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  • repeated calls to playback.core/open-portal! close Playback’s previous Portal session and open a new one



  • extend-default-optypes! is now an idempotent function and allows a reset-to-default of the trace dispatch optype hierarchy.

  • Code cleanup



  • Babashka support!

  • Tracing and replay of re-frame handlers and subscriptions, as well as other similar function registration operations

  • Tracing of anonymous functions

  • Tracing of loop/recur blocks

  • Ability to extend Playback’s optypes in order to trace/replay similar custom macros


  • A new defn was being created on every replay due to the usage of gensym, thus increasingly polluting the namespace until the next reload. Function generation now uses a hardcoded suffix with extra-paranoid checks to eliminate the very minimal chance of overwriting an existing var (if you happen to be naming your functions some-fn__playback_core__, Playback will let you know.)


  • Removed dependency on ClojureScript in Clojure-only projects due to the possibility of dependency conflicts (h/t @Cyrik)

  • Extracted build/deployment code into gnl/build.simple

  • Added spec validation for the minimal API

  • Cleaned up a lot of messy, late-night, "how is this even working" kinda code

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