Liberator Unbound lets you create functions which generate
resources. This makes it possible for you to create configurable
Liberator libraries (as opposed to using defresource
, which creates
resources that are set in stone). For example, I've used it to create
a Clojure + Datomic forum library that allows developers to customize
things like what to do after a user creates a new post or topic (send
an email, send a slack notification, etc).
As an added bonus, Liberator Unbound works great with Stuart Sierra's component library. Component is all about passing in stateful dependencies as arguments to functions, and Liberator Unbound is all about generating resources using functions that take arguments. Hooray!
Add the following to your dependencies:
[com.flyingmachine/liberator-unbound "0.1.1"]
If you're a just gimme some code kind of person, have a look at the tests.
Creating resources is a multi-step process of building up a decision
map to pass to Liberator's resource
function. First, you create a
function that takes one argument and generates resource decisions:
(defn resource-decisions
{:list {:handle-ok (fn [_] (-> options :list :data))}
:create {:handle-created (fn [_] (-> options :create :data))}
:show {:handle-ok (fn [_] (-> options :show :data))}
:update {:handle-ok (fn [_] (-> options :update :data))}
:delete {:handle-deleted (fn [_] (-> options :delete :data))}})
In this case, :list
, :create
and the other keys are all completely
arbitrary. Next, you apply this function to options to produce the
resource decisions:
;; here are the options
(def options
{:list {:data "list data"}
:create {:data "create data"}
:show {:data "show data"}
:update {:data "update data"}
:delete {:data "delete data"}})
;; now generate decisions
(resource-decisions options)
;; This effectively returns
{:list {:handle-ok (fn [_] "list data")}
:create {:handle-created (fn [_] "create data")}
:show {:handle-ok (fn [_] "show data")}
:update {:handle-ok (fn [_] "update data")}
:delete {:handle-deleted (fn [_] "delete data")}}
In real life, options
would be something like
{:create {:after-create (fn [] "do-thing-after-create")}}
In the forum I mentioned earlier, this is what lets me send out an email or post to slack or whatever I want.
You can merge this result with a map of default decisions, allowing you to eliminate repetition. Here's some example code for setting JSON defaults:
(defn record-in-ctx
(:record ctx))
(defn errors-in-ctx
(errors-in-ctx {}))
(fn [ctx]
(merge {:errors (:errors ctx)} opts))))
(def json
^{:doc "A 'base' set of liberator resource decisions for list,
create, show, update, and delete"}
(let [errors-in-ctx (errors-in-ctx {:representation {:media-type "application/json"}})
base {:available-media-types ["application/json"]
:allowed-methods [:get]
:authorized? true
:handle-unauthorized errors-in-ctx
:handle-malformed errors-in-ctx
:respond-with-entity? true
:new? false}]
{:list base
:create (merge base {:allowed-methods [:post]
:new? true
:handle-created record-in-ctx})
:show base
:update (merge base {:allowed-methods [:put]})
:delete (merge base {:allowed-methods [:delete]
:respond-with-entity? false})}))
and errors-in-ctx
are just a couple convenience
functions. The real work is below. You can see that each of :list
, and the other decision maps set sensible values for the
methods they allow, the media type, and so forth.
You can merge these defaults with your custom resource decisions using
. This returns a nested map that's too large to show
all of. Here's the effective value of the :delete
key so you can get
an idea of what's going on:
(:delete (merge-decisions json (resource-decisions options)))
; =>
{:handle-deleted (fn [_] "delete data")
:available-media-types ["application/json"]
:allowed-methods [:delete]
:authorized? true
:handle-unauthorized (errors-in-ctx {:representation {:media-type "application/json"}})
:handle-malformed (errors-in-ctx {:representation {:media-type "application/json"}})
:respond-with-entity? false,
:new? false}
At this point, you have full decision maps that are ready to be turned
into actual resources - functions which can serve as Ring
handlers. You can do this with resources
(resources {:collection [:list :create]
:entry [:show :update :delete]}
(merge-decisions json (resource-decisions options)))
This returns a map with two keys, :collection
and :entry
. The
values are liberator resources which dispatch based on a request's
method. For example, the value for :collection
is a resource that
uses the :list
decisions if the request's method is GET, and uses
the :create
decisions if the request's method is POST. Likewise, the
value of :entry
is a resource that dispatches to the :show
decisions if the method is GET, :update
for PUT, and :delete
There's one more function, resource-route
, which creates Compojure
routes. Here's how you'd call it:
(def my-resources
(resources {:collection [:list :create]
:entry [:show :update :delete]}
(merge-decisions json (resource-decisions options))))
(resource-route "/my-resources" my-resources {:entry-key ":id"})
This is the equivalent of calling:
(compojure.core/ANY "/my-resources" [] (:collection my-resources))
(compojure.core/ANY "/my-resources/:id" [] (:entry my-resources)))
Lastly, the bundle
function returns a function that lets you combine
everything neatly. Here's a real-world example. Note that I'm
requiring the libraries now, which I wasn't doing earlier:
(require '[com.flyingmachine.liberator-unbound :as lu])
(require '[com.flyingmachine.liberator-unbound.default-decisions :as lud])
(def resource-route (lu/bundle {:collection [:list :create]
:entry [:show :update :delete]}
(defn build-core-routes
"This provides an easy way to customize the options for
resources. For more extensive customization, you'll need to write
things out in your host project."
(resource-route "/posts" posts/resource-decisions app-config)
(resource-route "/topics" topics/resource-decisions app-config)))
creates four routes, one each for /posts
, /topics
, /topics/:id
. This works great with
Component - routes and ring handlers are all created with functions.
Copyright © 2015 Daniel Higginbotham
Distributed under the MIT License
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