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(add-item-to-playback-queue tb & {:keys [uri] :as keyvals})

Adds an item with the specified uri to the end of the user's playback queue. Params: uri, device_id.

uri must identify a track ('spotify:track:<track id>') or an episode ('spotify:episode:<episode id>').

Blocking: if enabled, the result is not returned until the given item appears in the user's queue which is obtained with additional API calls. Note that the item may already be present in the queue, so this check is not comprehensive. However, it is enough in the typical case.

Adds an item with the specified uri to the end of the user's playback queue.
Params: uri, device_id.

uri must identify a track ('spotify:track:<track id>') or an episode
('spotify:episode:<episode id>').

Blocking: if enabled, the result is not returned until the given item appears
in the user's queue which is obtained with additional API calls. Note that
the item may already be present in the queue, so this check is not
comprehensive. However, it is enough in the typical case.
sourceraw docstring


(get-available-devices tb & {:as keyvals})

Returns a list of devices currently running Spotify. No params.

Returns a list of devices currently running Spotify. No params.
sourceraw docstring


(get-playback-state tb & {:as keyvals})

Returns information about the current playback status, including item, progress and active device. Params: market, additional_types.

The timestamp output parameter seems to contain the time the current track started playing and can be used to check if the Skip To Next/Skip To Previous track operation has already taken effect.

Returns information about the current playback status, including item,
progress and active device. Params: market, additional_types.

The timestamp output parameter seems to contain the time the current track
started playing and can be used to check if the Skip To Next/Skip To Previous
track operation has already taken effect.
sourceraw docstring


(get-recently-played-tracks tb & {:as keyvals})

Returns recently played tracks (not episodes). Params: limit, before, after.

Returns recently played tracks (not episodes). Params: limit, before, after.
sourceraw docstring


(get-user-queue tb & {:as keyvals})

Returns the contents of the user's queue. No params.

If there are no active devices, the returned queue will be empty. After transferring playback to a device or modifying the queue, it takes some time before its current value starts to be returned.

Returns the contents of the user's queue. No params.

If there are no active devices, the returned queue will be empty. After
transferring playback to a device or modifying the queue, it takes some time
before its current value starts to be returned.
sourceraw docstring


(pause-playback tb & {:as keyvals})

Pauses playback. Params: device_id.

Error suppression: if playback is already paused, the server returns status 403 with message 'Player command failed: Restriction violated' and reason 'UNKNOWN'. This error is ignored, i.e. the resulting map is returned directly, instead of being wrapped in a js/Error object (the <? macro throws no exception).

Blocking: if enabled, no result is returned until the state of the playback, fetched by additional API requests, contains the is_playing output parameter as false.

Pauses playback. Params: device_id.

Error suppression: if playback is already paused, the server returns status
403 with message 'Player command failed: Restriction violated' and reason
'UNKNOWN'. This error is ignored, i.e. the resulting map is returned directly,
instead of being wrapped in a js/Error object (the <? macro throws no

Blocking: if enabled, no result is returned until the state of the playback,
fetched by additional API requests, contains the is_playing output parameter
as false.
sourceraw docstring


(set-repeat-mode tb & {:keys [state] :as keyvals})

Sets repeat mode. Params: state, device_id.

state arguments: track, context, off. track: repeats current track. context: repeats current context. off: turns repeat off.

Blocking: if enabled, no result is returned until the repeat mode (fetched by additional API requests) has the same value as the state input parameter.

Sets repeat mode. Params: state, device_id.

state arguments: track, context, off.
track: repeats current track.
context: repeats current context.
off: turns repeat off.

Blocking: if enabled, no result is returned until the repeat mode (fetched
by additional API requests) has the same value as the state input parameter.
sourceraw docstring


(skip-to-next tb & {:as keyvals})

Skips to the next item in the user's queue. Params: device_id.

Blocking: if enabled, no result is returned until the playback state (fetched by additional API requests) contains a different timestamp than before the 'Skip To Next' API command was called. (See also: get-playback-state.)

Note that a race is possible where at the same time: 1. Spotify player skips to the next track because the current one ends, 2. this function is called. Therefore, if you want to be sure that exactly one track was skipped, you should work with a paused player (see pause-playback).

Skips to the next item in the user's queue. Params: device_id.

Blocking: if enabled, no result is returned until the playback state (fetched
by additional API requests) contains a different timestamp than before the
'Skip To Next' API command was called. (See also: get-playback-state.)

Note that a race is possible where at the same time: 1. Spotify player skips
to the next track because the current one ends, 2. this function is called.
Therefore, if you want to be sure that exactly one track was skipped, you
should work with a paused player (see pause-playback).
sourceraw docstring


(skip-to-previous tb & {:as keyvals})

Skips to the previous item in the user's queue. Params: device_id.

Blocking: like for skip-to-next (see also notes to that function about possible race condition).

Skips to the previous item in the user's queue. Params: device_id.

Blocking: like for skip-to-next (see also notes to that function about
possible race condition).
sourceraw docstring


(start-or-resume-playback tb & {:keys [b/context_uri b/uris] :as keyvals})

Starts/resumes playback. Params: device_id, b/context_uri, b/uris, b/offset, b/position_ms.

Error suppression: as for pause-playback, except error 403 is suppressed in case of double start.

Blocking: like for pause-playback, except that is_playing is tested for true. Also, if either b/context_uri or b/uris is given, an additional check is made to see if b/context_uri or one of b/uris is actually being played.

Starts/resumes playback. Params: device_id, b/context_uri, b/uris, b/offset,

Error suppression: as for pause-playback, except error 403 is suppressed in
case of double start.

Blocking: like for pause-playback, except that is_playing is tested for true.
Also, if either b/context_uri or b/uris is given, an additional check is made
to see if b/context_uri or one of b/uris is actually being played.
sourceraw docstring


(toggle-playback-shuffle tb & {:keys [state] :as keyvals})

Toggles playback shuffle. Params: state, device_id.

Blocking: if enabled, no result is returned until the shuffle state (fetched by additional API requests) has the same value as the state input parameter.

Toggles playback shuffle. Params: state, device_id.

Blocking: if enabled, no result is returned until the shuffle state (fetched
by additional API requests) has the same value as the state input parameter.
sourceraw docstring


(transfer-playback tb & {:keys [b/device_ids] :as keyvals})

Transfers playback to the specified device and determines whether it should start playing. Despite the array parameter b/device_ids, only one device is supported. Params: b/device_ids, b/play.

Blocking: if enabled, no result is returned until the list of available devices, fetched by additional API calls, contains the specified device with the 'is_active' parameter set to true. The playback queue is returned properly only when the device is active.

Transfers playback to the specified device and determines whether it should
start playing. Despite the array parameter b/device_ids, only one device is
supported. Params: b/device_ids, b/play.

Blocking: if enabled, no result is returned until the list of available
devices, fetched by additional API calls, contains the specified device with
the 'is_active' parameter set to true. The playback queue is returned
properly only when the device is active.
sourceraw docstring

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