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(interface-static-call sym argtypes)

(jlink {:keys [jlink-dir module-path modules jlink-options]
        :or {modules ["java.base"]
             jlink-options ["--strip-debug" "--no-man-pages" "--no-header-files"

Creates a custom JRE using the jlink command. To be run, this function requires a JDK >= version 9.


  • jlink-dir: required, the folder where the custom JRE is output
  • module-path: the path where the java module are searched for. Default to "JAVA_HOME/jmods".
  • modules: a vector of modules to be used when creating the custom JRE. Default to ["java.base"]
  • jlink-options: the options used when executing the jlink command. Default to ["--strip-debug" "--no-man-pages" "--no-header-files" "--compress=2"]
Creates a custom JRE using the jlink command. To be run, this function requires a JDK >= version 9. 

- jlink-dir: required, the folder where the custom JRE is output
- module-path: the path where the java module are searched for. Default to "JAVA_HOME/jmods".
- modules: a vector of modules to be used when creating the custom JRE. Default to ["java.base"]
- jlink-options: the options used when executing the jlink command. Default to ["--strip-debug" "--no-man-pages" "--no-header-files" "--compress=2"]
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