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(is-allowed {{user :user} :session-data http-request :request :as state})
(is-allowed {{user :user} :session-data
             roles :acl/roles
             {method :request-method} :request
             :as state}
            {:keys [role privilege resource] :as access})

Checks if the user is able to do an action on a resource. Returns xiana/ok when it is, and extends [:response-data :acl] with the :over of ownership check. When the user has no access, returns xiana/error or executes ((:or-else access) state) if it's provided. If any key is missing from 'access' it's resolved like:

  • role from user
  • resource from URI (/users/ -> "users")
  • and privilege from request method:
Checks if the user is able to do an action on a resource.
Returns xiana/ok when it is, and extends [:response-data :acl] with the :over of ownership check.
When the user has no access, returns xiana/error or executes ((:or-else access) state) if it's provided.
If any key is missing from 'access' it's resolved like:
- role from user
- resource from URI (/users/ -> "users")
- and privilege from request method:

|req:    | action: |
|------- |---------|
|:get    | :read   |
|:post   | :update |
|:put    | :create |
|:delete | :delete |
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