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(data-state? state)

Is the given parameter a load marker?

Is the given parameter a load marker?
sourceraw docstring


(elide-ast-nodes {:keys [key union-key children] :as ast} elision-predicate)

Remove items from a query (AST) that have a key that returns true for the elision-predicate

Remove items from a query (AST) that have a key that returns true for the elision-predicate
sourceraw docstring


(elide-query-nodes query node-predicate)

Remove items from a query when the query element where the (node-predicate key) returns true. Commonly used with a set as a predicate to elide specific well-known UI-only paths.

Remove items from a query when the query element where the (node-predicate key) returns true. Commonly used with
a set as a predicate to elide specific well-known UI-only paths.
sourceraw docstring


(failed? marker)

Is the given load marker indicate failed?

WARNING: This function is current unimplemented and will be removed. The new way of dealing with failure is to define an error-action for the load in question and modify your own state. You can also override

Is the given load marker indicate failed?

WARNING: This function is current unimplemented and will be removed.  The new way of dealing with failure is to
define an `error-action` for the load in question and modify your own state. You can also override
sourceraw docstring


(finish-load! {:keys [app result] :as env}
              {:keys [query ok-action post-mutation post-mutation-params
                      post-action target marker source-key]
               :as params})

Default processing when a load finishes successfully (called internally).

Removes any load marker, then either:

  • Runs the ok-action (if defined).
  • Does normal post-processing (if the was no ok-action):
    • Merges the load result
    • Processes desired targets
    • Runs the post-mutation (if defined)
    • Runs the post-action (if defined)
Default processing when a load finishes successfully (called internally).

Removes any load marker, then either:

- Runs the `ok-action` (if defined).
- Does normal post-processing (if the was no ok-action):
     - Merges the load result
     - Processes desired targets
     - Runs the post-mutation (if defined)
     - Runs the post-action (if defined)
sourceraw docstring



DEPRECATED. Use `load!`
sourceraw docstring


(load! app-or-comp server-property-or-ident class-or-factory)
(load! app-or-comp server-property-or-ident class-or-factory config)

Load data from the server.

This function triggers a server interaction and normalizes the server response into your app state database. During operation it also adds (by default) fetch markers into the app state so you can show busy indicators on the UI components that are waiting for data. The :target parameter can be used to place the data somewhere besides app state root (which is the default).

The server will receive a query of the form: [({server-property (comp/get-query class-or-factory)} params)], which a Fulcro parser will correctly parse as a join on server-property with the given subquery and params. See the AST and instructions on parsing queries in the developer's guide.


  • app-or-comp : A component instance, Fulcro application, or reconciler
  • server-property-or-ident : A keyword or ident that represents the root of the query to send to the server. If this is an ident you are loading a specific entity from the database into a local app db table. A custom target will be ignored.
  • class-or-factory : A component that implements IQuery, or a factory for it (if using dynamic queries). This will be combined with server-property into a join for the server query. Needed to normalize results. class-or-factory can be nil, in which case the resulting server query will not be a join.
  • config : A map of load configuration parameters.

Config (all optional):

  • target - An assoc-in path at which to put the result of the Subquery (as an edge (normalized) or value (not normalized)). Can also be special targets (multiple-targets, append-to, prepend-to, or replace-at). If you are loading by keyword (into root), then this relocates the result (ident or value) after load. When loading an entity (by ident), then this option will place additional idents at the target path(s) that point to that entity.
  • initialize - REMOVED. Use component pre-merge instead.
  • remote - Optional. Keyword name of the remote that this load should come from.
  • params - Optional parameters to add to the generated query
  • marker - ID of marker. Normalizes a load marker into app state so you can see progress.
  • refresh - A list of things in the UI to refresh. Depends on rendering optimization.
  • focus - Focus the query along a path. See eql/focus-subquery.
  • without - A set of keys to remove (recursively) from the query.
  • update-query - A general-purpose function that can transform the component query before sending to remote. See also the application's :global-eql-transform option. For example, to focus a subquery using update-query: {:update-query #(eql/focus-subquery % [:my {:sub [:query]}])} Removing properties (like previous :without option): {:update-query #(df/elide-query-nodes % #{:my :elisions})}
  • abort-id - Set a unique key. If supplied, then the load can be cancelled via that abort ID.
  • parallel - Send the load out-of-order (immediately) without waiting for other loads in progress.
  • post-mutation - A mutation (symbol) to run after the data is merged. Note, if target is supplied be sure your post mutation should expect the data at the targeted location. The env of that mutation will be the env of the load (if available), but will also include :load-request.
  • post-mutation-params - An optional map that will be passed to the post-mutation when it is called.
  • post-action - A lambda that will a mutation env parameter (fn [env] ...). Called after success, like post-mutation (and after post-mutation if also defined). env will include the original :load-params and raw network layer :result. If you want the post behavior to act as a top-level mutation, then prefer post-mutation. The action can also call transact!.
  • fallback - A mutation (symbol) to run if there is a server/network error. The env of the fallback will be like a mutation env, and will include a :result key with the real result from the server, along with the original :load-params.

Special-purpose config options:

The config options can also include the following things that completely override behaviors of other (respons-processing) options, and should only be used in very advanced situations where you know what you are doing:

  • ok-action - WARNING: OVERRIDES ALL DEFAULT OK BEHAVIOR (except load marker removal)! A lambda that will receive an env parameter (fn [env] ...) that includes the :result and original :load-params.
  • error-action - WARNING: OVERRIDES ALL DEFAULT ERROR BEHAVIOR (except load marker update). A lambda that will receive an env that includes the :result and original :load-params.
Load data from the server.

This function triggers a server interaction and normalizes the server response into your app state database. During
operation it also adds (by default) fetch markers into the app state so you can show busy indicators on the UI
components that are waiting for data. The `:target` parameter can be used to place the data somewhere besides app
state root (which is the default).

The server will receive a query of the form: [({server-property (comp/get-query class-or-factory)} params)], which
a Fulcro parser will correctly parse as a join on server-property with the given subquery and params. See the AST and
instructions on parsing queries in the developer's guide.

- `app-or-comp` : A component instance, Fulcro application, or reconciler
- `server-property-or-ident` : A keyword or ident that represents the root of the query to send to the server. If this is an ident
you are loading a specific entity from the database into a local app db table. A custom target will be ignored.
- `class-or-factory` : A component that implements IQuery, or a factory for it (if using dynamic queries). This will be combined with `server-property` into a join for the server query. Needed to normalize results.
  class-or-factory can be nil, in which case the resulting server query will not be a join.
- `config` : A map of load configuration parameters.

Config (all optional):
- `target` - An assoc-in path at which to put the result of the Subquery (as an edge (normalized) or value (not normalized)).
  Can also be special targets (multiple-targets, append-to,
  prepend-to, or replace-at). If you are loading by keyword (into root), then this relocates the result (ident or value) after load.
  When loading an entity (by ident), then this option will place additional idents at the target path(s) that point to that entity.
- `initialize` - REMOVED. Use component pre-merge instead.
- `remote` - Optional. Keyword name of the remote that this load should come from.
- `params` - Optional parameters to add to the generated query
- `marker` - ID of marker. Normalizes a load marker into app state so you can see progress.
- `refresh` - A list of things in the UI to refresh. Depends on rendering optimization.
- `focus` - Focus the query along a path. See eql/focus-subquery.
- `without` - A set of keys to remove (recursively) from the query.
- `update-query` - A general-purpose function that can transform the component query before sending to remote. See also
   the application's `:global-eql-transform` option.
   For example, to focus a subquery using update-query: `{:update-query #(eql/focus-subquery % [:my {:sub [:query]}])}`
   Removing properties (like previous :without option): `{:update-query #(df/elide-query-nodes % #{:my :elisions})}`
- `abort-id` - Set a unique key. If supplied, then the load can be cancelled via that abort ID.
- `parallel` - Send the load out-of-order (immediately) without waiting for other loads in progress.
- `post-mutation` - A mutation (symbol) to run *after* the data is merged. Note, if target is supplied be sure your post mutation
  should expect the data at the targeted location. The `env` of that mutation will be the env of the load (if available), but will also include `:load-request`.
- `post-mutation-params` - An optional map that will be passed to the post-mutation when it is called.
- `post-action` - A lambda that will a mutation env parameter `(fn [env] ...)`. Called after success, like post-mutation
  (and after post-mutation if also defined). `env` will include the original `:load-params` and raw network layer `:result`. If you
  want the post behavior to act as a top-level mutation, then prefer `post-mutation`. The action can also call `transact!`.
- `fallback` - A mutation (symbol) to run if there is a server/network error. The `env` of the fallback will be like a mutation `env`, and will
  include a `:result` key with the real result from the server, along with the original `:load-params`.

Special-purpose config options:

The config options can also include the following things that completely override behaviors of other (respons-processing) options,
and should only be used in very advanced situations where you know what you are doing:

- `ok-action` - WARNING: OVERRIDES ALL DEFAULT OK BEHAVIOR (except load marker removal)! A lambda that will receive an env parameter `(fn [env] ...)` that
  includes the `:result` and original `:load-params`.
- `error-action` - WARNING: OVERRIDES ALL DEFAULT ERROR BEHAVIOR (except load marker update). A lambda that will receive an `env`
  that includes the `:result` and original `:load-params`.
sourceraw docstring


(load-failed! {:keys [app] :as env}
              {:keys [error-action marker fallback] :as params})

The normal internal processing of a load that has failed (error returned true).

Sets the load marker, if present, to :failed.

If an error-action was desired, it is used to process the rest of the failure.

The env will include the network :result and the original load options as :load-params.

Otherwise, this function will:

  • Trigger the global error action (if defined on the app) (arg is env as described above)
  • Trigger any fallback for the load. (params are the env described above)
The normal internal processing of a load that has failed (error returned true).

Sets the load marker, if present, to :failed.

If an `error-action` was desired, it is used to process the rest of the failure.

The `env` will include the network `:result` and the original load options as `:load-params`.

*Otherwise*, this function will:

- Trigger the global error action (if defined on the app) (arg is env as described above)
- Trigger any fallback for the load. (params are the env described above)
sourceraw docstring


DEPRECATED. Use load-field!

DEPRECATED. Use `load-field!`
sourceraw docstring


(load-field! component field options)

Load a field of the current component. Runs prim/transact!.


  • component: The component (instance, not class). This component MUST have an Ident.
  • field: A field on the component's query that you wish to load.
  • options : A map of load options. See load.

WARNING: If you're using dynamic queries, you won't really know what factory your parent is using, nor can you pass it as a parameter to this function. Therefore, it is not recommended to use load-field from within a component that has a dynamic query unless you can base it on the original static query.

Load a field of the current component. Runs `prim/transact!`.

- `component`: The component (**instance**, not class). This component MUST have an Ident.
- `field`: A field on the component's query that you wish to load.
- `options` : A map of load options. See `load`.

WARNING: If you're using dynamic queries, you won't really know what factory your parent is using,
nor can you pass it as a parameter to this function. Therefore, it is not recommended to use load-field from within
a component that has a dynamic query unless you can base it on the original static query.
sourceraw docstring


(load-marker? x)

Is the given parameter a load marker?

Is the given parameter a load marker?
sourceraw docstring


(load-params* app
              {:keys [target params marker post-mutation post-mutation-params
                      without fallback focus ok-action post-action error-action
                      remote abort-id update-query]
               :or {remote :remote marker false}})

Internal function to validate and process the parameters of load and load-action.

Internal function to validate and process the parameters of `load` and `load-action`.
sourceraw docstring


(loading? marker)

Is the given load marker loading?

Is the given load marker loading?
sourceraw docstring


The name of the table in which fulcro load markers are stored. You must query for this via a link query [df/marker-table '_] in any component that needs to use them (and refresh) during loads.

The name of the table in which fulcro load markers are stored. You must query for this via a link query
`[df/marker-table '_]` in any component that needs to use them (and refresh) during loads.
sourceraw docstring


(ready? marker)

Is the given load marker ready for loading?

Is the given load marker ready for loading?
sourceraw docstring


(refresh! component)
(refresh! component load-options)


(remove-load-marker! app marker)

Removes the load marker with the given marker id from the df/marker-table.

Removes the load marker with the given `marker` id from the df/marker-table.
sourceraw docstring


(set-load-marker! app marker status)

Adds a load marker at the given marker id to df/marker-table with the given status.

NOTE: You must query for the marker table in any component that wants to show activity.

Adds a load marker at the given `marker` id to df/marker-table with the given status.

NOTE: You must query for the marker table in any component that wants to show activity.
sourceraw docstring

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