ClojoSolace is a lightweight Clojure wrapper around Solace Java messaging API
(defn connect
"Returns ^Connection."
[& {:keys [host vpn user password
reconnections reconnections-per-host receiver-direct-sub-reapply]
:or {reconnections 20 reconnections-per-host 5 receiver-direct-sub-reapply true}}] ...)
(defn disconnect
[^Connection conn] ...)
(defn request
"Use ^Connection `conn` to send a request to `topic` with `payload`. Return a promesa promise
that will resolve to ^InboundMsg transformed by `preprocess` (default: identity) function, or
rejected as {:user-context ^Object, :error ^PubSubPlusClientException} if exception occurred."
[^Connection conn & {:keys [topic payload
timeout_ms preprocess]
:or {timeout_ms 3000 preprocess identity}}] ...)
(defn listen-requests
"Use ^Connection `conn` to listen to requests sent to `topic` and returns a promesa channel.
Item in channel will resolve to:
{:message ^InboundMessage transformed by `preprocess` (default: identity) function,
:reply (fn [payload] ...) for sending payload as reply to requestor}.
`buffer` (default: 128) is used to construct returned channel (see promesa.exe.csp/chan for
more info)."
[^Connection conn & {:keys [topic preprocess buffer]
:or {preprocess identity buffer 128}}] ...)
(defn publish
"Use ^Connection `conn` to publish a message with `payload` to `topic`."
[^Connection conn & {:keys [topic payload]}] ...)
(defn subscribe
"Use ^Connection `conn` to subscribe to `topic` and returns a promesa channel. Item in channel
will resolve to ^InboundMessage transformed by `preprocess` (default: identity) function.
`buffer` (default: 128) is used to construct returned channel (see promesa.exe.csp/chan for more
[conn & {:keys [topic preprocess buffer]
:or {preprocess identity buffer 128}}] ...)
You can supply helper preprocess functions to be used for above main API function preprocess
param. Below are 2 simple ones provided by the API.
(defn payload->str
"Extract and return ^InboundMessage's payload as string; to be used as preprocessor param for
(request ...), (listen-request ...) and (subscribe ...).
Example: (listen-request conn :topic \"a/b/c\" :preprocess payload->str)"
[^InboundMessage msg] (.getPayloadAsString msg))
(defn payload->bytes
"Extract and return ^InboundMessage's payload as bytes; to be used as preprocessor param for
request, listen-request and subscribe.
Example: (listen-request conn :topic \"a/b/c\" :preprocess payload->bytes)"
[^InboundMessage msg] (.getPayloadAsBytes msg))
See src/clojosolace/example/pubsub_reqresp.clj
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