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Change logs since v0.3.0

  • v0.8.3

    • Electric support added

  • v0.8.2

    • A bug fixed: pull request #26

  • v0.8.1

    • dbgt and clogt macro bugs fixed.

  • v0.8.0

    • dbgt and clogt macros for debugging transducers added.

    • set-debug-level! removed. Instead, use with-level macro.

  • v0.7.9

    • set-debug-level! added.

    • set-line-bullet! added.

  • v0.7.8

    • set-cljs-devtools! added.

    • cljs-devtools dependency removed. Debux no longer includes cljs-devtools dependency.

  • v0.7.7

  • v0.7.6

    • Bumps binaryage/devtools 1.0.2

    • Version matching with the fixed version of philoskim/debux-stubs 0.7.6

  • v0.7.5

    • set-source-info-mode! added.

  • v0.7.3

    • some-> and some->> support in dbg and clog added.

    • cond-> and cond->> support in dbg and clog added.

  • v0.7.2

    • Bug fixed.

  • v0.7.1

    • The temporal turn-off version of Debux macros added.

    • The safe debugging in multi-threads now supported.

    • The :msg (or :m) option added for dynamic message creation.

  • v0.7.0

    • Tagged literals (#d/dbg, #d/dbgn, #d/clog, #d/clogn) added. So in no options case, you don’t have to wrap the form by the parentheses any more, if you want.

  • v0.6.8

    • Bug fixed and code cleaned up

  • v0.6.6

    • some-> and some->> support in dbg and clog added for the debugging convenience.

    • :locals option added. See #issue 19 for the details.

  • v0.6.5

    • The redundant printing bug related to dbg inside dbgn fixed.

    • Documented: a trick on debugging multiple forms with dbgn.

  • v0.6.4

    • Bug fixed: issue #16

    • Bumps clojure-future-spec 1.9.0 and cljs-devtools 1.0.0

  • v0.6.3

    • The printed format of evaluating the multiple forms in dbg/clog is changed for readability.

  • v0.6.2

    • The namespace and line number of the source code are relocated to the top line for readability.

  • v0.6.1

    • The namespace and line number of the source code are printed as well in the debux macros.

  • v0.6.0

    • Changed: number option of debux macros is now applied to not only seq data type but also all the coll data types. (Previously, the number option was applied to only seq data type.)

      • This change will prevent the elements of the deeply nested massive coll data types from being printed too much.

    • Renamed: set-print-seq-length! --> set-print-length!

  • v0.5.9

  • v0.5.8

    • The dbg-last macro added.

  • v0.5.7

    • :print option added to dbg/clog.

  • v0.5.6

  • v0.5.5

    • :skip-form-itself-type is split into the :skip-all-args-type and `:skip-form-itself-type.

  • v0.5.4

    • The :js option color in clog/clogn is changed.

  • v0.5.3

    • The :js option can be used in clogn now.

  • v0.5.2

    • The :js option error of clog is fixed.

  • v0.5.1

    • Issue #11 solved. Now you can use debux library on JVM 9 or above.

  • v0.5.0

    • Multiple dbgn or dbg can be used together. See here for details.

    • dbgm is renamed dbg-prn to clarify the meaning. See here for details.

    • :skip-arg-1-2-3-type is added to the macro types.

    • .cljc examples are added to example/src/cljc/example/common.cljc file.

  • v0.4.12

    • :if-let-type is added to the macro types.

    • dbgm is added for debugging inside the ClojureScript macros.

  • v0.4.11

    • Issue #9 bug fixed: This error occured when the form including recur has a java.lang.Class type of symbol as well. It’s now fixed.

  • v0.4.10

    • Issue #8 bug fixed: if-let and if-some in dbgn/clogn work without errors now.

  • v0.4.9

    • Issue #7 bug fixed: attr-map and prepost-map in defn or defn- are preperly handled now.

  • v0.4.8

    • A bug in dbg/clog is fixed, which causes multiple evaluations in debugging the side effect code.

  • v0.4.7

  • v0.4.6

    • The following missing macros of cljs.core are added.

      • :skip-form-itself-type

        goog-define import-macros js-comment js-inline-comment require require-macros simple-benchmark specify specify! use use-macros

      • :skip-arg-1-type


  • v0.4.5

    • No new features are added. Just for matching with the fixed version of debux-stubs.

  • v0.4.4

    • Added: The new debux-stubs library is introduced for production mode support.

    • Added: set-debug-mode! is added.

    • Added: set-ns-whitelist! and set-ns-blacklist! are added.

  • v0.4.3

    • Changed: The same duplicate evaluated results are not printed by default.

    • Enhanced: The readability is enhanced for the looping constructs such as map, reduce, for, loop, and so on by inserting a blank line whenever iteration happens.

  • v0.4.2

    • Fixed: Bindings spec violaton error in clojure-1.9.0 caused by & symbol in clojure.core/let is fixed.

    • Added: set-print-seq-length! function is added to change the default number when printing seq data type.

    • Added: dbg can be used inside dbgn or vice versa. clog can be used inside clogn or vice versa.

  • v0.4.1

    • Fixed: The print errors of dbgn and clogn in ClojureScript are fixed.

    • Fixed: The errors of dbg and clog in ClojureScript are fixed.

    • Added: :loop-type is added to the macro types.

    • Upgraded: debux.el is upgraded.

  • v0.4.0

    • Revived: The old useful features of dbg in version 0.2.1 are revived for practicality.

  • v0.3.12

    • Supplemented: The missing parts of too long forms truncation are supplemented.

  • v0.3.11

    • Changed: The too long form is truncated and printed with ... symbol.

  • v0.3.10

    • Fixed: clojurescript-1.9.854 version of improved function printing style is reflected.

      • Refer to here for details.

  • v0.3.9

    • Fixed: The error in debugging doseq is removed.

    • Changed: The number option applies only to seq data type, not to vectors, maps, or sets.

  • v0.3.8

    • Refactored: Code duplications are removed as much as possible.

    • Renamed: merge-style --> merge-styles

  • v0.3.7

    • Fixed: Another redundant multiple vertical bar display error by an exception thrown in evaluating dbgn is fixed.

    • Changed: Some displayed output result formats are improved for readability.

  • v0.3.6

    • Added: Limited support for the form including recur is added. Refer to [recur-support].

  • v0.3.5

    • Fixed: Redundant multiple vertical bar display error by an exception thrown in evaluating dbgn is fixed.

  • v0.3.4

    • Added: register-macros!/show-macros support for ClojureScript is added.

  • v0.3.3

    • Fixed: The error of when listed in :let-type by mistake is deleted.

  • v0.3.2

    • Fixed: The dbgn/clogn related several bugs on ClojureScript are removed.

  • v0.3.1

    • Fixed: The error-causing dependency philoskim/debux2 "0.2.1" is removed.

  • v0.3.0

    • Added: dbgn/clogn debugging macros on Clojure and ClojureScript are added.

    • Updated: break macro on ClojureScript is improved.

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