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Clojars Project


A Leiningen plugin to run clj-kondo.


Add the plugin to your project.clj:

:plugins [[com.github.clj-kondo/lein-clj-kondo "0.1.2"]]


This plugin accepts the following pattern clj-kondo <options>.

For more information on all available options, Check the documentation.

lein CLI

$ lein clj-kondo --lint $classpath


You can configure your project.clj to add custom aliases to run specific clj-kondo tasks, below you can find a simple example which first lint the project dependencies and then lint the project code:

:aliases {"clj-kondo-deps" ["clj-kondo" "--copy-configs" "--dependencies" "--lint" "$classpath"]
          "clj-kondo" ["do" ["clj-kondo-deps"] ["clj-kondo" "--lint" "src" "test"]]}

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