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A table is vector of vectors where the first row represents the header and the rest represent the rows

A table is vector of vectors where the first row represents the header
and the rest represent the rows
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(-extract-opts tokens)

Extracts the opts from the tokens and returns [opts tokens]

Extracts the opts from the tokens and returns [opts tokens]
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(-token-or-resolve env token)


(col-headers interpretation)


(data interpretation)



(interpret table)
(interpret opts table)

Interprets the tabular data into a map with :col-headers, :row-headers, :data and :transformations.

:col-headers - a seq of column headers :row-headers - a seq of row headers :data - a vector of vectors with row values :transformations - a map with specificed tranformations to be done.

The interpretation can be configured using :

;;;;In order to interpret the table dsl, options can be ;;;;provided with a :separator and :divider. :seperator is the token ;;;;between columns and :divider is the column value in the divider ;;;;row. Default interpretation-opts are: ;;;;`{:separator '| :divider #"-{2,}"}

Interprets the tabular data into a map with :col-headers, :row-headers, :data
and :transformations.

:col-headers     - a seq of column headers
:row-headers     - a seq of row headers
:data            - a vector of vectors with row values
:transformations - a map with specificed tranformations to be done.

The interpretation can be configured using

;;;;In order to interpret the table dsl, options can be
;;;;provided with a :separator and :divider. :seperator is the token
;;;;between columns and :divider is the column value in the divider
;;;;row. Default interpretation-opts are:
;;;;`{:separator '| :divider #"-{2,}"}

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(row-headers interpretation)



(tabularize tokens)
(tabularize opts tokens)

Interprets tokens into a 'table', a vector of vectors, using either the option :width to determine the number of columns per row, or if :width is not present, figures out the width using :divider to find a divider row.

In order to interpret the table dsl, opts can be provided with a :separator and :divider. :separator is the token between columns and :divider is the column value in the divider row.

Default opts are: {:separator '| :divider #"-{3,}"}

Takes as arguments either a seq of tokens and an opts map, or a map with :tokens and :opts (which is the output of tokenize).

Interprets tokens into a 'table', a vector of vectors, using either the option
:width to determine the number of columns per row, or if :width is not present,
figures out the width using :divider to find a divider row.

In order to interpret the table dsl, opts can be provided with a :separator
and :divider. :separator is the token between columns and :divider is the
column value in the divider row.

Default opts are: `{:separator '| :divider #"-{3,}"}`

Takes as arguments either a seq of tokens and an opts map, or a map
with :tokens and :opts (which is the output of `tokenize`).
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(tbl & elements)

Macro for common tables

Macro for common tables
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(tokenize opts & elements)

Tokenizes the elements sent in. If the first or last element is a map, that map is considered being a map of options.

tokenize itself is only interested in one option: resolve. If the resolve option is true, any symbol is trying to be resolved. If the symbol can't be resolved, it stays a symbol. This is necessary since the dividers in the table are built up with symbols.

The function returns a map with :tokens, containing all tokens (with resolved or unresolved symbols) and :opts for all options in the options map, except :resolve (since that is consumed by tokenize).

The reason for having tokenize resolving instead of (for instance) interpret is that tokenize is a macro, which means that is is in the right context to resolve whatever the user code is refering to, while a normal function is not.

Tokenizes the elements sent in. If the first or last element is a map,
that map is considered being a map of options.

`tokenize` itself is only interested in one option: resolve. If the resolve
option is true, any symbol is trying to be resolved. If the symbol can't
be resolved, it stays a symbol. This is necessary since the dividers in the
table are built up with symbols.

The function returns a map with :tokens, containing all tokens (with resolved
or unresolved symbols) and :opts for all options in the options map,
except :resolve (since that is consumed by tokenize).

The reason for having `tokenize` resolving instead of (for instance) `interpret`
is that `tokenize` is a macro, which means that is is in the right context to
resolve whatever the user code is refering to, while a normal function is not.
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(transform transformations interpretation)

Transforms an interpretation. Example:

{:col-header [:date :value :value2] :data [["2021-07-01" 10 100] ["2021-07-02" 20 200]] :opts {:coercions {:value double :date t/date :value2 str)} :ns :foo}}

opts is a map of options. Valid options are (applied in this order):

:remove-blank-lines? If true, entries with only blank values are removed.

:coercions A map of keys and functions, where the key represents the attr/column and the function is a function to apply to the values of that key.

:renames A map or renames in the same form as clojure.set/rename-keys

:ns A keyword that will be the namespace for all keys. Note, that renames are applied before ns.

:format :map - a map with {:col-header header :data data}

:maps - vector of maps with header as keys

:relation - a relation in clojure.set style

:table - a csv-like table with header as first row

opts example:

{:remove-blank-lines? true} :coercions {:date t/date} :renames {:date :from-date} :ns {:some-ns} :format :maps}

Transforms an interpretation. Example:

{:col-header [:date :value :value2]
:data [["2021-07-01" 10 100] ["2021-07-02" 20 200]]
:opts {:coercions {:value double :date t/date :value2 str)}
:ns :foo}}

opts is a map of options. Valid options are (applied in this order):

:remove-blank-lines?  If true, entries with only blank values are removed.

:coercions            A map of keys and functions, where the key represents
the attr/column and the function is a function to apply
to the values of that key.

:renames              A map or renames in the same form as

:ns                   A keyword that will be the namespace for all keys.
Note, that renames are applied before ns.

:format               :map - a map with {:col-header header :data data}

:maps - vector of maps with header as keys

:relation - a relation in clojure.set style

:table - a csv-like table with header as first row

opts example:

{:remove-blank-lines? true}
:coercions           {:date t/date}
:renames             {:date :from-date}
:ns                  {:some-ns}
:format              :maps}

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(transformations interpretation)

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