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Login implementation

Xiana framework does not have any login or logout functions, as every application has its own user management logic. Though Xiana offers all the tools to easily implement them. One of the default interceptors is the session interceptor. If included, it can validate a request only if the session already exists in session storage. To log in a user, simply add its session data to the storage. (TODO: where? What is the exact key to modify?). All sessions should have a unique UUID as session-id. The active session lives under (-> state :session-data). On every request, before reaching the action defined by the route, the interceptor checks [:headers :session-id] among other things. Which is the id of the current session. The session is then loaded in session storage. If the id is not found, the execution flow is interrupted with the response:

{:status 401
 :body   "Invalid or missing session"}

To implement login, you need to use the session interceptor in

(let [;; Create a unique ID
      session-id (UUID/randomUUID)]
  ;; Store a new session in session storage
  (add! session-storage session-id {:session-id session-id})
  ;; Make sure session-id is part of the response
  (xiana/ok (assoc-in state [:response :headers :session-id] (str session-id))))

or use the guest-session interceptor, which creates a guest session for unknown, or missing sessions.

For role-based access control, you need to store the actual user in your session data. First, you'll have to query it from the database. It is best placed in models/user namespace. Here's an example:

(defn fetch-query
  (let [login (-> state :request :body-params :login)]
    (-> (select :*)
        (from :users)
        (where [:and
                 [:= :email login]
                 [:= :username login]]]))))

To execute it, place db-access interceptor in the interceptors list. It injects the query result into the state. If you already have this injected, you can modify your create session function like this:

(let [;; Get user from database result
      user (-> state :response-data :db-data first)
      ;; Create session
      session-id (UUID/randomUUID)]
  ;; Store the new session in session storage. Notice the addition of user. 
  (add! session-storage session-id (assoc user :session-id session-id))
  ;; Make sure session-id is part of the response
  (xiana/ok (assoc-in state [:response :headers :session-id] (str session-id))))

Be sure to remove user's password and any other sensitive information before storing it:

(let [;; Get user from database result
      user (-> state
               ;; Remove password for session storage
               (dissoc :users/password))
      ;; Create session id
      session-id (UUID/randomUUID)]
  ;; Store the new session in session storage
  (add! session-storage session-id (assoc user :session-id session-id))
  ;; Make sure session-id is part of the response
  (xiana/ok (assoc-in state [:response :headers :session-id] (str session-id))))

Next, we check if the credentials are correct, so we use an if statement.

(if (valid-credentials?)
  (let [;; Get user from database result
        user (-> state
                 ;; Remove password for session storage
                 (dissoc :users/password))
        ;; Create session ID
        session-id (UUID/randomUUID)]
    ;; Store the new session in session storage
    (add! session-storage session-id (assoc user :session-id session-id))
    ;; Make sure session-id is part of the response
    (xiana/ok (assoc-in state [:response :headers :session-id] (str session-id))))
  (xiana/error (assoc state :response {:status 401
                                       :body   "Login failed"})))

Xiana provides framework.auth.hash to check user credentials:

(defn- valid-credentials?
  "It checks that the password provided by the user matches the encrypted password from the database."
  (let [user-provided-pass (-> state :request :body-params :password)
        db-stored-pass (-> state :response-data :db-data first :users/password)]
    (and user-provided-pass
         (hash/check state user-provided-pass db-stored-pass))))

The login logic is done, but where to place it?

Do you remember the side effect interceptor? It's running after we have the query result from the database, and before the final response is rendered with the view interceptor. The place for the function defined above is in the interceptor chain. How does it go there? Let's see an action

(defn action
    (assoc state :side-effect side-effects/login)))

This is the place for injecting the database query, too:

(defn action
    (assoc state :side-effect side-effects/login
                 :query model/fetch-query)))

But some tiny thing is still missing. The definition of the response in the all-ok case. A happy path response.

(defn login-success
  (let [id (-> state :response-data :db-data first :users/id)]
    (-> (assoc-in state [:response :body]
                  {:view-type "login"
                   :data      {:login   "succeed"
                               :user-id id}})
        (assoc-in [:response :status] 200)

And finally the view is injected in the action function:

(defn action
    (assoc state :side-effect side-effects/login
                 :view view/login-success
                 :query model/fetch-query)))

Logout implementation

To do a logout is much easier than a login implementation. The session-interceptor does half of the work, and if you have a running session, then it will not complain. The only thing you should do is to remove the actual session from the state and from session storage. Something like this:

(defn logout
  (let [session-store (get-in state [:deps :session-backend])
        session-id (get-in state [:session-data :session-id])]
    (session/delete! session-store session-id)
    (xiana/ok (dissoc state :session-data))))

Add the ok response

(defn logout-view
  (xiana/ok (-> (assoc-in state [:response :body]
                          {:view-type "logout"
                           :data      {:logout "succeed"}})
                (assoc-in [:response :status] 200))))

and use it:

(defn logout
  (let [session-store (get-in state [:deps :session-backend])
        session-id (get-in state [:session-data :session-id])]
    (session/delete! session-store session-id)
    (xiana/ok (-> (dissoc state :session-data)
                  (assoc :view views/logout-view)))))

Access and data ownership control

RBAC is a handy way to restrict user actions on different resources. It's a role-based access control and helps you to implement data ownership control. The rbac/interceptor should be placed inside db-access.

Role set definition

For tiny-RBAC you should provide a role-set. It's a map which defines the application resources, the actions on it, the roles with the different granted actions, and restrictions for data ownership control. This map must be placed in deps.

Here's an example role-set for an image service:

(def role-set
  (-> (b/add-resource {} :image)
      (b/add-action :image [:upload :download :delete])
      (b/add-role :guest)
      (b/add-inheritance :member :guest)
      (b/add-permission :guest :image :download :all)
      (b/add-permission :member :image :upload :all)
      (b/add-permission :member :image :delete :own)))

It defines a role-set with:

  • an :image resource,
  • :upload :download :delete actions on :image resource
  • a :guest role, who can download all the images
  • a :member role, who inherits all of :guest's roles, can upload :all images, and delete :own images.

Provide resource/action at routing

The resource and action can be defined on route definition. The RBAC interceptor will check permissions against what is defined here:

(def routes
  [["/api" {:handler handler-fn}
    ["/image" {:get    {:action     get-image
                        :permission :image/download}
               :put    {:action     add-image
                        :permission :image/upload}
               :delete {:action     delete-image
                        :permission :image/delete}}]]])

Application start-up

(def role-set
  (-> (b/add-resource {} :image)
      (b/add-action :image [:upload :download :delete])
      (b/add-role :guest)
      (b/add-inheritance :member :guest)
      (b/add-permission :guest :image :download :all)
      (b/add-permission :member :image :upload :all)
      (b/add-permission :member :image :delete :own)))

(def routes
  [["/api" {:handler handler-fn}
    ["/login" {:action       login
               :interceptors {:except [session/interceptor]}}]
    ["/image" {:get    {:action     get-image
                        :permission :image/download}
               :put    {:action     add-image
                        :permission :image/upload}
               :delete {:action     delete-image
                        :permission :image/delete}}]]])

(defn ->system
  (-> (config/config)
      (merge app-cfg)

(def app-cfg
  {:routes                  routes
   :role-set                role-set
   :controller-interceptors [interceptors/params

(defn -main
  [& _args]
  (->system app-cfg))

Access control


  • role-set in (-> state :deps :role-set)
  • route definition has :permission key
  • user's role is in (-> state :session-data :users/role)

If the :permission key is missing, all requests are going to be granted. If role-set or :users/role is missing, all requests are going to be denied.

When rbac/interceptor :enter is executed, it checks if the user has any permission on the pre-defined resource/action pair. If there is any, it collects all of them (including inherited permissions) into a set of format: :resource/restriction.

For example:


means the given user is granted the permission to do the given action on :own :image resource. This will help you to implement data ownership functions. This set is associated in (-> state :request-data :user-permissions)

If user cannot perform the given action on the given resource (neither by inheritance nor by direct permission), the interceptor will interrupt the execution flow with the response:

{:status 403
 :body   "Forbidden"}

Data ownership

Data ownership control is about restricting database results only to the elements on which the user is able to perform the given action. In the context of the example above, it means :members are able to delete only the owned :images. At this point, you can use the result of the access control from the state. Continuing with the same example.

From this generic query

{:delete [:*]
 :from   [:images]
 :where  [:= :id (get-in state [:params :image-id])]}

you want to switch to something like this:

{:delete [:*]
 :from   [:images]
 :where  [:and
          [:= :id (get-in state [:params :image-id])]
          [:= user-id]]}

To achieve this, you can simply provide a restriction function into (-> state :request-data :restriction-fn) The user-permissions is a set, so it can be easily used for making conditions:

(defn restriction-fn
  (let [user-permissions (get-in state [:request-data :user-permissions])]
      (user-permissions :image/own) (let [user-id (get-in state [:session-data :users/id])]
                                      (xiana/ok (update state :query sql/merge-where [:= user-id])))
      :else (xiana/ok state))))

And finally, the only missing piece of code: the model, and the action

(defn delete-query
  {:delete [:*]
   :from   [:images]
   :where  [:= :id (get-in state [:params :image-id])]})

(defn delete-image
    (-> state
        (assoc :query (delete-query state))
        (assoc-in [:request-data :restriction-fn] restriction-fn))))

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