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(command-async conn cmd)

Submits a command to connected tx-group server

Submits a command to connected tx-group server
sourceraw docstring


(delete-ledger-async session)
(delete-ledger-async session {:keys [snapshot?] :as opts})

A quick async response to confirm as initiated, but deletion happens in background.

A final 'completed' message will be sent in the future, if anyone cares to hear it.

A quick async response to confirm as initiated, but deletion happens in background.

A final 'completed' message will be sent in the future, if anyone cares to hear it.
sourceraw docstring


(garbage-collect-async session & [{:keys [toBlock toTime]} :as opts])

A quick async response to confirm as initiated, but garbage collection happens in background.

A final 'completed' message will be sent in the future, if anyone cares to hear it.

A quick async response to confirm as initiated, but garbage collection happens in background.

A final 'completed' message will be sent in the future, if anyone cares to hear it.
sourceraw docstring


(ledger-info-async conn ledger)

Returns information about a ledger in a map, or empty map if ledger doesn't exist.

Returns information about a ledger in a map, or empty map if ledger doesn't exist.
sourceraw docstring


(ledger-stats-async conn ledger)

Returns stats about a ledger in a map, or empty map if ledger doesn't exist.

Returns stats about a ledger in a map, or empty map if ledger doesn't exist.
sourceraw docstring


(ledger-status-async conn ledger)

Returns information about a ledger in a map, or empty map if ledger doesn't exist.

Returns information about a ledger in a map, or empty map if ledger doesn't exist.
sourceraw docstring


(ledgers-async conn)

Returns a list of ledgers in two-tuples of [network ledger-id].

Returns a list of ledgers in two-tuples of [network ledger-id].
sourceraw docstring


(send-operation conn operation data)
(send-operation conn operation data opts)

Sends operation off, returns core async promise channel that will have eventual response or timeout response.

Records the request-id which is stored in an atom along with the response channel.

Incoming ledger notifications will look at request id and see if there is a matching request-id in the record with its corresponding async channel, and if so it will populate that channel with the response.

We use the timeout to create a timeout channel, so if no transactions with the corresponding request id are 'seen' in that timeframe, a timeout response is given.

Sends operation off, returns core async promise channel that will have eventual response
or timeout response.

Records the request-id which is stored in an atom along with the response channel.

Incoming ledger notifications will look at request id and see if
there is a matching request-id in the record with its corresponding
async channel, and if so it will populate that channel with the response.

We use the timeout to create a timeout channel, so if no transactions with
the corresponding request id are 'seen' in that timeframe, a timeout response
is given.
sourceraw docstring


(snapshot-ledger-async session opts)

A quick async response to confirm, but archival happens in background.

A final 'completed' message will be sent in the future, if anyone cares to hear it.

A quick async response to confirm, but archival happens in background.

A final 'completed' message will be sent in the future, if anyone cares to hear it.
sourceraw docstring


(subscribe session)
(subscribe session opts)

Starts a subscription to the session's ledger.

Supported options:

  • auth - auth, if specified, takes precedence
  • jwt - valid jwt
Starts a subscription to the session's ledger.

Supported options:
- auth    - auth, if specified, takes precedence
- jwt     - valid jwt
sourceraw docstring


(transact-async conn tx-map)

A response will not be returned until transaction is completed.

An option of {:wait false} can be provided which will return 'true' when the transaction has been successfully persisted by the transactors, or throw an exception.

By default transact will monitor completed blocks and only return once it sees the successful transaction completed, or it will return with an error.

A response will not be returned until transaction is completed.

An option of {:wait false} can be provided which will return 'true' when the transaction
has been successfully persisted by the transactors, or throw an exception.

By default transact will monitor completed blocks and only return once it sees
the successful transaction completed, or it will return with an error.
sourceraw docstring


(unsigned-command-async conn unsigned-cmd-map)

A response will not be returned until transaction is completed.

An option of {:wait false} can be provided which will return 'true' when the transaction has been successfully persisted by the transactors, or throw an exception.

By default transact will monitor completed blocks and only return once it sees the successful transaction completed, or it will return with an error.

A response will not be returned until transaction is completed.

An option of {:wait false} can be provided which will return 'true' when the transaction
has been successfully persisted by the transactors, or throw an exception.

By default transact will monitor completed blocks and only return once it sees
the successful transaction completed, or it will return with an error.
sourceraw docstring


(unsubscribe session)

Unsubscribes from the session's ledger.

Unsubscribes from the session's ledger.
sourceraw docstring

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