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Kilithikadya (Near-future-to-come) means "The near-future" in Aledari. This Programm should allow to take a peek view into the near future of the possible effects of your decisions during a round of Warhammer 40k. Mainly about the possibilities of wounds and damages your units can dish out against other units.


Acutally you have to download the project and run it via Leiningen.


First include somehow the namespace like

(require '[kilithikadya.kilithikadya :as kilithikadya])


(ns <my-name-space>
 (:require [kilithikadya.kilithikadya :as kilithikadya]))

Then call

(get-probabilities-for <named arguments>)

The named arguments are:

  • :anti: Anti-Ability of the weapon e.g Anti-Infantry 4+. Default: 0
  • :ap: Ap-Value of the weapon. Default: 0
  • :attack-mod: The value by which the to hit roll is modified. Default: 0
  • :attacks: The number of attacks. Default: 1
  • :damage: The damage of the weapon. Default: 1
  • :devastating?: If true then the weapon has the Devastating-Ability.
  • :invul-save: If the target has a invulnerbale save this value is any number between 2 and 6. Default: 0
  • :lethal?: If true then the weapon has the Lethal-Ability. Default: false
  • :reroll-attack?: If true then the attack roll can be rerolled if it fails. Default: false
  • :reroll-wound?: If true then the wound roll can be rerolled if it fails. Default: false
  • :save: The armor save value of the target. Default: 6
  • :save-mod: The modifier for the save roll of the target. Default: 0
  • :skill: The ballistic or melee skill of the attacker. Default: 4
  • :strength: The Strength of the weapon. Default: 4
  • :sustained: The value of the Sustained-Ability of the weapon. If the weapon has none the value is 0. Default: 0
  • :toughness: The tougness of the target. Default: 4
  • :wound-mod: The modifier of the wound roll. Default: 0
  • :wounds: The number of wounds of the target. Default: 1


Say a squad of Inner Circle Companions lead by Azrael are sparring against a squad of Deathwing Knights by Belial and we want to know the probabilties who might be better.

First we include the namespace and add the needed stats of the units and weapons.

(ns kilithikadya.da-sparing
  (:use [kilithikadya.kilithikadya])
  (:require [clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo]))

;; The Inner Circle squad is lead by Azrael and attacks a sqaud lead by a character model. 
;; This results into a Bonus of +1 if this squad attacks the squad of Belial and a malus of -1 to attacks if the squad of Belial attacks them.
(def azrael {:defender   "Azrael"
             :toughness 4
             :wounds     6
             :save       2
             :invul-save 4
             :attack-mod -1})
(def the-sword-of-secrets {:attacker     "Azrael"
                           :attacks      6
                           :skill        2
                           :strength     6
                           :ap           -4
                           :damage       2
                           :devastating? true
                           :sustained    1
                           :attack-mod   1})

(def the-sword-of-secrets-vs-knights {:attacker     "Azrael vs. Deathwing Knights"
                                      :attacks      6
                                      :skill        2
                                      :strength     6
                                      :ap           -4
                                      :damage       1       ;; Damage is only 1 against Deathwing-Knights
                                      :devastating? true
                                      :sustained    1
                                      :attack-mod   1})

(def inner-circle-companions {:defender   "Inner Circle Companions"
                              :toughness 4
                              :wounds     3
                              :save       3
                              :invul-save 4
                              :attack-mod -1})
(def caliban-greatsword-strike-vs-knights {:attacker   "Inner Circle Companions vs. Deathwing Knights"
                                           :attacks    24
                                           :skill      3
                                           :strength   6
                                           :ap         -2
                                           :damage     1    ;; Damage is only 1 against Deathwing-Knights
                                           :lethal?    true
                                           :sustained  1
                                           :attack-mod 1})

(def caliban-greatsword-strike {:attacker   "Inner Circle Companions"
                                :attacks    24
                                :skill      3
                                :strength   6
                                :ap         -2
                                :damage     2
                                :lethal?    true
                                :sustained  1
                                :attack-mod 1})

(def belial {:defender   "Belial"
             :toughness 5
             :wounds     6
             :save       2
             :invul-save 4})
(def the-sword-of-silence {:attacker "Belial"
                           :attacks  6
                           :skill    2
                           :strength 6
                           :ap       -2
                           :damage   2})

(def deathwing-knights {:defender   "Deathwing Knights"
                        :toughness 5
                        :wounds     4
                        :save       2
                        :invul-save 4})

(def dwk-power-weapon {:attacker "Deathwing Knights"
                       :attacks  20
                       :skill    2
                       :strength 6
                       :ap       -2
                       :damage   2})

(def dwk-power-weapon-decimated {:attacker "2 Deathwing Knights"
                                 :attacks  10
                                 :skill    2
                                 :strength 6
                                 :ap       -2
                                 :damage   2})

(def knight-master {:defender   "Knight Master"
                    :toughness 5
                    :wounds     4
                    :save       2
                    :invul-save 4})
(def km-relic-weapon {:attacker "Knight Master"
                      :attacks  6
                      :skill    2
                      :strength 7
                      :ap       -2
                      :damage   2
                      :lethal?  true})

Then we create the combinations of attacks from Azrael's unit against Belial's unit.

(def attack-combinations (map #(merge (first %) (second %))
                                (combo/cartesian-product [caliban-greatsword-strike the-sword-of-secrets] [belial])
                                (combo/cartesian-product [caliban-greatsword-strike-vs-knights the-sword-of-secrets-vs-knights] [deathwing-knights knight-master])
                                (combo/cartesian-product [km-relic-weapon dwk-power-weapon the-sword-of-silence] [azrael inner-circle-companions])

One element in attack-combinations looks like this:

{:skill 3,
 :attacker "Inner Circle Companions",
 :save 2,
 :lethal? true,
 :wounds 6,
 :attack-mod 1,
 :strength 6,
 :damage 2,
 :sustained 1,
 :invul-save 4,
 :ap -2,
 :attacks 24,
 :toughness 5,
 :defender "Belial"}

To have a nice workable collection of probabilites wie create a nested sorted map with the attacker as the first key with an sorted map with the defender as key and the probabilites as value.

(def result 
  (apply merge-with merge 
         (pmap #(sorted-map 
                 (:attacker %) 
                 (sorted-map (:defender %) (get-probabilities-for %))) 

Now we can get for example the probabilities when the Inner Circle Companions attacks the Deathwing Knights with (get-in result ["Inner Circle Companions vs. Deathwing Knights" "Deathwing Knights"])

Huge output
(get-in result ["Inner Circle Companions vs. Deathwing Knights" "Deathwing Knights"])
{:anti                          0,
 :attacks                       24,
 :average-critical-hits         4.000000000000001,
 :average-extra-hits            4.000000000000001,
 :average-hits                  16.0,
 :average-total-hits            20.0,
 :critical-wound-probabilities  {0  0.029534305728066198,
                                 1  0.10802403964496408,
                                 2  0.19128636559568815,
                                 3  0.21831836467263852,
                                 4  0.18035183026315824,
                                 5  0.11479164845875643,
                                 6  0.05849981304350965,
                                 7  0.024484632391076427,
                                 8  0.008564591604005186,
                                 9  0.0025342590612108637,
                                 10 6.395938998393368E-4,
                                 11 1.3840216242114167E-4,
                                 12 2.574925452888384E-5,
                                 13 4.121068980370532E-6,
                                 14 5.665046522599521E-7,
                                 15 6.663865972951313E-8,
                                 16 6.6666404255994505E-9,
                                 17 5.620962786399365E-10,
                                 18 3.94338111333306E-11,
                                 19 2.2607009082160784E-12,
                                 20 1.0320233964996463E-13,
                                 21 3.608815744028601E-15,
                                 22 9.078995695735278E-17,
                                 23 1.4631221044677432E-18,
                                 24 1.1345297680170546E-20,
                                 25 0.0,
                                 26 0.0,
                                 27 0.0,
                                 28 0.0,
                                 29 0.0,
                                 30 0.0,
                                 31 0.0,
                                 32 0.0,
                                 33 0.0,
                                 34 0.0,
                                 35 0.0,
                                 36 0.0,
                                 37 0.0,
                                 38 0.0,
                                 39 0.0,
                                 40 0.0,
                                 41 0.0,
                                 42 0.0,
                                 43 0.0,
                                 44 0.0,
                                 45 0.0,
                                 46 0.0,
                                 47 0.0,
                                 48 0.0},
 :critical-wound-probability    1/6,
 :damage                        1,
 :expected-damage               8.000244260405657,
 :expected-kills                2.000061065101414,
 :expected-wounds               8.000244260405657,
 :extra-hit-probabilites        {0  0.012579115212475307,
                                 1  0.0603797530198815,
                                 2  0.13887343194572746,
                                 3  0.2036810335204003,
                                 4  0.2138650851964204,
                                 5  0.17109206815713637,
                                 6  0.10835830983285308,
                                 7  0.055727130771181625,
                                 8  0.023684030577752164,
                                 9  0.008420988649867433,
                                 10 0.0025262965949602346,
                                 11 6.430573150807876E-4,
                                 12 1.3932908493417048E-4,
                                 13 2.5722292603231448E-5,
                                 14 4.04207455193638E-6,
                                 15 5.389432735915181E-7,
                                 16 6.063111827904574E-8,
                                 17 5.706458190969032E-9,
                                 18 4.438356370753653E-10,
                                 19 2.8031724446865138E-11,
                                 20 1.4015862223432628E-12,
                                 21 5.3393760851171796E-14,
                                 22 1.4561934777592385E-15,
                                 23 2.5325103961030215E-17,
                                 24 2.1104253300858578E-19},
 :hit-combinations              ((0 0)
                                 (0 1)
                                 (0 2)
                                 (0 3)
                                 (0 4)
                                 (0 5)
                                 (0 6)
                                 (0 7)
                                 (0 8)
                                 (0 9)
                                 (0 10)
                                 (0 11)
                                 (0 12)
                                 (0 13)
                                 (0 14)
                                 (0 15)
                                 (0 16)
                                 (0 17)
                                 (0 18)
                                 (0 19)
                                 (0 20)
                                 (0 21)
                                 (0 22)
                                 (0 23)
                                 (0 24)
                                 (1 0)
                                 (1 1)
                                 (1 2)
                                 (1 3)
                                 (1 4)
                                 (1 5)
                                 (1 6)
                                 (1 7)
                                 (1 8)
                                 (1 9)
                                 (1 10)
                                 (1 11)
                                 (1 12)
                                 (1 13)
                                 (1 14)
                                 (1 15)
                                 (1 16)
                                 (1 17)
                                 (1 18)
                                 (1 19)
                                 (1 20)
                                 (1 21)
                                 (1 22)
                                 (1 23)
                                 (1 24)
                                 (2 0)
                                 (2 1)
                                 (2 2)
                                 (2 3)
                                 (2 4)
                                 (2 5)
                                 (2 6)
                                 (2 7)
                                 (2 8)
                                 (2 9)
                                 (2 10)
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                                 (2 24)
                                 (3 0)
                                 (3 1)
                                 (3 2)
                                 (3 3)
                                 (3 4)
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                                 (23 17)
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                                 (23 19)
                                 (23 20)
                                 (23 21)
                                 (23 22)
                                 (23 23)
                                 (23 24)
                                 (24 0)
                                 (24 1)
                                 (24 2)
                                 (24 3)
                                 (24 4)
                                 (24 5)
                                 (24 6)
                                 (24 7)
                                 (24 8)
                                 (24 9)
                                 (24 10)
                                 (24 11)
                                 (24 12)
                                 (24 13)
                                 (24 14)
                                 (24 15)
                                 (24 16)
                                 (24 17)
                                 (24 18)
                                 (24 19)
                                 (24 20)
                                 (24 21)
                                 (24 22)
                                 (24 23)
                                 (24 24)),
 :hit-probabilities             {0  3.5407061614721307E-12,
                                 1  1.6995389575066338E-10,
                                 2  3.908939602265244E-9,
                                 3  5.733111416655696E-8,
                                 4  6.019766987488477E-7,
                                 5  4.8158135899907835E-6,
                                 6  3.0500152736608198E-5,
                                 7  1.5685792835969968E-4,
                                 8  6.666461955287248E-4,
                                 9  0.00237029758410213,
                                 10 0.00711089275230638,
                                 11 0.018100454278598077,
                                 12 0.0392176509369625,
                                 13 0.07240181711439242,
                                 14 0.11377428403690253,
                                 15 0.15169904538253662,
                                 16 0.17066142605535367,
                                 17 0.16062251864033292,
                                 18 0.12492862560914782,
                                 19 0.07890228985840916,
                                 20 0.039451144929204617,
                                 21 0.015029007592077972,
                                 22 0.004098820252384895,
                                 23 7.128383047625925E-4,
                                 24 5.9403192063549296E-5},
 :to-wound-hits-probability-map {0  4.4538950738679127E-14,
                                 1  2.351656599002272E-12,
                                 2  5.992448588184867E-11,
                                 3  9.815187535809062E-10,
                                 4  1.1612194238915967E-8,
                                 5  1.057207768153518E-7,
                                 6  7.705838482477698E-7,
                                 7  4.619073964547962E-6,
                                 8  2.3212396865582065E-5,
                                 9  9.92032425207862E-5,
                                 10 3.645105353035257E-4,
                                 11 0.001161317733697532,
                                 12 0.00322952061003025,
                                 13 0.00788052665873247,
                                 14 0.016943845851840108,
                                 15 0.03220613213084916,
                                 16 0.05425735748598997,
                                 17 0.08117943740474312,
                                 18 0.10803652843631759,
                                 19 0.12803722100937934,
                                 20 0.13524238861694923,
                                 21 0.12739832302561688,
                                 22 0.1070701674763138,
                                 23 0.08030480980749755,
                                 24 0.05375834680542328},
 :lethal-hits-probabilities     {0  0.012579115212475307,
                                 1  0.0603797530198815,
                                 2  0.13887343194572746,
                                 3  0.2036810335204003,
                                 4  0.2138650851964204,
                                 5  0.17109206815713637,
                                 6  0.10835830983285308,
                                 7  0.055727130771181625,
                                 8  0.023684030577752164,
                                 9  0.008420988649867433,
                                 10 0.0025262965949602346,
                                 11 6.430573150807876E-4,
                                 12 1.3932908493417048E-4,
                                 13 2.5722292603231448E-5,
                                 14 4.04207455193638E-6,
                                 15 5.389432735915181E-7,
                                 16 6.063111827904574E-8,
                                 17 5.706458190969032E-9,
                                 18 4.438356370753653E-10,
                                 19 2.8031724446865138E-11,
                                 20 1.4015862223432628E-12,
                                 21 5.3393760851171796E-14,
                                 22 1.4561934777592385E-15,
                                 23 2.5325103961030215E-17,
                                 24 2.1104253300858578E-19},
 :maximal-hits                  48,
 :min-wound-probability         {0  0.9371983572626935,
                                 1  0.9371231137273489,
                                 2  0.9363378283930793,
                                 3  0.932326164721686,
                                 4  0.9189567280050108,
                                 5  0.8862726020661679,
                                 6  0.8237857808573298,
                                 7  0.7265269680372763,
                                 8  0.5998523287128482,
                                 9  0.45902638553031905,
                                 10 0.3233944549545318,
                                 11 0.20892433586227607,
                                 12 0.12350396355755715,
                                 13 0.06674280497537481,
                                 14 0.03296587669297844,
                                 15 0.01488435284373774,
                                 16 0.006145242921339743,
                                 17 0.002320826302135867,
                                 18 8.019899179075293E-4,
                                 19 2.536318726646776E-4,
                                 20 7.34142693936136E-5,
                                 21 1.9447945501650944E-5,
                                 22 4.71408742649087E-6,
                                 23 1.0452110426543838E-6,
                                 24 2.1187556964141232E-7,
                                 25 3.9241943315102576E-8,
                                 26 6.635378798110976E-9,
                                 27 1.0233046642919919E-9,
                                 28 1.437689359972326E-10,
                                 29 1.837603364719137E-11,
                                 30 2.133375779479219E-12,
                                 31 2.245405501665139E-13,
                                 32 2.1378527832377962E-14,
                                 33 1.8365203705274072E-15,
                                 34 1.4191610554394102E-16,
                                 35 9.82950206702545E-18,
                                 36 6.076467275995848E-19,
                                 37 3.3356987861415154E-20,
                                 38 1.616148369742387E-21,
                                 39 6.859528576006588E-23,
                                 40 2.5270822350174124E-24,
                                 41 7.987545774588095E-26,
                                 42 2.1339377955742318E-27,
                                 43 4.723972342193612E-29,
                                 44 8.43112682213607E-31,
                                 45 1.1654933637657814E-32,
                                 46 1.1707522474464503E-34,
                                 47 7.60158608634244E-37,
                                 48 2.3943403601596145E-39},
 :pass-save-test-probability    1/2,
 :received-damage-probability   {0  7.524353534458952E-5,
                                 1  7.852853342697263E-4,
                                 2  0.004011663671393413,
                                 3  0.01336943671667502,
                                 4  0.03268412593884288,
                                 5  0.06248682120883812,
                                 6  0.09725881282005346,
                                 7  0.1266746393244282,
                                 8  0.14082594318252922,
                                 9  0.13563193057578726,
                                 10 0.11447011909225561,
                                 11 0.08542037230471898,
                                 12 0.05676115858218232,
                                 13 0.033776928282396375,
                                 14 0.018081523849240694,
                                 15 0.008739109922397997,
                                 16 0.0038244166192038754,
                                 17 0.0015188363842283373,
                                 18 5.483580452428521E-4,
                                 19 1.8021760327106387E-4,
                                 20 5.396632389196268E-5,
                                 21 1.4733858075160074E-5,
                                 22 3.668876383836487E-6,
                                 23 8.333354730129716E-7,
                                 24 1.7263362632630973E-7,
                                 25 3.260656451699161E-8,
                                 26 5.612074133818984E-9,
                                 27 8.795357282947595E-10,
                                 28 1.2539290235004123E-10,
                                 29 1.6242657867712155E-11,
                                 30 1.908835229312705E-12,
                                 31 2.031620223341359E-13,
                                 32 1.954200746185056E-14,
                                 33 1.6946042649834663E-15,
                                 34 1.320866034769156E-16,
                                 35 9.221855339425866E-18,
                                 36 5.742897397381696E-19,
                                 37 3.174083949167277E-20,
                                 38 1.547553083982321E-21,
                                 39 6.606820352504848E-23,
                                 40 2.447206777271531E-24,
                                 41 7.774151995030671E-26,
                                 42 2.086698072152296E-27,
                                 43 4.639661073972251E-29,
                                 44 8.314577485759493E-31,
                                 45 1.153785841291317E-32,
                                 46 1.163150661360108E-34,
                                 47 7.577642682740844E-37,
                                 48 2.3943403601596145E-39},
 :received-wounds-probability   {0  7.524353534458952E-5,
                                 1  7.852853342697263E-4,
                                 2  0.004011663671393413,
                                 3  0.01336943671667502,
                                 4  0.03268412593884288,
                                 5  0.06248682120883812,
                                 6  0.09725881282005346,
                                 7  0.1266746393244282,
                                 8  0.14082594318252922,
                                 9  0.13563193057578726,
                                 10 0.11447011909225561,
                                 11 0.08542037230471898,
                                 12 0.05676115858218232,
                                 13 0.033776928282396375,
                                 14 0.018081523849240694,
                                 15 0.008739109922397997,
                                 16 0.0038244166192038754,
                                 17 0.0015188363842283373,
                                 18 5.483580452428521E-4,
                                 19 1.8021760327106387E-4,
                                 20 5.396632389196268E-5,
                                 21 1.4733858075160074E-5,
                                 22 3.668876383836487E-6,
                                 23 8.333354730129716E-7,
                                 24 1.7263362632630973E-7,
                                 25 3.260656451699161E-8,
                                 26 5.612074133818984E-9,
                                 27 8.795357282947595E-10,
                                 28 1.2539290235004123E-10,
                                 29 1.6242657867712155E-11,
                                 30 1.908835229312705E-12,
                                 31 2.031620223341359E-13,
                                 32 1.954200746185056E-14,
                                 33 1.6946042649834663E-15,
                                 34 1.320866034769156E-16,
                                 35 9.221855339425866E-18,
                                 36 5.742897397381696E-19,
                                 37 3.174083949167277E-20,
                                 38 1.547553083982321E-21,
                                 39 6.606820352504848E-23,
                                 40 2.447206777271531E-24,
                                 41 7.774151995030671E-26,
                                 42 2.086698072152296E-27,
                                 43 4.639661073972251E-29,
                                 44 8.314577485759493E-31,
                                 45 1.153785841291317E-32,
                                 46 1.163150661360108E-34,
                                 47 7.577642682740844E-37,
                                 48 2.3943403601596145E-39},
 :strength                      6,
 :to-hit-critical-probability   1/6,
 :to-hit-probability            2/3,
 :toughness                     5,
 :wound-probabilities           {0  5.564792603820553E-10,
                                 1  1.5024923744512185E-8,
                                 2  1.9819083463864345E-7,
                                 3  1.7024203176299108E-6,
                                 4  1.0709731542013054E-5,
                                 5  5.261510428843557E-5,
                                 6  2.1020936631267233E-4,
                                 7  7.022570811832474E-4,
                                 8  0.0020019411939502423,
                                 9  0.004945427836840113,
                                 10 0.010714807300319365,
                                 11 0.020557744795691436,
                                 12 0.03520239454324375,
                                 13 0.0541442350174949,
                                 14 0.07519482643259927,
                                 15 0.09469343053683113,
                                 16 0.10849338878796132,
                                 17 0.1133806549481585,
                                 18 0.10826667545615365,
                                 19 0.09456401695365355,
                                 20 0.0755784890897281,
                                 21 0.05526097316236545,
                                 22 0.03693787229488353,
                                 23 0.0225456977307376,
                                 24 0.012547681127551946,
                                 25 0.006356902270779251,
                                 26 0.0029263253032439616,
                                 27 0.0012217149131430738,
                                 28 4.616767007932889E-4,
                                 29 1.5759944568986812E-4,
                                 30 4.8497194141540605E-5,
                                 31 1.3423671376810727E-5,
                                 32 3.3341991231274976E-6,
                                 33 7.412109021512893E-7,
                                 34 1.4704059400477076E-7,
                                 35 2.5941407659961642E-8,
                                 36 4.053827378538718E-9,
                                 37 5.584296162467057E-10,
                                 38 6.741867586037634E-11,
                                 39 7.082782316504854E-12,
                                 40 6.417721976480387E-13,
                                 41 4.95926322163999E-14,
                                 42 3.2208148998349264E-15,
                                 43 1.7240646415330814E-16,
                                 44 7.403125375222426E-18,
                                 45 2.4506253048737266E-19,
                                 46 5.868820920684746E-21,
                                 47 9.047111435158801E-23,
                                 48 6.739468971133112E-25},
 :wound-probability             2/3,
 :wounds-by-failed-save         {0  7.524353534458952E-5,
                                 1  7.852853342697263E-4,
                                 2  0.004011663671393413,
                                 3  0.01336943671667502,
                                 4  0.03268412593884288,
                                 5  0.06248682120883812,
                                 6  0.09725881282005346,
                                 7  0.1266746393244282,
                                 8  0.14082594318252922,
                                 9  0.13563193057578726,
                                 10 0.11447011909225561,
                                 11 0.08542037230471898,
                                 12 0.05676115858218232,
                                 13 0.033776928282396375,
                                 14 0.018081523849240694,
                                 15 0.008739109922397997,
                                 16 0.0038244166192038754,
                                 17 0.0015188363842283373,
                                 18 5.483580452428521E-4,
                                 19 1.8021760327106387E-4,
                                 20 5.396632389196268E-5,
                                 21 1.4733858075160074E-5,
                                 22 3.668876383836487E-6,
                                 23 8.333354730129716E-7,
                                 24 1.7263362632630973E-7,
                                 25 3.260656451699161E-8,
                                 26 5.612074133818984E-9,
                                 27 8.795357282947595E-10,
                                 28 1.2539290235004123E-10,
                                 29 1.6242657867712155E-11,
                                 30 1.908835229312705E-12,
                                 31 2.031620223341359E-13,
                                 32 1.954200746185056E-14,
                                 33 1.6946042649834663E-15,
                                 34 1.320866034769156E-16,
                                 35 9.221855339425866E-18,
                                 36 5.742897397381696E-19,
                                 37 3.174083949167277E-20,
                                 38 1.547553083982321E-21,
                                 39 6.606820352504848E-23,
                                 40 2.447206777271531E-24,
                                 41 7.774151995030671E-26,
                                 42 2.086698072152296E-27,
                                 43 4.639661073972251E-29,
                                 44 8.314577485759493E-31,
                                 45 1.153785841291317E-32,
                                 46 1.163150661360108E-34,
                                 47 7.577642682740844E-37,
                                 48 2.3943403601596145E-39},
 :wounds-needed-to-kill         1/4}

But this might be to much, we are only interested in the average wounds, damage and kill as well the possibilities for a minimum ammount of wounds.

=> (-> 
    (get-in result ["Inner Circle Companions vs. Deathwing Knights" "Deathwing Knights"]) 
    (select-keys [:expected-wounds :expected-damage :expected-kills :min-wound-probability]))

{:expected-wounds 8.000244260405657,
 :expected-damage 8.000244260405657,
 :expected-kills 2.000061065101414,
 :min-wound-probability {0 0.9371983572626935,
                         1 0.9371231137273489,
                         2 0.9363378283930793,
                         3 0.932326164721686,
                         4 0.9189567280050108,
                         5 0.8862726020661679,
                         6 0.8237857808573298,
                         7 0.7265269680372763,
                         8 0.5998523287128482,
                         9 0.45902638553031905,
                         10 0.3233944549545318,
                         11 0.20892433586227607,
                         12 0.12350396355755715,
                         13 0.06674280497537481,
                         14 0.03296587669297844,
                         15 0.01488435284373774,
                         16 0.006145242921339743,
                         17 0.002320826302135867,
                         18 8.019899179075293E-4,
                         19 2.536318726646776E-4,
                         20 7.34142693936136E-5,
                         21 1.9447945501650944E-5,
                         22 4.71408742649087E-6,
                         23 1.0452110426543838E-6,
                         24 2.1187556964141232E-7,
                         25 3.9241943315102576E-8,
                         26 6.635378798110976E-9,
                         27 1.0233046642919919E-9,
                         28 1.437689359972326E-10,
                         29 1.837603364719137E-11,
                         30 2.133375779479219E-12,
                         31 2.245405501665139E-13,
                         32 2.1378527832377962E-14,
                         33 1.8365203705274072E-15,
                         34 1.4191610554394102E-16,
                         35 9.82950206702545E-18,
                         36 6.076467275995848E-19,
                         37 3.3356987861415154E-20,
                         38 1.616148369742387E-21,
                         39 6.859528576006588E-23,
                         40 2.5270822350174124E-24,
                         41 7.987545774588095E-26,
                         42 2.1339377955742318E-27,
                         43 4.723972342193612E-29,
                         44 8.43112682213607E-31,
                         45 1.1654933637657814E-32,
                         46 1.1707522474464503E-34,
                         47 7.60158608634244E-37,
                         48 2.3943403601596145E-39}}

But nicer to read is a map with only the effects of the Inner Circle Companions against Belial's squad.

=> (apply merge
            #(sorted-map (str (first %) " vs. " (second %))
                           (get-in result %)
                           (select-keys [:expected-wounds :expected-damage :expected-kills])))
            [["Inner Circle Companions" "Belial"]
             ["Inner Circle Companions vs. Deathwing Knights" "Deathwing Knights"]
             ["Inner Circle Companions vs. Deathwing Knights" "Knight Master"]]))

{"Inner Circle Companions vs. Belial"                                  {:expected-wounds 8.000244260405657, :expected-damage 16.000488520811313, :expected-kills 2.6667480868018854},
 "Inner Circle Companions vs. Deathwing Knights vs. Deathwing Knights" {:expected-wounds 8.000244260405657, :expected-damage 8.000244260405657, :expected-kills 2.000061065101414},
 "Inner Circle Companions vs. Deathwing Knights vs. Knight Master"     {:expected-wounds 8.000244260405657, :expected-damage 8.000244260405657, :expected-kills 2.000061065101414}}

So as it seems, the Inner Circle Companions will on average kill 2 of the Deathwing Knights and Belial and the Knight Master will remains unharmed. Then we will take a look how much damage the remainer of Belials squad might decimate the Inner Circle Companions. Therefore we calculate the stats anew for the Deathwing Knights with

(def dwk-power-weapon-decimated {:attacker "2 Deathwing Knights"
                                 :attacks  10
                                 :skill    2
                                 :strength 6
                                 :ap       -2
                                 :damage   2})
(apply merge
         #(sorted-map (str (first %) " vs. " (second %))
                        (get-in result %)
                        (select-keys [:average-wounds :average-damage :average-kills])))
         [["Belial" "Inner Circle Companions"]
          ["Knight Master" "Inner Circle Companions"]
          ["2 Deathwing Knights" "Inner Circle Companions"]]))
{"2 Deathwing Knights vs. Inner Circle Companions" {:average-wounds 2.2222222222222228, :average-damage 4.4444444444444455, :average-kills 1.4814814814814818},
 "Belial vs. Inner Circle Companions" {:average-wounds 1.3333333333333335, :average-damage 2.666666666666667, :average-kills 0.888888888888889},
 "Knight Master vs. Inner Circle Companions" {:average-wounds 0.45244981518675836, :average-damage 0.9048996303735167, :average-kills 0.30163321012450556}}

If we calculate the averages then the remaining 2 Deathwing Knights, the Knight Master and Belial might kill 2 Inner Circle Companions and wound one.

What you should know

This project is work in progress and in an actuall alpha version. Planned changes are acutally more probability statistics and features. The keywords in the returned map should be fix, except the naming is horrible wrong and causes more trouble.


Actually none known, but this does not mean that none exists. 😞


  • [] Add Feel No Pain to calculate received damage.
  • [] Better documentation.
  • [] Find a practicable way to handle rounding errors for multiple additions with doubles.


This project is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

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Copyright © 2024 Marcus Lindner

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