(alt a)
(alt a b)
(alt a b c)
(alt a b c d)
(alt a b c d & vs)
Takes several values, some of which may be a deferred, and returns a deferred that will yield the value which was realized first.
Takes several values, some of which may be a deferred, and returns a deferred that will yield the value which was realized first.
(await!* ls ds)
Like await!
but accept iterable collection of deferreds.
Like `await!` but accept iterable collection of deferreds.
(bind d val-fn)
(bind d val-fn err-fn)
Bind 1-arg callbacks fn to deferred. Returns new deferred with amended value.
Fn val-fn
takes single arugment with unwrapped value and may return a new value,
another deferred or throw an exception. Optional err-fn
accepts single argument with error.
Bind 1-arg callbacks fn to deferred. Returns new deferred with amended value. Fn `val-fn` takes single arugment with unwrapped value and may return a new value, another deferred or throw an exception. Optional `err-fn` accepts single argument with error.
(bind-> expr & forms)
Combination of bind
and threading macro ->
Similar to manifold.deferred/chain
, but does not allow dynamic applying with seq of arguments.
Use reduce
if number of binded callbacks is known only at runtime.
Combination of `bind` and threading macro `->`. Similar to `manifold.deferred/chain`, but does not allow dynamic applying with seq of arguments. Use `reduce` if number of binded callbacks is known only at runtime.
(bind-err mv f)
(bind-err mv exc f)
Bind 1-arg callback fn to deferred. Callback called when deferred is realized with an error.
Use throw
to re-throw error or return a new value.
Optinal argument exc
may specify which kind of errors we want to handle.
It may be 1-arg predicate fn, subclass of java.lang.Throwable or map.
In the last case only instances of IExceptionInfo
are handled where their ex-data
is a subset of the exc
(-> d
(bind-err java.lang.IOException #(handle-instances-of-ioexception %))
(bind-err #(re-find #"text" (str %)) #(hande-exceptions-with-matched-text %))
(bind-err {:type :my-error} #(hande-exinfo-with-matched-type %))
(bind-err #(handle-any-error %)))
Bind 1-arg callback fn to deferred. Callback called when deferred is realized with an error. Use `throw` to re-throw error or return a new value. Optinal argument `exc` may specify which kind of errors we want to handle. It may be 1-arg predicate fn, subclass of java.lang.Throwable or map. In the last case only instances of `IExceptionInfo` are handled where their `ex-data` is a subset of the `exc` map. (-> d (bind-err java.lang.IOException #(handle-instances-of-ioexception %)) (bind-err #(re-find #"text" (str %)) #(hande-exceptions-with-matched-text %)) (bind-err {:type :my-error} #(hande-exinfo-with-matched-type %)) (bind-err #(handle-any-error %)))
(bind-ex d executor val-fn)
(bind-ex d executor val-fn err-fn)
Similar to bind
, but run all callbacks on specified executor
Similar to `bind`, but run all callbacks on specified `executor`.
(bind-fin d f0)
Bind 0-arg function to be executed when deferred is realized (either with value or error). Callback result is ignored, any thrown execiptions are re-wrapped.
Bind 0-arg function to be executed when deferred is realized (either with value or error). Callback result is ignored, any thrown execiptions are re-wrapped.
(chain* x fs)
Composes functions over the value x
, returning a deferred containing the result.
Composes functions over the value `x`, returning a deferred containing the result.
(claim! d)
(claim! d token)
Attempts to claim the deferred for future updates.
Attempts to claim the deferred for future updates.
(connect d-from d-dest)
Conveys the realized value of d-from
into d-dest
Conveys the realized value of `d-from` into `d-dest`.
(create token)
Create a new unrealized deferred.
Create a new unrealized deferred.
(deferred? x)
Returns true if the object is an instance of a deferred.
Returns true if the object is an instance of a deferred.
(do-wrap & body)
Run body
and returns value as deferred, catch and wrap any exceptions.
Run `body` and returns value as deferred, catch and wrap any exceptions.
(error! d x)
(error! d x token)
Puts a deferred into a realized state with provided error x
Puts a deferred into a realized state with provided error `x`.
(future & body)
Equivalent to clojure.core/future
, but returns a Knitty deferred.
Equivalent to `clojure.core/future`, but returns a Knitty deferred.
(future-call f)
Equivalent to clojure.core/future-call
, but returns a Knitty deferred.
Equivalent to `clojure.core/future-call`, but returns a Knitty deferred.
(impl-iterate-while* init f p)
(impl-iterate-while* init
[fn1 [stepf-x] & stepf-body]
[fn2 [somef-x] & somef-body]
[fn3 [retrn-x] & retrn-body])
(iterate-while stepf somef init)
Iteratively run 1-arg function f
with initial value x
After each call check result of calling p
and stop loop when result if falsy.
Function f
may return deferreds, initial value x
also may be deferred.
Predicate p
should always return synchonous values howerver.
This is low-level routine, prefer reduce
or loop
Iteratively run 1-arg function `f` with initial value `x`. After each call check result of calling `p` and stop loop when result if falsy. Function `f` may return deferreds, initial value `x` also may be deferred. Predicate `p` should always return synchonous values howerver. This is low-level routine, prefer `reduce` `while` or `loop`.
(join d)
Coerce 'deferred with deferred value' to deferred with plain value.
@(join (kd/future (kd/future (kd/future 1)))) ;; => 1
Coerce 'deferred with deferred value' to deferred with plain value. @(join (kd/future (kd/future (kd/future 1)))) ;; => 1
(join1 d)
Coerce 'deferred with deferred value' to deferred with plain value.
@(join1 (kd/future (kd/future 1))) ;; => 1
Coerce 'deferred with deferred value' to deferred with plain value. @(join1 (kd/future (kd/future 1))) ;; => 1
(kd-await! ls)
(kd-await! ls x1)
(kd-await! ls x1 & xs)
Internal macros used by yarns - prefer not to use it.
Schedlue 0/1-arg function ls
to execute after all deferreds are realized
with values or at least one deferred is realized with an error.
All deferreds must be instances of Knitty deferred (use wrap
or wrap*
for coercion).
Internal macros used by yarns - prefer not to use it. Schedlue 0/1-arg function `ls` to execute after all deferreds are realized with values or at least one deferred is realized with an error. All deferreds *must* be instances of Knitty deferred (use `wrap` or `wrap*` for coercion).
(kd-succeeded? x1 & xs)
Internal macros used by yarns - prefer not to use it.
Returns true
when all instances of KDeferred are realized with values.
Internal macros used by yarns - prefer not to use it. Returns `true` when all instances of KDeferred are realized with values.
(letm binds & body)
Monadic let. Unwraps deferreds during binding, returning result as deferred.
Unlike manifold.deferred/let-flow
all steps are resolved in sequential order,
so use zip
if parallel execution is required.
Steps list can contain :let and :when special forms.
(letm [[x y] (zip (kd/future (rand) (kd/future (rand))) :when (< x y) ;; whole letm returns nil when condition is not met :let [d x] ;; bind without unwrapping z (kd/future (* x y))] (vector x y z @d))
Monadic let. Unwraps deferreds during binding, returning result as deferred. Unlike `manifold.deferred/let-flow` all steps are resolved in sequential order, so use `zip` if parallel execution is required. Steps list can contain :let and :when special forms. (letm [[x y] (zip (kd/future (rand) (kd/future (rand))) :when (< x y) ;; whole letm returns nil when condition is not met :let [d x] ;; bind without unwrapping z (kd/future (* x y))] (vector x y z @d))
(loop bindings & body)
A version of Clojure's loop which allows for asynchronous loops, via manifold.deferred/recur
will always return a deferred value, even if the body is synchronous. Note that loop
does not coerce values to deferreds, actual Manifold deferreds must be used.
(loop [i 1e6] (chain (future i) #(if (p/zero? %) % (recur (p/dec %)))))
A version of Clojure's loop which allows for asynchronous loops, via `manifold.deferred/recur`. `loop` will always return a deferred value, even if the body is synchronous. Note that `loop` does **not** coerce values to deferreds, actual Manifold deferreds must be used. (loop [i 1e6] (chain (future i) #(if (p/zero? %) % (recur (p/dec %)))))
(on x on-any)
(on x on-ok on-err)
Registers callback fns to run when deferred is realized. When only one callback is provided it shold be 0-arg fn. When both callbacks provided - they must accept 1 argument (value or error).
Registers callback fns to run when deferred is realized. When only one callback is provided it shold be 0-arg fn. When both callbacks provided - they must accept 1 argument (value or error).
(onto d executor)
Returns a deferred whose callbacks will be run on executor
Returns a deferred whose callbacks will be run on `executor`.
(recur & args)
A special recur that can be used with knitty.deferred/loop
A special recur that can be used with `knitty.deferred/loop`.
(reduce f initd xs)
Deferred-aware version of clojure.core/reduce
Step function f
may return deferred values, xs
may be sequence of deferreds.
Deferred-aware version of `clojure.core/reduce`. Step function `f` may return deferred values, `xs` may be sequence of deferreds.
(revoke d cancel-fn)
(revoke d cancel-fn err-handler)
Returns new deferred connected to the provided. When resulted deferred is realized but original is not - calls cancellation callback.
(let [f (java.core/future (Thread/sleep 1000) 1))
x (-> (wrap* f)
(bind inc)
(revoke #(do
(println :operation-is-cancelled)
(success! x 1)
(assert (clojure.core/future-cancelled? f)))
Note that call to revoke
should be last in a chain, because revokation is not propagated by binding fns.
(let [f (java.core/future (Thread/sleep 1000) 1))
x (-> (wrap* f)
(revoke #(do
(println :operation-is-cancelled)
(bind inc))]
(success! x 1)
;; revokation was not pass through `(bind inc)` binding.
(assert (not (clojure.core/future-cancelled? f))))
Returns new deferred connected to the provided. When resulted deferred is realized but original is not - calls cancellation callback. (let [f (java.core/future (Thread/sleep 1000) 1)) x (-> (wrap* f) (bind inc) (revoke #(do (println :operation-is-cancelled) (clojure.core/future-cancel))))] (success! x 1) (assert (clojure.core/future-cancelled? f))) Note that call to `revoke` should be last in a chain, because revokation is not propagated by binding fns. (let [f (java.core/future (Thread/sleep 1000) 1)) x (-> (wrap* f) (revoke #(do (println :operation-is-cancelled) (clojure.core/future-cancel))) (bind inc))] (success! x 1) ;; revokation was not pass through `(bind inc)` binding. (assert (not (clojure.core/future-cancelled? f))))
(revoke-to d rd)
(revoke-to d rd & rds)
Like revoke
, but resolves rd
with an exception instead of calling generic callback.
Use it to bypass revokation to original deferred:
(let [x (call-some-function)]
(-> x
(bind #(process-x1 %))
(bind #(procces-x2 %))
(bind-err #(handle-error %))
(revoke-to x) ;; bypass cancelation to `x`
Like `revoke`, but resolves `rd` with an exception instead of calling generic callback. Use it to bypass revokation to original deferred: (let [x (call-some-function)] (-> x (bind #(process-x1 %)) (bind #(procces-x2 %)) (bind-err #(handle-error %)) (revoke-to x) ;; bypass cancelation to `x` ))
(run! f xs)
Sequentially apply f
to sequence of deferreds xs
for side effects.
Fn f
may return deferreds.
Sequentially apply `f` to sequence of deferreds `xs` for side effects. Fn `f` may return deferreds.
(success! d x)
(success! d x token)
Puts a deferred into a realized state with provided value x
Puts a deferred into a realized state with provided value `x`.
(unwrap x)
Unwraps deferred (once). Returns realized value or the deferred itself.
Unwraps deferred (once). Returns realized value or the deferred itself.
(unwrap1 x)
Unwraps deferred (once). Returns realized value or the deferred itself.
Unwraps deferred (once). Returns realized value or the deferred itself.
(while body)
(while pred & body)
Deferred-aware version of clojure.core/while
Both test and body experssion may result into deferred.
Returns deferred realized to nil
Deferred-aware version of `clojure.core/while`. Both test and body experssion may result into deferred. Returns deferred realized to `nil`.
(wrap x)
Coerce type x
from IDeferred to Knitty deferred or returns realized deferred with value x
Coerce type `x` from IDeferred to Knitty deferred or returns realized deferred with value `x`.
(wrap* x)
Corece x
into an instance of Knitty deferred. Converts non-deferred futures with manifold.deferred/->deferred
Corece `x` into an instance of Knitty deferred. Converts non-deferred futures with `manifold.deferred/->deferred`.
(wrap-err e)
A realized deferred with error.
A realized deferred with error.
(wrap-val v)
A realized deferred with value.
A realized deferred with value.
(zip a)
(zip a b)
(zip a b c)
(zip a b c d)
(zip a b c d e)
(zip a b c d e f)
(zip a b c d e f g)
(zip a b c d e f g h)
(zip a b c d e f g h i)
(zip a b c d e f g h i j)
(zip a b c d e f g h i j k)
(zip a b c d e f g h i j k l)
(zip a b c d e f g h i j k l m)
(zip a b c d e f g h i j k l m n)
(zip a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o)
(zip a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p)
(zip a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p & z)
Takes several values and returns a deferred that will yield vector of realized values.
Takes several values and returns a deferred that will yield vector of realized values.
(zip* vs)
(zip* a vs)
(zip* a b vs)
(zip* a b c vs)
(zip* a b c d vs)
(zip* a b c d e & vs)
Similar to (apply zip vs)
, returns a seq instead of vector.
Similar to `(apply zip vs)`, returns a seq instead of vector.
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