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Below you can find all available features that clojure-lsp provides with examples using Emacs lsp-mode as the client.

LSP features

Find a function/var definition

Find defprotocol/defmulti implementations

Find a function/var declaration in the ns

Find all references of a function, var, keyword or namespace alias

Show all workspace/project symbols

Show all symbols on current file

Rename symbols

Also, it's possible to live rename symbols on the same buffer with linkedEditingRange feature.

Document highlight on hover showing symbol usages

Documentation and clojuredocs integration

Java support

To understand what is supported and how to configure it, check the settings section.



Snippets are templates that make it easier to enter repeating code patterns, such as common functions/forms, they are available during completion. Tabstops are defined as $number with $0 as last tabstop.

Check all available snippets here
namedescriptionraw content
commentInsert comment block(comment\n ${0:body}\n )
comment-headingInsert comment Header;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\n;; ${1:Namespace summary title}\n;;\n;; ${2:Brief description}\n;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\n\n$0
comment-separatorInsert comment separator ;; ${1:Namespace summary title}\n;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\n\n$0
rich-commentInsert rich comment (comment $0 #_())
rich-comment-rddInsert rich comment rdd block #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:redefined-var]}\n(comment\n $0 #_())
rich-comment-hotloadInsert rich comment library hotload #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:redefined-var]}\n(comment\n ;; Add-lib library for hot-loading\n (require '[ :refer [add-libs]])\n (add-libs '{${1:domain/library-name} {:mvn/version \"${2:1.0.0}\"}$3})\n $0\n)
condpInsert condp(condp ${1:pred} ${2:expr}\n $0)
defInsert def(def ${1:name} $0)
def-Insert def private(def ^:private ${1:name} $0)
def-docInsert def with docstring(def ${1:name}\n \"${2:docstring}\"\n $0)
defmethodInsert defmethod(defmethod ${1:name} ${2:match}\n [${3:args}]\n $0)
defmultiInsert defmulti(defmulti ${1:name} ${2:dispatch-fn})
defnInsert public defn(defn ${1:name} [$2]\n $0)
defn-docInsert public defn with docstring(defn ${1:name}\n \"${2:docstring}\"\n [${3:args}]\n $0)
defn-Insert private defn(defn%s ${1:name} [$2]\n $0)
defprotocolInsert defprotocol(defprotocol ${1:Name}\n $0)
defrecordInsert defrecord(defrecord ${1:Name} [${2:fields}]\n ${3:Protocol}\n $0)
deftypeInsert deftype(deftype ${1:Name} [${2:fields}]\n ${3:Protocol}\n $0)
fnInsert fn(fn [${1:arg-list}] $0)
forInsert for(for [${1:item} ${2:coll}]\n $0)
ifInsert if(if ${1:test-expr}\n ${2:then-expr}\n ${3:else-expr})
kwargsInsert keyword args{:keys [${1:keys}] :or {${2:defaults}}}
letInsert let(let [$0])
letfnInsert letfn(letfn [(${1:name} [${2:args}]\n $0)])
nsInsert ns(ns ${1:name}\n $0:references})
ns-docInsert ns with docstring(ns ${1:name}\n \"${2:docstring}\"\n ${0:references})
requireInsert ns :require(:require [${1:namespace}])$0
require-asInsert ns require with :as alias(:require [${1:namespace} :as ${2:alias}]$3)
require-referInsert ns :require with :refer(:require [${1:namespace} :refer [$2]]$3)
require-rddInsert require for rich comment experiments(require '[${1:namespace} :as ${2:alias}]$3)$0
req-asInsert single require dep :as alias[${1:namespace} :as ${2:alias}]
req-referInsert single require dep with :refer[${1:namespace} :refer [$2]]
importInsert import(:import [${1:package}])
useInsert require refer preferred over use(:require [${1:namespace} :refer [$2]])
deps-aliasInsert alias with extra path & deps :${1:category/name}\n {:extra-paths [\"${2:path}\"]\n :extra-deps {${3:deps-maven or deps-git}}}$0
deps-mavenInsert maven dependency${1:domain/library-name} {:mvn/version \"${2:1.0.0}\"}$0
deps-gitInsert git dependency ${1:domain/library-name}\n {:git/sha \"${2:git-sha-value}\"}$0
deps-git-tagInsert git tag dependency ${1:domain/library-name}\n {:git/tag \"${2:git-tag-value}\"\n :git/sha \"${3:git-sha-value}\"}$0
deps-git-urlInsert git URL dependency ${1:domain/library-name}\n {:git/url \"$1\"\n :git/sha \"${2:git-sha-value}\"}$0
deps-localInsert local dependency ${1:domain/library-name} {:local/root \"${2:/path/to/project/root}\"}$0
deftestInsert deftest clojure.test (deftest ${1:name}-test\n (testing \"${2:Context of the test assertions}\"\n (is (= ${3:assertion-values}))$4)) $0
testingInsert testing clojure.test (testing \"${1:Context of the test assertions}\"\n $0)
isInsert is clojure.test(is (= ${1:assertion-values}))
Custom snippets

User can register additional custom snippets. For more information, check the snippets config documentation.

Code actions

See below for screenshots.

Code lenses showing symbol references

Format a whole file or range

Signature help

Semantic tokens

The LSP server is the best to say what is the semantic value of a token on the editor, semantic tokens allows server return to client all tokens of a buffer and how client show apply highlight.

Note: server return the semantic token (e.g. function) and the client/editor apply the color that matches the user's theme.

Call hierarchy

Show the incoming or outgoing call hierarchy of a function/variable as a lazy tree


Show functions that call the current one recursively


Show functions that the current one call, recursively

Test Tree

Show the tests tree hierarchy of a file

Project tree

Show the project tree ns and external dependencies.

Diagnostics (linter)

All linters besides the ones below come from clj-kondo that clojure-lsp calls under the hood to lint the code and retrieve the analysis to make most of features work.

Every linter configuration should be done on clj-kondo side, so anything related to unresolved symbols or unknown macros are probably related to wrong clj-kondo for the project. For more information on how to configure clj-kondo check here.

Below you can find the custom linters implemented on clojure-lsp side that uses the :custom-lint-fn from clj-kondo:


For more information on how to configure it, check the diagnostics settings section.


For more information on how to configure it, check the diagnostics settings section.


Clojure-lsp has a optional integration with clj-depend, making it easier to configure namespaces relationship.

For more information on how to configure it, check the diagnostics settings section.

Stub generation

It's possible to configure clojure-lsp to generate and analyze stubs for specific namespaces available on your project classpath, this is useful for closed source dependencies like datomic.api, with that clojure-lsp will be able to make most features work with those dependencies. For more information check the stubs settings section.

Execute command

Commands that client can request. Most code actions use these commands as actions.

clojure-lsp extra commands

Note: Most of these are available via code actions and clients or users may choose to use the code action menu to execute them instead of mapping.

All functions in clojure-lsp have a two-letter mnemonic shortcut. E.g. tf for thread-first-all. We strongly suggest that client authors and users use these shortcuts keys when choosing to map these commands to key chords or menus; this allows for users to maintain muscle memory and familiarity as they switch between clients and editors. Thank you to clj-refactor for this system and other tools that adhere to it.

LSP clients will allow you to bind these commands to shortcuts or menu items using LSP's workspace/executeCommand and passing a map with "command" and "arguments" keys.


  • file-uri: Absolute file uri. e.x. file:///home/user/project/src/main.clj
  • row: line-number of the cursor, 0 based.
  • col: col-number of the cursor, 0 based.
  • name: Used when introducing a name, usually a string for a valid clojure symbol.
  • filename: Filename path. e.x. src/utils.clj
ShortcutCommandNameArgumentsAvailable via code actionExample
abdrag-param-backwardDrag param backward[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Drag param forward and backward
afdrag-param-forwardDrag param forward[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Drag param forward and backward
aiadd-missing-importAdd import to namespace[file-uri,row,col[,name]]Screen recording of Add import to namespace
amadd-missing-libspecAdd missing require[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Add missing require
asadd-require-suggestionAdd require suggestion[file-uri,row,col,ns,alias,refer]Screen recording of Add require suggestion
cccycle-collCycle collection (#{}, {}, [], ())[file-uri,row,col]
ckcycle-keyword-auto-resolveCycle keyword auto-resolve[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Cycle keyword auto resolve
cnclean-nsClean namespace[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Clean namespace
cpcycle-privacyCycle privacy of def/defn[file-uri,row,col]
ctcreate-testCreate test[file-uri,row,col]
dfdemote-fnDemote fn to #()[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Promote fn to defn
dbdrag-backwardDrag backward[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Drag forward and backward
dfdrag-forwardDrag forward[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Drag forward and backward
dkdestructure-keysDestructure keys[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Destructure keys
edextract-to-defExtract to def[file-uri,row,col,name]Screen recording of Extract to def
efextract-functionExtract function[file-uri,row,col,name]Screen recording of Extract function
elexpand-letExpand let[file-uri,row,col]
fecreate-functionCreate function from example[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Create function from example
gaget-in-allMove all expressions to get/get-in[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Threading get
glget-in-lessRemove one element from get/get-in[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Threading get
gmget-in-moreMove another expression to get/get-in[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Threading get
gnget-in-noneUnwind whole get/get-in[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Threading get
ilintroduce-letIntroduce let[file-uri,row,col,name]
isinline-symbolInline Symbol[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Inline symbol
maresolve-macro-asResolve macro as[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Resolve macro as
mfmove-formMove form[file-uri,row,col,filename]
mlmove-to-letMove expression to let[file-uri,row,col,name]Screen recording of Move expression to let
pfpromote-fnPromote #() to fn, or fn to defn[file-uri,row,col,fn-name]Screen recording of Promote fn to defn
rrreplace-refer-all-with-referReplace ':refer :all' with ':refer [...]'[file-uri,row,col,refers]Screen recording of Replace refer all with refer
rareplace-refer-all-with-aliasReplace ':refer :all' with alias[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Replace refer all with alias
rkrestructure-keysRestructure keys[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Restructure keys
scchange-collSwitch collection to {}, (), #{}, [][file-uri,row,col,"map"/"list"/"set"/"vector"]Screen recording of Switch collection
slsort-clausesSort map/vector/list/set/clauses[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Sort clauses
tfthread-first-allThread first all[file-uri,row,col]Screen recording of Thread first all
ththread-firstThread first expression[file-uri,row,col]
tlthread-last-allThread last all[file-uri,row,col]
ttthread-lastThread last expression[file-uri,row,col]
uaunwind-allUnwind whole thread[file-uri,row,col]
uwunwind-threadUnwind thread once[file-uri,row,col]
fsforward-slurpParedit: forward slurp[file-uri,row,col]
fbforward-barfParedit: forward barf[file-uri,row,col]
bsbackward-slurpParedit: backward slurp[file-uri,row,col]
bbbackward-barfParedit: backward barf[file-uri,row,col]
rsraise-sexpParedit: Raise sexp[file-uri,row,col]
kskill-sexpParedit: Kill sexp[file-uri,row,col]


Server information

Return basic information about the server.

Cursor information

Return debug information about the element at point.

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Eric Dallo, Jacob Maine, André Ribeiro Camargo & Case Nelson
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