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Models LSP JSON-RPC as core.async channels of messages (Clojure hashmaps).

Models LSP JSON-RPC as core.async channels of messages (Clojure hashmaps).
raw docstring


(input-stream->input-chan input)
(input-stream->input-chan input
                          {:keys [close? keyword-function]
                           :or {close? true
                                keyword-function csk/->kebab-case-keyword}})

Returns a channel which will yield parsed messages that have been read off the input. When the input is closed, closes the channel. By default when the channel closes, will close the input, but can be determined by close?.

Reads in a thread to avoid blocking a go block thread.

Returns a channel which will yield parsed messages that have been read off
the `input`. When the input is closed, closes the channel. By default when the
channel closes, will close the input, but can be determined by `close?`.

Reads in a thread to avoid blocking a go block thread.
sourceraw docstring


(output-stream->output-chan output)

Returns a channel which expects to have messages put on it. nil values are not allowed. Serializes and writes the messages to the output. When the channel is closed, closes the output.

Writes in a thread to avoid blocking a go block thread.

Returns a channel which expects to have messages put on it. nil values are
not allowed. Serializes and writes the messages to the output. When the
channel is closed, closes the output.

Writes in a thread to avoid blocking a go block thread.
sourceraw docstring

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