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(append! agent & messages)

Appends a message to the agent's context log. This will not interact with the model, but instead will be included the next time the model requires context.

Useful for adding log entries to affect model responses without generating an immediate response.

Returns the agent

Appends a message to the agent's context log. This will not interact with the
model, but instead will be included the next time the model requires context.

Useful for adding log entries to affect model responses without generating an immediate

Returns the agent
sourceraw docstring


(context-length agent)

Get the number of messages currently contained in the agent's context log

Get the number of messages currently contained in the agent's context log
sourceraw docstring



Returns a new log backed by an atom. For more complex scenarios, create an implementation of the dobby.impl.log/Log protocol

Returns a new log backed by an atom. For more complex scenarios, create
an implementation of the dobby.impl.log/Log protocol
sourceraw docstring


(create-model params)

Create a model backed by OpenAI's API. Params are essentially anthing supported by the OpenAI API. See

Create a model backed by OpenAI's API. Params are essentially anthing supported
by the OpenAI API. See
sourceraw docstring


(defagent & args)

Defines an agent constructor. Functions defined via defunction can be passed to the agents attribute map. The docstring for the agent will be used as the initial-prompt for the model.

An agent is started by calling the constructor function following the same semantics as dobby.core/start! - the only difference being that the agent argument is omitted.

(defagent weather-assistant
  "You are a helpful weather bot that delivers useful weather information"
  {:functions [get-current-weather]}
  [agent message]
  (println message))

(weather-assistant (random-uuid) (create-log) (create-model {:model "gpt-3.5-turbo"}))
Defines an agent constructor. Functions defined via defunction can
be passed to the agents attribute map. The docstring for the agent will be used as the
initial-prompt for the model.

An agent is started by calling the constructor function following the same semantics as
dobby.core/start! - the only difference being that the agent argument is omitted.

(defagent weather-assistant
  "You are a helpful weather bot that delivers useful weather information"
  {:functions [get-current-weather]}
  [agent message]
  (println message))

(weather-assistant (random-uuid) (create-log) (create-model {:model "gpt-3.5-turbo"}))
sourceraw docstring


(define-agent initial-prompt on-message functions)

Defines a prototype for starting agents with. This function is the backing function for the defagent macro. It is provided as an alternative to defagent, and is useful for scenarios where you want to create an agent without defining a new symbol.

Defines a prototype for starting agents with. This function is the backing function
for the defagent macro. It is provided as an alternative to defagent, and is useful
for scenarios where you want to create an agent without defining a new symbol.
sourceraw docstring


(define-function schema-name description schema fn-2)

This function is the backing function for the defunction macro. It is provided as an alternative to defunction, and is useful for scenarios where you want to create a function without defining a new symbol.

This function is the backing function for the defunction macro. It is provided as an
alternative to defunction, and is useful for scenarios where you want to create a function
without defining a new symbol.
sourceraw docstring


(defunction & args)

Defines a function for use with a model. Very similar to a regular Clojure function except it forces a schema definition via the malli library. This schema is used to communicate the function signature to the model by converting it to json schema. The docstring is used as the json schema description. The function arguments will always be [started-agent arguments]

(defunction get-current-weather
  "Get the current weather in a given location"
  [:map {:closed true}
    [:location {:description "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA"} :string]
    [:unit {:optional true} [:enum {:json-schema/type "string"} "celsius" "fahrenheit"]]]
  [_ {:keys [location unit]}]
  (make-weather-api-call location unit))
Defines a function for use with a model. Very similar to a regular Clojure function
except it forces a schema definition via the malli library. This schema is used to communicate
the function signature to the model by converting it to json schema. The docstring is used as the json schema description.
The function arguments will always be [started-agent arguments]

(defunction get-current-weather
  "Get the current weather in a given location"
  [:map {:closed true}
    [:location {:description "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA"} :string]
    [:unit {:optional true} [:enum {:json-schema/type "string"} "celsius" "fahrenheit"]]]
  [_ {:keys [location unit]}]
  (make-weather-api-call location unit))
sourceraw docstring


(get-context started-agent)

Return the current context of the agent

Return the current context of the agent
sourceraw docstring


(send-message! started-agent message)

Send a message to the agent. For now the message format should mirro what the OpenAI API expects. See

Send a message to the agent. For now the message format should mirro what the OpenAI
API expects. See
sourceraw docstring


(start! agent log model)
(start! agent id log model)

Start the agent with the given id, log, and model. If an id is omitted, a random uuid will be used. See dobby.agent.schema to understand the difference between an agent and started-agent. At a high level, agent types act as a prototype for started-agents. Most dobby backed programs will interact with a started-agent.

Start the agent with the given id, log, and model. If an id is omitted, a random
uuid will be used. See dobby.agent.schema to understand the difference between an agent
and started-agent. At a high level, agent types act as a prototype for started-agents. Most
dobby backed programs will interact with a started-agent.
sourceraw docstring


(stop! started-agent)

Stop a started agent. This will stop the agent's model and close the response channel so no further responses can be streamed

Stop a started agent. This will stop the agent's model and close the response channel
so no further responses can be streamed
sourceraw docstring


(stream & args)

Opens a stream to the given agents response stream. Responses are received as they become available. It is important to know that this stream will only receive events for text responses from the agent. Function calls are handled automatically.

Events are maps of the form {:type <type> :content <content>}

Types are as follows:

  • :begin - Represents that a response has started. :content will be nil
  • :text - Represents that text is available, :content will be a string containing the portion of the response
  • :end - Represnts that the response has ended. :content will be nil

Streaming stops as soon as the agent is stopped.

(stream started
  (println event))
Opens a stream to the given agents response stream. Responses are received as they become
available. It is important to know that this stream will only receive events for text responses
from the agent. Function calls are handled automatically.

Events are maps of the form {:type <type> :content <content>}

Types are as follows:
- :begin - Represents that a response has started. :content will be nil
- :text - Represents that text is available, :content will be a string containing the portion of the response
- :end - Represnts that the response has ended. :content will be nil

Streaming stops as soon as the agent is stopped.  

(stream started
  (println event))
sourceraw docstring

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