfy`
sourceraw docstring


(+skip-satisfy pred)
(+skip-satisfy pred label)

Like +satisfy, but returns nil.

Like `+satisfy`, but returns `nil`.
sourceraw docstring


This parser skips over one or more space characters.

Similar to:

  • fparsec: spaces1
This parser skips over one or more space characters.

Similar to:
- fparsec: `spaces1`
sourceraw docstring


(+str p)

Like *str, but requires p to match at least ocne.

Similar to:

  • fparsec: many1Chars, many1Strings
Like `*str`, but requires `p` to match at least ocne.

Similar to:
- fparsec: `many1Chars`, `many1Strings`
sourceraw docstring


(+str-until p pend)
(+str-until p pend include-end?)

Like *str-until, but requires p to succeed at least once.

Similar to:

  • fparsec: many1CharsTill
Like `*str-until`, but requires `p` to succeed at least once.

Similar to:
- fparsec: `many1CharsTill`
sourceraw docstring




(any-of s)

Returns a parser that succeeds if the next character in the input stream is contained in the string s.

Returns a parser that succeeds if the next character in the input stream
is contained in the string `s`.
sourceraw docstring








(char ch)

Returns a parser that succeeds if ch comes next in the input stream and returns the character ch.

Similar to:

  • fparsec: pchar
Returns a parser that succeeds if `ch` comes next in the input stream and
returns the character `ch`.

Similar to:
- fparsec: `pchar`
sourceraw docstring


(char-range min-ch max-ch)
(char-range min-ch max-ch label)

Returns a parser that succeeds if the next character in the input stream is within the range [min-ch max-ch] (inclusive).

Example: (char-range \a \z) matches a lower-case ASCII character.

Returns a parser that succeeds if the next character in the
input stream is within the range `[min-ch max-ch]` (inclusive).

Example: `(char-range \a \z)` matches a lower-case ASCII character.
sourceraw docstring


(char-return ch value)

Returns a parser that succeeds if ch comes next in the input stream, returning value.

Returns a parser that succeeds if `ch` comes next in the input stream,
returning `value`.
sourceraw docstring


(column-index pos)

Returns the column index of the position pos. The first column index is 0.

Returns the column index of the position `pos`.  The first column index is 0.
sourceraw docstring


Parses a decimal digit.

Parses a decimal digit.
sourceraw docstring


Parses a hexadecimal digit.

Parses a hexadecimal digit.
sourceraw docstring


Parses a letter character.

Parses a letter character.
sourceraw docstring


(line-index pos)

Returns the line index of the position pos. The first line index is 0.

Returns the line index of the position `pos`.  The first line index is 0.
sourceraw docstring


Parses a lower-case letter character.

Parses a lower-case letter character.
sourceraw docstring


Parses a common newline sequence: \n, \r, or \r\n, normalizing the return value to \n.

Parses a common newline sequence: `\n`, `\r`,
or `\r\n`, normalizing the return value to `\n`.
sourceraw docstring


(newline-return value)

Returns a parser that matches a newline sequence and returns x.

Returns a parser that matches a newline sequence and returns `x`.
sourceraw docstring


(none-of s)

Returns a parser that succeeds if the next character in the input stream is not contained in the string s.

Returns a parser that succeeds if the next character in the input stream
is not contained in the string `s`.
sourceraw docstring


Parses an octal digit.

Parses an octal digit.
sourceraw docstring


(peek-char ch)

Returns a parser that succeeds if the character ch comes next, without changing parser state.

Returns a parser that succeeds if the character `ch` comes next, without
changing parser state.
sourceraw docstring


(position source reply)

This parser returns the current position in the input stream.

This parser returns the current position in the input stream.
sourceraw docstring


(regex re)
(regex re label)

Returns a parser that matches the regular expression pattern re at the current source position and returns the matched string.

Returns a parser that matches the regular expression pattern `re` at the
current source position and returns the matched string.
sourceraw docstring


(regex-groups re)
(regex-groups re label)

Returns a parser that matches the regular expression pattern re at the current source position and returns the matched string or a vector of groups like re-groups.

Returns a parser that matches the regular expression pattern `re`
at the current source position and returns the matched string or a vector of
groups like `re-groups`.
sourceraw docstring


(satisfy pred)
(satisfy pred label)

Returns a parser that succeeds if the next character in the input stream satisfies the predicate pred, and returns the accepted character. Otherwise, the parser fails without changing the parser state.

Returns a parser that succeeds if the next character in the input
stream satisfies the predicate `pred`, and returns the accepted character.
Otherwise, the parser fails without changing the parser state.
sourceraw docstring




(skip-char ch)




(skipped p)

Returns a parser that applies the parser p and returns the skipped source characters as a string (ignoring the result of p).

Returns a parser that applies the parser `p` and returns the skipped source
characters as a string (ignoring the result of `p`).
sourceraw docstring


This parser matches a common whitespace character: space, tabulator, newline or carriage return.

This parser matches a common whitespace character: space, tabulator,
newline or carriage return.
sourceraw docstring


(strcat & ps)

Returns a parser that applies the parsers ps in sequence and returns the string concatenation of their return values

Returns a parser that applies the parsers `ps` in sequence and returns
the string concatenation of their return values
sourceraw docstring


(string s)

Returns a parser that succeeds if the string s comes next in the input stream.

This parser is atomic: it does not change the input state when only a prefix of s matches.

As an optimisation, this parser skips line tracking, therefore s cannot contain newlines.

Similar to:

  • fparsec: pstring
Returns a parser that succeeds if the string `s` comes next in the input

This parser is atomic: it does not change the input state when only a prefix
of `s` matches.

As an optimisation, this parser skips line tracking, therefore `s` cannot
contain newlines.

Similar to:
- fparsec: `pstring`
sourceraw docstring


(string-ci s)

Like string, but matches s case-insensitive.

Like `string`, but matches `s` case-insensitive.
sourceraw docstring


(string-return s x)

Like (return (string s) x).

Like `(return (string s) x)`.
sourceraw docstring


This parser matches a tabulator character.

This parser matches a tabulator character.
sourceraw docstring


Parses any Unicode newline sequence and returns \n.

Parses any Unicode newline sequence and returns `\n`.
sourceraw docstring


This parser matches any Unicode whitespace character.

This parser matches any Unicode whitespace character.
sourceraw docstring


Parses an upper-case letter character.

Parses an upper-case letter character.
sourceraw docstring

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