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A router that uses Fulcro dynamic queries to optimize query performance on rendering and provides a number of useful features such as easy composition, control over route targeting, on-screen component vetoes of routing requests, etc.

NOTE: This router is not concerned with HTML5 history events or URL management. This router is intended to be usable in server-side rendering, React Native, and anywhere else Fulcro might be used. Therefore it is not tied to a particular rendering platform's idea of location management (i.e. URLs).

The structure of the route composition (and its representation as a sequence of string path components) is intended to be easy to integrate with HTML5 history and URL control.

A router that uses Fulcro dynamic queries to optimize query performance on rendering and provides a number of useful
features such as easy composition, control over route targeting, on-screen component vetoes of routing requests, etc.

NOTE: This router is *not* concerned with HTML5 history events or URL management. This router is intended to be usable
in server-side rendering, React Native, and anywhere else Fulcro might be used. Therefore it is not tied to a particular
rendering platform's idea of location management (i.e. URLs).

The structure of the route composition (and its representation as a sequence of string path components) is intended to
be easy to integrate with HTML5 history and URL control.
raw docstring


INTERNAL USE ONLY. Not guaranteed to be available at runtime in production builds. This is used to aid in giving development-time warnings/errors.

Class of the routing target component, available in the notifications fns (:will-enter, :route-cancelled, :will-leave)

INTERNAL USE ONLY. Not guaranteed to be available at runtime in production builds. This is used to aid in giving
development-time warnings/errors.

Class of the routing target component, available in the notifications fns
(:will-enter, :route-cancelled, :will-leave)
sourceraw docstring


(accepts-route? component path)

Returns true if the given component is a router that manages a route target that will accept the given path.

Returns true if the given component is a router that manages a route target that will accept the given path.
sourceraw docstring


(all-reachable-routers state-map component-class)

Returns a sequence of all of the routers reachable in the query of the app.

Returns a sequence of all of the routers reachable in the query of the app.
sourceraw docstring


Mutation: Indicate that a given route is ready and should show the result.

router - The ident of the router, with metadata :component that is the class of the router. target - The ident of the target route, with metadata :component that is the class of the target.

Mutation: Indicate that a given route is ready and should show the result.

router - The ident of the router, with metadata :component that is the class of the router.
target - The ident of the target route, with metadata :component that is the class of the target.
sourceraw docstring


(ast-node-for-live-router app {:keys [component children] :as ast-node})

Returns the AST node for a query that represents the closest "live" (on-screen) router

ast - A query AST node

Returns an AST node or nil if none is found.

Returns the AST node for a query that represents the closest "live" (on-screen) router

ast - A query AST node

Returns an AST node or nil if none is found.
sourceraw docstring


(ast-node-for-route {:keys [component children] :as ast-node} path)

Returns the AST node for a query that represents the router that has a target that can accept the given path. This is a breadth-first search.

ast - A query AST node path - A vector of the current URI segments.

Returns an AST node or nil if none is found.

Returns the AST node for a query that represents the router that has a target that can accept the given path. This is a breadth-first

ast - A query AST node
path - A vector of the current URI segments.

Returns an AST node or nil if none is found.
sourceraw docstring


(change-route this new-route)
(change-route this new-route timeouts)

Trigger a route change.

this - The component (or app) that is causing the route change. new-route - A vector of URI components to pass to the router. timeouts - A map of timeouts that affect UI during deferred routes: {:error-timeout ms :deferred-timeout ms}

The error timeout is how long to wait (default 5000ms) before showing the error-ui of a route (which must be defined on the router that is having problems). The deferred-timeout (default 100ms) is how long to wait before showing the loading-ui of a deferred router (to prevent flicker).

Trigger a route change.

this - The component (or app) that is causing the route change.
new-route - A vector of URI components to pass to the router.
timeouts - A map of timeouts that affect UI during deferred routes: {:error-timeout ms :deferred-timeout ms}

The error timeout is how long to wait  (default 5000ms) before showing the error-ui of a route (which must be defined on the
router that is having problems).  The deferred-timeout (default 100ms) is how long to wait before showing the loading-ui of
a deferred router (to prevent flicker).
sourceraw docstring


(change-route-relative this-or-app relative-class-or-instance new-route)
(change-route-relative app-or-comp

Change the route, starting at the given Fulcro class or instance (scanning for the first router from there). new-route is a vector of string components to pass through to the nearest child router as the new path. The first argument is any live component or the app. The timeouts are as in change-route. It is safe to call this from within a mutation.

When possible (i.e. no circular references to components) you can maintain better code navigation by generating new-route via path-to. This will allow readers of your code to quickly jump to the actual components that implement the targets when reading the code.

Change the route, starting at the given Fulcro class or instance (scanning for the first router from there).  `new-route` is a vector
of string components to pass through to the nearest child router as the new path. The first argument is any live component
or the app.  The `timeouts` are as in `change-route`.
It is safe to call this from within a mutation.

When possible (i.e. no circular references to components) you can maintain better code navigation by
generating `new-route` via `path-to`.  This will allow readers of your code to quickly jump to the actual
components that implement the targets when reading the code.
sourceraw docstring


(compile-error env form message)


(current-route this-or-app relative-class-or-instance)

Returns the current active route, starting from the relative Fulcro class or instance.

Any component using this as a basis for rendering will need to add the following to their query to ensure the props of that component change on route changes:

[::uism/asm-id fq-router-kw]

where fq-router-kw is a keyword that has the exact namespace and name of the router you're interested in. If you want to just over-render you can use a quoted _ instead.

Returns the current active route, starting from the relative Fulcro class or instance.

Any component using this as a basis for rendering will need to add the following to their query to
ensure the props of that component change on route changes:

[::uism/asm-id fq-router-kw]

where `fq-router-kw` is a keyword that has the exact namespace and name of the router you're interested in. If you want
to just over-render you can use a quoted `_` instead.
sourceraw docstring


(current-route-class this)

Get the class of the component that is currently being routed to.

Get the class of the component that is currently being routed to.
sourceraw docstring


(defrouter router-sym arglist options & body)

Define a router.

The arglist is [this props], which are just like defsc. The props will contains :current-state and :pending-path-segment.

The options are:

:router-targets - (REQUIRED) A vector of ui components that are router targets. The first one is considered the "default". Other defsc options - (LIMITED) You may not specify query/initial-state/protocols/ident, but you can define things like react lifecycle methods. See defsc. :always-render-body? - (OPTIONAL) When true this router expects that you will supply a render body, and it will always be rendered. The props this body of the router body will include:

  • :current-state - The state of the routing state machine. (:initial, :pending, :failed, :routed)
  • :route-factory - A factory that can generate the current route.
  • :route-props - The props that should be passed to the route factory. You can augment these with computed if you wish. The router normally passes computed through like so: (route-factory (comp/computed route-props (comp/get-computed this)))
  • :pending-path-segment - The route that we're going to (when in pending state).

The optional body, if defined, will only be used if the router has the :always-render-body? option set of is in one of the following states:

  • :initial - No route is set.
  • :pending - A deferred route is taking longer than expected (configurable timeout, default 100ms)
  • :failed - A deferred route took longer than can reasonably be expected (configurable timeout, default 5s)

otherwise the actual active route target will be rendered.

Define a router.

The arglist is `[this props]`, which are just like defsc. The props will contains :current-state and :pending-path-segment.

The options are:

`:router-targets` - (REQUIRED) A *vector* of ui components that are router targets. The first one is considered the "default".
Other defsc options - (LIMITED) You may not specify query/initial-state/protocols/ident, but you can define things like react
lifecycle methods. See defsc.
`:always-render-body?` - (OPTIONAL) When true this router expects that you will supply a render body, and
it will always be rendered. The props this body of the router body will include:

- `:current-state` - The state of the routing state machine. (:initial, :pending, :failed, :routed)
- `:route-factory` - A factory that can generate the current route.
- `:route-props` -  The props that should be passed to the route factory. You can augment these with computed if you
wish. The router normally passes computed through like so: `(route-factory (comp/computed route-props (comp/get-computed this)))`
- `:pending-path-segment` - The route that we're going to (when in pending state).

The optional body, if defined, will *only* be used if the router has the `:always-render-body?` option set of
is in one of the following states:

- `:initial` - No route is set.
- `:pending` - A deferred route is taking longer than expected (configurable timeout, default 100ms)
- `:failed` - A deferred route took longer than can reasonably be expected (configurable timeout, default 5s)

otherwise the actual active route target will be rendered.
sourceraw docstring


(defrouter* env router-ns router-sym arglist options body)


(fail-handler env)


(get-route-cancelled class)

Returns the function that should be called if this target was in a deferred state and a different routing choice was made. Is given the same route parameters that were sent to will-enter.

Returns the function that should be called if this target was in a deferred state and a different routing choice was made. Is given the same route parameters that were sent to `will-enter`.
sourceraw docstring


(get-targets router)

Returns a set of classes to which this router routes.

Returns a set of classes to which this router routes.
sourceraw docstring


(get-will-enter class)

Returns the function that is called before a route target is activated (if the route segment of interest has changed and the target of the result is this target). MUST return (r/route-immediate ident) or (r/route-deferred ident) to indicate what ident should be used in app state to connect the router's join. If deferred, the router must cause a call to the r/target-ready mutation (or use the target-ready* mutation helper) with a {:target ident} parameter to indicate that the route target is loaded and ready for display.

params will be a map from any keywords found in route-segment to the string value of that path element.

WARNING: This method MUST be side-effect free.

Returns the function that is called before a route target is activated (if the route segment of interest has changed and the
target of the result is this target).  MUST return (r/route-immediate ident) or (r/route-deferred ident) to indicate
what ident should be used in app state to connect the router's join.  If deferred, the router must cause a call to
the r/target-ready mutation (or use the target-ready* mutation helper) with a {:target ident} parameter to indicate
that the route target is loaded and ready for display.

`params` will be a map from any keywords found in `route-segment` to the string value of that path element.

WARNING: This method MUST be side-effect free.
sourceraw docstring


(get-will-leave this)

Returns the function of a route target to be called with the current component and props. If it returns true then the routing operation will continue. If it returns false then whatever new route was requested will be completely abandoned. It is the responsibility of this method to give UI feedback as to why the route change was aborted.

Returns the function of a route target to be called with
the current component and props. If it returns `true` then the routing operation will continue.  If it returns `false`
then whatever new route was requested will be completely abandoned.  It is the responsibility of this method to give
UI feedback as to why the route change was aborted.
sourceraw docstring


(immediate? ident)


(initialize! app)

Initialize the routing system. This ensures that all routers have state machines in app state.

Initialize the routing system.  This ensures that all routers have state machines in app state.
sourceraw docstring


(into-path prefix TargetClass & path-args)

Returns the given prefix with the TargetClass segment appended onto it, replacing the final elements with the given (optional) path args.

(defsc X [_ _]
  {:route-segment ["a" :b]})

(into ["f" "g"] X "22") ; => ["f" "g" "a" "22"]
Returns the given `prefix` with the TargetClass segment appended onto it, replacing the final elements with the
 given (optional) path args.

(defsc X [_ _]
  {:route-segment ["a" :b]})

(into ["f" "g"] X "22") ; => ["f" "g" "a" "22"]
sourceraw docstring


(mark-route-pending* state-map {:keys [router target] :as params})


(matching-prefix route-segment actual-path)

Returns the elements of actual-path that match the route-segment definition.

Returns the elements of actual-path that match the route-segment definition.
sourceraw docstring


(path-to & targets-and-params)

Convert a sequence of router targets and parameters into a vector of strings that represents the target route. Parameters can be sequenced inline:

(defsc A [_ _]
  {:route-segment ["a" :a-param]})

(defsc B [_ _]
  {:route-segment ["b" :b-param]})

(route-segment A a-param1 B b-param ...)

where the parameters for a target immediately follow the component that requires them. Alternatively one can specify all of the parameters at the end as a single map using the parameter names that are used in the component :route-segment itself:

(defsc A [_ _]
  {:route-segment ["a" :a-param]})

(route-segment A B C D {:a-param 1})
Convert a sequence of router targets and parameters into a vector of strings that represents the target route. Parameters
can be sequenced inline:

(defsc A [_ _]
  {:route-segment ["a" :a-param]})

(defsc B [_ _]
  {:route-segment ["b" :b-param]})

(route-segment A a-param1 B b-param ...)

where the parameters for a target immediately follow the component that requires them. Alternatively
one can specify all of the parameters at the end as a single map using the parameter names that are used in
the component `:route-segment` itself:

(defsc A [_ _]
  {:route-segment ["a" :a-param]})

(route-segment A B C D {:a-param 1})
sourceraw docstring


(proposed-new-path this-or-app relative-class-or-instance new-route)

Internal algorithm: Returns a sequence of idents of the targets that the new-route goes through by analyzing the current application query and state.

Internal algorithm: Returns a sequence of idents of the targets that the `new-route` goes through by analyzing the current
application query and state.
sourceraw docstring


(ready-handler env)


(route-cancelled class route-params)

Universal CLJC version of will-enter. Don't use the protocol method in CLJ.

Universal CLJC version of will-enter.  Don't use the protocol method in CLJ.
sourceraw docstring


(route-deferred ident completion-fn)


(route-handler {:com.fulcrologic.fulcro.ui-state-machines/keys [app event-data]
                :as env})


(route-immediate ident)


(route-lifecycle? component)


(route-segment class)

Returns a vector that describes the sub-path that a given route target represents. String elements represent explicit path elements, and keywords represent variable values (which are always pulled as strings).

Returns a vector that describes the sub-path that a given route target represents. String elements represent
explicit path elements, and keywords represent variable values (which are always pulled as strings).
sourceraw docstring


(route-target router-class path)

Given a router class and a path segment, returns the class of the router-class that is the target of the given URI path, which is a vector of (string) URI components.

Returns nil if there is no target that accepts the path, or a map containing:

{:target class :matching-prefix prefix}

where class is the component class that accepts the path (the target, NOT the router), and matching-prefix is the portion of the path that is accepted by that class.

NOTE: If more than one target matches, then the target with the longest match will be returned. A warning will be printed if more than one match of equal length is found.

Given a router class and a path segment, returns the class of the router-class that is the target of the given URI path,
which is a vector of (string) URI components.

Returns nil if there is no target that accepts the path, or a map containing:

{:target class
 :matching-prefix prefix}

where `class` is the component class that accepts the path (the target, NOT the router), and `matching-prefix` is the
portion of the path that is accepted by that class.

NOTE: If more than one target matches, then the target with the longest match will be returned. A warning will be
printed if more than one match of equal length is found.
sourceraw docstring


(route-target? component)


(router-for-pending-target state-map target)


(router? component)




(signal-router-leaving app-or-comp relative-class-or-instance new-route)

Tell active routers that they are about to leave the screen. Returns false if any of them deny the route change.

Tell active routers that they are about to leave the screen. Returns false if any of them deny the route change.
sourceraw docstring


(subpath TargetClass & path-args)

Returns the route segment of the given TargetClass with the trailing elements replaced by path-args.

(defsc X [_ _]
  {:route-segment ["a" :b]})

(subpath X "22") ; => ["a" "22"]
Returns the route segment of the given TargetClass with the trailing elements replaced by path-args.

(defsc X [_ _]
  {:route-segment ["a" :b]})

(subpath X "22") ; => ["a" "22"]
sourceraw docstring


Mutation: Indicate that a target is ready.

Mutation: Indicate that a target is ready.
sourceraw docstring


(target-ready! component-or-app target)

Indicate a target is ready. Safe to use from within mutations.

target - The ident that was originally listed as a deferred target.

Indicate a target is ready.  Safe to use from within mutations.

target - The ident that was originally listed as a deferred target.
sourceraw docstring


(validate-route-targets router-instance)

Run a runtime validation on route targets to verify that they at least declare a route-segment that is a vector.

Run a runtime validation on route targets to verify that they at least declare a route-segment that is a vector.
sourceraw docstring


(will-enter class app params)

Universal CLJC version of will-enter.

Universal CLJC version of will-enter.
sourceraw docstring


(will-leave c props)

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