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A Clojure library designed to extend the file support for Clojask. This library can also be used alone to read in and output dataset files.


Available on Clojars: Clojars Project


NS: clojask-io.input


Read in a file as lazy sequence. Optionally, provide size of the file, corresponding output functions.

pathStringIndicates where to find the file (either on local machine or online)- For local files, absolute / relative path of the file
- For online resources, url of the resources
[format]StringThe format of the fileWill be inferred from the path suffix if not provided. Will imply the separator (sep) based on pre-setting.
[sep]String / java.util.regex.Pattern (regex)The separator of each row of the dataset file
[wrap]StringWrapper of each valueSometimes, the file will wrap each value some punctuations, e.g "" / ''. Can remove them automatically by setting this argument. Does not support asymmetric wrappers.
[stat]BooleanWhether to get the size of the fileIf true, the return value will add a :size key-value pair in unit of bytes. Size value will be nil if cannot be retrieved.
[output]BooleanWhether to also return the corresponding output functionIf true, the return value will add a :output key-value pair.


{:data a lazy sequence of vectors representing each row [:size the size in byte] [:output output function]}

NS: clojask-io.output

Copyright © 2022 Clojask-io

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