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(conjoin conjunction col)

Accepts a sequences and returns a comma delimited string with the specified conjunction between the final two elements

Accepts a sequences and returns a comma delimited string
with the specified conjunction between the final two elements
sourceraw docstring


(humanize value)

Accepts a value in kabob case and returns the value in human friendly form

Accepts a value in kabob case and returns the value in human friendly form
sourceraw docstring


(ordinal number)

Accepts a number and returns a string expressing the value as an ordinal. E.g., 1 => '1st'

Accepts a number and returns a string expressing the value
as an ordinal. E.g., 1 => '1st'
sourceraw docstring


Acceps a singular noun and attempts to convert it into plural

Acceps a singular noun and attempts to convert it into plural
sourceraw docstring


Accepts a plural noun and attempts to convert it into singular

Accepts a plural noun and attempts to convert it into singular
sourceraw docstring


(title-case s)

Renders the string in title case. E.g. (title-case "my important thing") => "My Important Thing"

Renders the string in title case. E.g.
(title-case "my important thing") => "My Important Thing"
sourceraw docstring

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