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A crux tx-log on AWS DynamoDB.

Getting Started

You'll need a document store and a KV store. For the document store, crux-s3 is a good option. The KV store can still be in-memory, RocksDB, etc.

(crux.api/start-node {:crux.node/topology ['crux.node/base-topology
                      :crux.dynamodb/table-name "my-dynamodb-table"
                      :crux.dynamodb/configurator {:start-fn (fn [_ _ ] (reify crux.dynamodb.DynamoDBConfigurator))}
                      :crux.s3/bucket "my-s3-bucket"})

You can extend the DynamoDBConfigurator interface to provide a custom DynamoDB client, intercept CreateTable calls for customization, or provide your own serialization (uses Nippy by default).


The key schema for DynamoDB is:

  • part, type N, key type HASH
  • tx, type N, key type RANGE

A 64-bit transaction ID in crux is decomposed into the following:

│ 64 │ 15-63 │ 1-14 │
│  0 │  part │   tx │

So there are up to 16k transactions per partition, and 562949953421311 possible partitions (so you won't run out).

The part key in DynamoDB is exactly the same per tx-log entry; the tx key is the tx value shifted left 17 bits, and the bottom 17 bits are for each individual transaction event. This means you can have up to 131,071 events per transaction.

The special partition 0x2000000000000 is for tx-log metadata, and the only value is the "current tx ID" stored in tx 0. This value in DynamoDB contains values currentPartition and currentTx.

When writing a transaction, we first read {part=0x2000000000000,tx=0}, and increment currentTx by one. If it overflows, increment currentPartition by one and use a tx value of 0. We update this key conditionally, so multiple writers can write concurrently, just retrying if the conditional update fails.


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