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Folders: objects that reduce rows one by one as they come from the network.

Folders: objects that reduce rows one by one
as they come from the network.
raw docstring


(column col)

Return a single column of the result.

Return a single column of the result.
sourceraw docstring


(columns cols)

Return certain columns of the result only.

Return certain columns of the result only.
sourceraw docstring


(default acc!)
(default acc! row)

Collect lazy unparsed rows into a persistent vector.

Collect lazy unparsed rows into a persistent
sourceraw docstring


(dummy acc)
(dummy acc row)

Skip all the rows and return nil.

Skip all the rows and return nil.
sourceraw docstring


(first acc)
(first acc row)

Return the first row only.

Return the first row only.
sourceraw docstring


(group-by f)

For one-argument function, build a map like {(f row), [row row ...]}.

For one-argument function, build a map like
{(f row), [row row ...]}.
sourceraw docstring


(index-by f)

For one-argument function, build a map like {(f row), row}.

For one-argument function, build a map like
{(f row), row}.
sourceraw docstring


(into xform)
(into xform to)

Pass rows throughout an xform like map, filter, or their combination. The to argument is a persistent collection which is used being transient internally. The items are collected using conj!. When to is not set, an empty vector is used.

Pass rows throughout an xform like map, filter, or
their combination. The `to` argument is a persistent
collection which is used being transient internally.
The items are collected using `conj!`. When `to` is
not set, an empty vector is used.
sourceraw docstring


(java acc)
(java acc row)

Produce an ArrayList of HashMaps. Does not require initialization.

Produce an ArrayList of HashMaps. Does not
require initialization.
sourceraw docstring


(kv fk fv)

For a pair of one-argument functions, key and value, build a map like {(key row), (value row)}.

For a pair of one-argument functions, key and value,
build a map like {(key row), (value row)}.
sourceraw docstring


(map f)

Apply a function to reach row; collect the results into a persistent vector.

Apply a function to reach row; collect
the results into a persistent vector.
sourceraw docstring


(reduce f init)

Reduce the rows using a reducing function of two arguments (an accumulator and the current row) and an initial accumulator value.

Reduce the rows using a reducing function of two
arguments (an accumulator and the current row)
and an initial accumulator value.
sourceraw docstring


(run f)

Call a function for each row in series skipping the result, presumably with side effects (printing, writing). Return the number of total invocations.

Call a function for each row in series skipping
the result, presumably with side effects (printing,
writing). Return the number of total invocations.
sourceraw docstring



Dump rows into a plain matrix with an extra header row which tracks names of columns.

Dump rows into a plain matrix with an extra header
row which tracks names of columns.
sourceraw docstring


(to-edn writer)

Dump rows into an EDN writer. Expects an open instance. Doesn't close it afterwards. Should be used within the with-open macro. Returns a number of rows written.

Dump rows into an EDN writer. Expects an open ``
instance. Doesn't close it afterwards. Should be used within
the `with-open` macro. Returns a number of rows written.
sourceraw docstring


(to-json writer)

Dump rows into a JSON writer. Expects an open instance. Doesn't close it afterwards. Should be used within the with-open macro. Returns a number of rows written.

Dump rows into a JSON writer. Expects an open ``
instance. Doesn't close it afterwards. Should be used within
the `with-open` macro. Returns a number of rows written.
sourceraw docstring

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