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Data Source Abstraction

A recent release of PG2 introduces something called a data source. Brifely, it's when a function accepts not a Connection instance only but rather an object implementing the protocol. It makes the function work with a connection pool, a Clojure map, or a URI string as well.

For example, before, the query function accepted a connection only. You should have opened a connection first and pass it into the query function:

(def config {...})

(pg/with-conn [conn config]
  (pg/query conn "select 42"))

Now you can pass a map directly to query:

(pg/query config "select 42")

Under the hood, the library spawns a new connection from this map, performs a query and closes the connection afterwards. Of course, opening and closing a connection every time is much slower that reusing the same one, especially in a loop. But it gives you more freedom, and sometimes it is fine in tests.

What's important, you can pass a Pool instance into the query and execute functions as well. For a pool, the function borrows a connection first, making it unavailable for consumers in other threads. Once the query is done, the connection is returned to the pool, meaning it's now available for use.

(def pool (pg/pool {...}))

(pg/query pool "select 42")

See the Connection Pool section for more details about a connection pool.

You can pass a URI string as well:

(def URI "postgresql://test:test@")

(pg/query URI "select 1")

See the URI Connection String section for details.

Supported Sources

The following objects may act as a data source:

typeBorrowing logicReturning logic itselfNothing (keep it open) one from a pool (lock)Return to a pool (unlock)
clojure.lang.IPersistentMapConnect using a Clojure mapClose the connection
java.lang.StringConnect using a URIClose the connection using a Config objectClose the connection

Naming Rules

Some pg.core functions accept any data source, but some require a Connection object only. For example, query, execute, copy, etc accept a source, but close-statement needs a connection because prepared statements are defined per connection. There is a naming rule for that:

  • if the first argument is called src, the function accepts a data source (a connection, a pool, a Clojure map, a URI string);
  • if the argument is called conn, it accepts a connection only. Most likely you need to pass a certain connection, for example the one you used for a prepared statement or to process notifications.

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