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(-legal-keys query)

PRIVATE. Find the legal keys in a query. NOTE: This is at compile time, so the get-query calls are still embedded (thus cannot use the AST)

PRIVATE. Find the legal keys in a query. NOTE: This is at compile time, so the get-query calls are still embedded (thus cannot
use the AST)
sourceraw docstring


(any->app x)

Attempt to coerce x to a reconciler. Legal inputs are a fulcro application, reconciler, a mounted component, a map with a :reconciler key, or an atom holding any of the above.

Attempt to coerce `x` to a reconciler.  Legal inputs are a fulcro application, reconciler, a mounted component, a
map with a :reconciler key, or an atom holding any of the above.
sourceraw docstring


(children component)

Get the sequence of react children of the given component.

Get the sequence of react children of the given component.
sourceraw docstring


(class->all x class)

Get all components from the indexes that are instances of the component class. x can be anything any->app is ok with.

Get all components from the indexes that are instances of the component class.
`x` can be anything `any->app` is ok with.
sourceraw docstring


(class->any x cls)

Get any component from the indexes that are instances of the component class. x can be anything any->app is ok with.

Get any component from the indexes that are instances of the component class.
`x` can be anything `any->app` is ok with.
sourceraw docstring


(class->registry-key class)

Returns the registry key for the given component class.

Returns the registry key for the given component class.
sourceraw docstring


(cljs? env)


(component->state-map this)

Returns the current value of the state map via a component instance. Note that it is not safe to render arbitrary data from the state map since Fulcro will have no idea that it should refresh a component that does so; however, it is sometimes useful to look at the state map for information that doesn't change over time.

Returns the current value of the state map via a component instance. Note that it is not safe to render
arbitrary data from the state map since Fulcro will have no idea that it should refresh a component that
does so; however, it is sometimes useful to look at the state map for information that doesn't
change over time.
sourceraw docstring


(component-class? x)

Returns true if the argument is a component class.

Returns true if the argument is a component class.
sourceraw docstring


(component-instance? x)

Returns true if the argument is a component. A component is defined as a mounted component. This function returns false for component classes, and also returns false for the output of a Fulcro component factory.

Returns true if the argument is a component. A component is defined as a *mounted component*.
This function returns false for component classes, and also returns false for the output of a Fulcro component factory.
sourceraw docstring


(component-name class)

Returns a string version of the given react component's name. Works on component instances and classes.

Returns a string version of the given react component's name. Works on component instances and classes.
sourceraw docstring


(component-options this & ks)


Returns true if the argument is a component instance.

DEPRECATED for terminology clarity. Use component-instance? instead.

Returns true if the argument is a component instance.

DEPRECATED for terminology clarity. Use `component-instance?` instead.
sourceraw docstring


(compressible-transact! comp-or-reconciler tx)
(compressible-transact! comp-or-reconciler ref tx)

Identical to transact!, but marks the history edge as compressible. This means that if more than one adjacent history transition edge is compressible, only the more recent of the sequence of them is kept. This is useful for things like form input fields, where storing every keystoke in history is undesirable. This also compress the transactions in Fulcro Inspect.

NOTE: history events that trigger remote interactions are not compressible, since they may be needed for automatic network error recovery handling.

Identical to `transact!`, but marks the history edge as compressible. This means that if more than one
adjacent history transition edge is compressible, only the more recent of the sequence of them is kept. This
is useful for things like form input fields, where storing every keystoke in history is undesirable. This
also compress the transactions in Fulcro Inspect.

NOTE: history events that trigger remote interactions are not compressible, since they may be needed for
automatic network error recovery handling.
sourceraw docstring


(computed props computed-map)

Add computed properties to props. Note will replace any pre-existing computed properties.

Add computed properties to props. Note will replace any pre-existing
computed properties.
sourceraw docstring


(computed-factory class)
(computed-factory class options)

Similar to factory, but returns a function with the signature [props computed & children] instead of default [props & children]. This makes easier to send computed.

Similar to factory, but returns a function with the signature
[props computed & children] instead of default [props & children].
This makes easier to send computed.
sourceraw docstring


(computed-initial-state? s)

Returns true if the given initial state was computed from a call to get-initial-state.

Returns true if the given initial state was computed from a call to get-initial-state.
sourceraw docstring


(configure-component! cls fqkw options)

Configure the given cls to act as a react component.

Configure the given `cls` to act as a react component.
sourceraw docstring


(defsc & args)

Define a stateful component. This macro emits a React UI class with a query, optional ident (if :ident is specified in options), optional initial state, optional css, lifecycle methods, and a render method. It can also cause the class to implement additional protocols that you specify. Destructuring is supported in the argument list.

The template (data-only) versions do not have any arguments in scope The lambda versions have arguments in scope that make sense for those lambdas, as listed below:

(defsc Component [this {:keys [db/id x] :as props} {:keys [onSelect] :as computed} extended-args]
   ;; stateful component options
   ;; query template is literal. Use the lambda if you have ident-joins or unions.
   :query [:db/id :x] ; OR (fn [] [:db/id :x]) ; this in scope
   ;; ident template is table name and ID property name
   :ident [:table/by-id :id] ; OR (fn [] [:table/by-id id]) ; this and props in scope
   ;; initial-state template is magic..see dev guide. Lambda version is normal.
   :initial-state {:x :param/x} ; OR (fn [params] {:x (:x params)}) ; nothing is in scope
   ;; pre-merge, use a lamba to modify new merged data with component needs
   :pre-merge (fn [{:keys [...]}] (merge {:ui/default-value :start} tree))

   ; React Lifecycle Methods
   :initLocalState            (fn [this props] ...) ; CAN BE used to call things as you might in a constructor. Return value is initial state.
   :shouldComponentUpdate     (fn [this next-props next-state] ...)

   :componentDidUpdate        (fn [this prev-props prev-state snapshot] ...) ; snapshot is optional, and is 16+. Is context for 15
   :componentDidMount         (fn [this] ...)
   :componentWillUnmount      (fn [this] ...)

   ;; DEPRECATED IN REACT 16 (to be removed in 17):
   :componentWillReceiveProps        (fn [this next-props] ...)
   :componentWillUpdate              (fn [this next-props next-state] ...)
   :componentWillMount               (fn [this] ...)

   ;; Replacements for deprecated methods in React 16.3+
   :UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps (fn [this next-props] ...)
   :UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate       (fn [this next-props next-state] ...)
   :UNSAFE_componentWillMount        (fn [this] ...)

   ;; ADDED for React 16:
   :componentDidCatch         (fn [this error info] ...)
   :getSnapshotBeforeUpdate   (fn [this prevProps prevState] ...)

   ;; static
   :getDerivedStateFromProps  (fn [props state] ...)

   ;; ADDED for React 16.6:
   :getDerivedStateFromError  (fn [error] ...)  **NOTE**: OVERWRITES entire state. This differs slightly from React.

   NOTE: shouldComponentUpdate should generally not be overridden other than to force it false so
   that other libraries can control the sub-dom. If you do want to implement it, then old props can
   be obtained from (prim/props this), and old state via (gobj/get (. this -state) "fulcro$state").

   ; BODY forms. May be omitted IFF there is an options map, in order to generate a component that is used only for queries/normalization.
   (dom/div #js {:onClick onSelect} x))

NOTE: The options map is "open". That is: you can add whatever extra stuff you want to in order to co-locate data for component-related concerns. This is exactly what component-local css, the dynamic router, and form-state do. The data that you add is available from comp/component-options on the component class and instances (i.e. this).

See the Developer's Guide at for more details.

Define a stateful component. This macro emits a React UI class with a query,
optional ident (if :ident is specified in options), optional initial state, optional css, lifecycle methods,
and a render method. It can also cause the class to implement additional protocols that you specify. Destructuring is
supported in the argument list.

The template (data-only) versions do not have any arguments in scope
The lambda versions have arguments in scope that make sense for those lambdas, as listed below:

(defsc Component [this {:keys [db/id x] :as props} {:keys [onSelect] :as computed} extended-args]
   ;; stateful component options
   ;; query template is literal. Use the lambda if you have ident-joins or unions.
   :query [:db/id :x] ; OR (fn [] [:db/id :x]) ; this in scope
   ;; ident template is table name and ID property name
   :ident [:table/by-id :id] ; OR (fn [] [:table/by-id id]) ; this and props in scope
   ;; initial-state template is magic..see dev guide. Lambda version is normal.
   :initial-state {:x :param/x} ; OR (fn [params] {:x (:x params)}) ; nothing is in scope
   ;; pre-merge, use a lamba to modify new merged data with component needs
   :pre-merge (fn [{:keys [...]}] (merge {:ui/default-value :start} tree))

   ; React Lifecycle Methods
   :initLocalState            (fn [this props] ...) ; CAN BE used to call things as you might in a constructor. Return value is initial state.
   :shouldComponentUpdate     (fn [this next-props next-state] ...)

   :componentDidUpdate        (fn [this prev-props prev-state snapshot] ...) ; snapshot is optional, and is 16+. Is context for 15
   :componentDidMount         (fn [this] ...)
   :componentWillUnmount      (fn [this] ...)

   ;; DEPRECATED IN REACT 16 (to be removed in 17):
   :componentWillReceiveProps        (fn [this next-props] ...)
   :componentWillUpdate              (fn [this next-props next-state] ...)
   :componentWillMount               (fn [this] ...)

   ;; Replacements for deprecated methods in React 16.3+
   :UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps (fn [this next-props] ...)
   :UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate       (fn [this next-props next-state] ...)
   :UNSAFE_componentWillMount        (fn [this] ...)

   ;; ADDED for React 16:
   :componentDidCatch         (fn [this error info] ...)
   :getSnapshotBeforeUpdate   (fn [this prevProps prevState] ...)

   ;; static
   :getDerivedStateFromProps  (fn [props state] ...)

   ;; ADDED for React 16.6:
   :getDerivedStateFromError  (fn [error] ...)  **NOTE**: OVERWRITES entire state. This differs slightly from React.

   NOTE: shouldComponentUpdate should generally not be overridden other than to force it false so
   that other libraries can control the sub-dom. If you do want to implement it, then old props can
   be obtained from (prim/props this), and old state via (gobj/get (. this -state) "fulcro$state").

   ; BODY forms. May be omitted IFF there is an options map, in order to generate a component that is used only for queries/normalization.
   (dom/div #js {:onClick onSelect} x))

NOTE: The options map is "open". That is: you can add whatever extra stuff you want to in order
to co-locate data for component-related concerns. This is exactly what component-local css, the
dynamic router, and form-state do.  The data that you add is available from `comp/component-options`
on the component class and instances (i.e. `this`).

See the Developer's Guide at for more details.
sourceraw docstring


(defsc* env args)


(denormalize-query state-map ID)

Takes a state map that may contain normalized queries and a query ID. Returns the stored query or nil.

Takes a state map that may contain normalized queries and a query ID. Returns the stored query or nil.
sourceraw docstring


(depth this)


(factory class)
(factory class {:keys [keyfn qualifier] :as opts})

Create a factory constructor from a component class created with defui.

Create a factory constructor from a component class created with
sourceraw docstring


(force-children x)

Utility function that will force a lazy sequence of children (recursively) into realized vectors (React cannot deal with lazy seqs)

Utility function that will force a lazy sequence of children (recursively) into realized
vectors (React cannot deal with lazy seqs)
sourceraw docstring


(fragment & args)

Wraps children in a React.Fragment. Props are optional, like normal DOM elements.

Wraps children in a React.Fragment. Props are optional, like normal DOM elements.
sourceraw docstring


(get-computed x)
(get-computed x k-or-ks)

Return the computed properties on a component or its props.

Return the computed properties on a component or its props.
sourceraw docstring


(get-extra-props this)

Get any data (as a map) that extensions have associated with the given Fulcro component.

Get any data (as a map) that extensions have associated with the given Fulcro component.
sourceraw docstring


(get-ident x)
(get-ident class props)

Get the ident for a mounted component OR using a component class.

That arity-2 will return the ident using the supplied props map.

The single-arity version should only be used with a mounted component (e.g. this from render), and will derive the props that were sent to it most recently.

Get the ident for a mounted component OR using a component class.

That arity-2 will return the ident using the supplied props map.

The single-arity version should only be used with a mounted component (e.g. `this` from `render`), and will derive the
props that were sent to it most recently.
sourceraw docstring


(get-indexes x)

Get the component indexes from a component instance or app. See also ident->any, class->any, etc.

Get the component indexes from a component instance or app. See also `ident->any`, `class->any`, etc.
sourceraw docstring


(get-initial-state class)
(get-initial-state class params)

Get the initial state of a component. Needed because calling the protocol method from a defui component in clj will not work as expected.

Get the initial state of a component. Needed because calling the protocol method from a defui component in clj will not work as expected.
sourceraw docstring


(get-query class-or-factory)
(get-query class-or-factory state-map)

Get the query for the given class or factory. If called without a state map, then you'll get the declared static query of the class. If a state map is supplied, then the dynamically set queries in that state will result in the current dynamically-set query according to that state.

Get the query for the given class or factory. If called without a state map, then you'll get the declared static
query of the class. If a state map is supplied, then the dynamically set queries in that state will result in
the current dynamically-set query according to that state.
sourceraw docstring


(get-query-by-id state-map class queryid)


(get-raw-react-prop c k)

GET a RAW react prop

GET a RAW react prop
sourceraw docstring


(get-state component)
(get-state component k-or-ks)

Get a component's local state. May provide a single key or a sequential collection of keys for indexed access into the component's local state.

Get a component's local state. May provide a single key or a sequential
collection of keys for indexed access into the component's local state.
sourceraw docstring


(has-feature? component option-key)


(has-ident? component)


(has-initial-app-state? component)


(has-pre-merge? component)


(has-query? component)


(ident this props)


(ident->any x ident)

Return a components that uses the given ident. x is anything any->app accepts.

Return a components that uses the given ident. `x` is anything any->app accepts.
sourceraw docstring


(ident->components x ident)

Return all components for a given ident. x is anything any->app accepts.

Return all components for a given ident. `x` is anything any->app accepts.
sourceraw docstring


(initial-state clz params)


(is-factory? class-or-factory)


(isoget obj k)
(isoget obj k default)

Like get, but for js objects, and in CLJC. In clj, it is just get. In cljs it is gobj/get.

Like get, but for js objects, and in CLJC. In clj, it is just `get`. In cljs it is
sourceraw docstring


(isoget-in obj kvs)
(isoget-in obj kvs default)

Like get-in, but for js objects, and in CLJC. In clj, it is just get-in. In cljs it is gobj/getValueByKeys.

Like get-in, but for js objects, and in CLJC. In clj, it is just get-in. In cljs it is
sourceraw docstring

(link-element element)

(link-query query)

Find all of the elements (only at the top level) of the given query and replace them with their query ID

Find all of the elements (only at the top level) of the given query and replace them
with their query ID
sourceraw docstring


(make-state-map initial-state children-by-query-key params)

Build a component's initial state using the defsc initial-state-data from options, the children from options, and the params from the invocation of get-initial-state.

Build a component's initial state using the defsc initial-state-data from
options, the children from options, and the params from the invocation of get-initial-state.
sourceraw docstring


(mounted? this)


(newer-props props-a props-b)

Returns whichever of the given Fulcro props were most recently generated according to denormalization-time.

Returns whichever of the given Fulcro props were most recently generated according to `denormalization-time`.
sourceraw docstring


(normalize-query state-map query)

Given a state map and a query, returns a state map with the query normalized into the database. Query fragments that already appear in the state will not be added.

Given a state map and a query, returns a state map with the query normalized into the database. Query fragments
that already appear in the state will not be added. 
sourceraw docstring


(normalize-query-elements state-map query)

Determines if there are query elements in the present query that need to be normalized as well. If so, it does so. Returns the new state map.

Determines if there are query elements in the present query that need to be normalized as well. If so, it does so.
Returns the new state map.
sourceraw docstring


(pre-merge this data)


(prop->classes x prop)

Get all component classes that query for the given prop. x can be anything any->app is ok with.

Returns all classes that query for that prop (or ident)

Get all component classes that query for the given prop.
`x` can be anything `any->app` is ok with.

Returns all classes that query for that prop (or ident)
sourceraw docstring


(props component)

Return a components props.

Return a components props.
sourceraw docstring


(ptransact! component-or-app tx)
(ptransact! component-or-app ref tx)

DEPRECATED: Generally use result-action in mutations to chain sequences instead.

Like transact!, but ensures each call completes (in a full-stack, pessimistic manner) before the next call starts in any way. Note that two calls of this function have no guaranteed relationship to each other. They could end up intermingled at runtime. The only guarantee is that for a single call to ptransact!, the calls in the given tx will run pessimistically (one at a time) in the order given. Follow-on reads in the given transaction will be repeated after each remote interaction.

component-or-app a mounted component or the app tx the tx to run ref the ident (ref context) in which to run the transaction (including all deferrals)

DEPRECATED: Generally use `result-action` in mutations to chain sequences instead.

Like `transact!`, but ensures each call completes (in a full-stack, pessimistic manner) before the next call starts
in any way. Note that two calls of this function have no guaranteed relationship to each other. They could end up
intermingled at runtime. The only guarantee is that for *a single call* to `ptransact!`, the calls in the given tx will run
pessimistically (one at a time) in the order given. Follow-on reads in the given transaction will be repeated after each remote

`component-or-app` a mounted component or the app
`tx` the tx to run
`ref` the ident (ref context) in which to run the transaction (including all deferrals)
sourceraw docstring


(query this)


(query-id class qualifier)

Returns a string ID for the query of the given class with qualifier

Returns a string ID for the query of the given class with qualifier
sourceraw docstring


(raw->newest-props raw-props raw-state)

Using raw react props/state returns the newest Fulcro props.

Using raw react props/state returns the newest Fulcro props.
sourceraw docstring


(react-type x)

Returns the component type, regardless of whether the component has been mounted

Returns the component type, regardless of whether the component has been
sourceraw docstring


(register-component! k component-class)

Add a component to Fulcro's component registry. This is used by defsc to ensure that all Fulcro classes that have been compiled (transitively required) will be accessible for lookup by fully-qualified symbol/keyword. Not meant for public use, unless you're creating your own component macro that doesn't directly leverage defsc.

Add a component to Fulcro's component registry.  This is used by defsc to ensure that all Fulcro classes
that have been compiled (transitively required) will be accessible for lookup by fully-qualified symbol/keyword.
Not meant for public use, unless you're creating your own component macro that doesn't directly leverage defsc.
sourceraw docstring


(registry-key->class classname)

Look up the given component in Fulcro's global component registry. Will only be able to find components that have been (transitively) required by your application.

classname can be a fully-qualified keyword or symbol.

Look up the given component in Fulcro's global component registry. Will only be able to find components that have
been (transitively) required by your application.

`classname` can be a fully-qualified keyword or symbol.
sourceraw docstring


(set-query! x class-or-factory {:keys [query params] :as opts})

Set a dynamic query. Alters the query, and then rebuilds internal indexes.

x is anything that any->app accepts.

Set a dynamic query. Alters the query, and then rebuilds internal indexes.

`x` is anything that any->app accepts.
sourceraw docstring


(set-query* state-map class-or-factory {:keys [query] :as args})

Put a query in app state. NOTE: Indexes must be rebuilt after setting a query, so this function should primarily be used to build up an initial app state.

Put a query in app state.
NOTE: Indexes must be rebuilt after setting a query, so this function should primarily be used to build
up an initial app state.
sourceraw docstring


(set-state! component new-state)
(set-state! component new-state callback)


(shared component)
(shared component k-or-ks)

Return the global shared properties of the root. See :shared and :shared-fn reconciler options.

Return the global shared properties of the root. See :shared and
:shared-fn reconciler options.
sourceraw docstring


(transact! app-or-comp tx)
(transact! app-or-component tx options)

Submit a transaction for processing.

The underlying transaction system is pluggable, but the default supported options are:

  • :optimistic? - boolean. Should the transaction be processed optimistically?
  • :ref - ident. The ident of the component used to submit this transaction. This is set automatically if you use a component to call this function.
  • :component - React element. Set automatically if you call this function using a component.
  • :refresh - Vector containing idents (of components) and keywords (of props). Things that have changed and should be re-rendered on screen. Only necessary when the underlying rendering algorithm won't auto-detect, such as when UI is derived from the state of other components or outside of the directly queried props. Interpretation depends on the renderer selected: The ident-optimized render treats these as "extras".
  • :only-refresh - Vector of idents/keywords. If the underlying rendering configured algorithm supports it: The components using these are the only things that will be refreshed in the UI. This can be used to avoid the overhead of looking for stale data when you know exactly what you want to refresh on screen as an extra optimization. Idents are not checked against queries.
  • :abort-id - An ID (you make up) that makes it possible (if the plugins you're using support it) to cancel the network portion of the transaction (assuming it has not already completed).
  • :compressible? - boolean. Check compressible-transact! docs.

NOTE: This function calls the application's tx! function (which is configurable). Fulcro 2 'follow-on reads' are supported by the default version and are added to the :refresh entries. Your choice of rendering algorithm will influence their necessity.

Returns the transaction ID of the submitted transaction.

Submit a transaction for processing.

The underlying transaction system is pluggable, but the default supported options are:

- `:optimistic?` - boolean. Should the transaction be processed optimistically?
- `:ref` - ident. The ident of the component used to submit this transaction. This is set automatically if you use a component to call this function.
- `:component` - React element. Set automatically if you call this function using a component.
- `:refresh` - Vector containing idents (of components) and keywords (of props). Things that have changed and should be re-rendered
  on screen. Only necessary when the underlying rendering algorithm won't auto-detect, such as when UI is derived from the
  state of other components or outside of the directly queried props. Interpretation depends on the renderer selected:
  The ident-optimized render treats these as "extras".
- `:only-refresh` - Vector of idents/keywords.  If the underlying rendering configured algorithm supports it: The
  components using these are the *only* things that will be refreshed in the UI.
  This can be used to avoid the overhead of looking for stale data when you know exactly what
  you want to refresh on screen as an extra optimization. Idents are *not* checked against queries.
- `:abort-id` - An ID (you make up) that makes it possible (if the plugins you're using support it) to cancel
  the network portion of the transaction (assuming it has not already completed).
- `:compressible?` - boolean. Check compressible-transact! docs.

NOTE: This function calls the application's `tx!` function (which is configurable). Fulcro 2 'follow-on reads' are
supported by the default version and are added to the `:refresh` entries. Your choice of rendering algorithm will
influence their necessity.

Returns the transaction ID of the submitted transaction.
sourceraw docstring


(update-state! component f)
(update-state! component f & args)

Update a component's local state. Similar to Clojure(Script)'s swap!

This function affects a managed cljs map maintained in React state. If you want to affect the low-level js state itself use React's own .setState on the component.

Update a component's local state. Similar to Clojure(Script)'s swap!

This function affects a managed cljs map maintained in React state.  If you want to affect the low-level
js state itself use React's own `.setState` on the component.
sourceraw docstring


(with-parent-context outer-parent & body)

Wraps the given body with the correct internal bindings of the parent so that Fulcro internals will work when that body is embedded in unusual ways (e.g. as the body in a child-as-a-function React pattern).

Wraps the given body with the correct internal bindings of the parent so that Fulcro internals
will work when that body is embedded in unusual ways (e.g. as the body in a child-as-a-function
React pattern).
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-update-extra-props f)
(wrap-update-extra-props handler f)

Wrap the props middleware such that f is called to get extra props that should be placed in the extra-props arg of the component.

handler - (optional) The next item in the props middleware chain. f - A (fn [cls extra-props] new-extra-props)

f will be passed the class being rendered and the current map of extra props. It should augment those and return a new version.

Wrap the props middleware such that `f` is called to get extra props that should be placed
in the extra-props arg of the component.

`handler` - (optional) The next item in the props middleware chain.
`f` - A (fn [cls extra-props] new-extra-props)

`f` will be passed the class being rendered and the current map of extra props. It should augment
those and return a new version.
sourceraw docstring


(wrapped-render this real-render)

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