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Connecting to the server

To connect the server, define a config map and pass it into the connect function:

(require '[pg.core :as pg])

(def config
  {:host ""
   :port 5432
   :user "test"
   :password "test"
   :database "test"})

(def conn
  (pg/connect config))

The conn is an instance of the class.

The :host, :port, and :password config fields have default values and might be skipped (the password is an empty string by default). Only the :user and :database fields are required when connecting. See the list of possible fields and their values in a separate section.

To close a connection, pass it into the close function:

(pg/close conn)

You cannot open or use this connection again afterwards.

To close the connection automatically, use either with-connection or with-open macro. The with-connection macro takes a binding symbol and a config map; the connection gets bound to the binding symbold while the body is executed:

(pg/with-connection [conn config]
  (pg/query conn "select 1 as one"))

The standard with-open macro calls the (.close connection) method on exit:

(with-open [conn (pg/connect config)]
  (pg/query conn "select 1 as one"))

Avoid situations when you close a connection manually. Use one of these two macros shown above.

Use :pg-params field to specify connection-specific Postgres parameters. These are "TimeZone", "application_name", "DateStyle" and more. Both keys and values are plain strings:

(def config+
  (assoc config
         {"application_name" "Clojure"
          "DateStyle" "ISO, MDY"}))

(def conn
  (pg/connect config+))

Connection parameters

The following table describes all the possible connection options with the possible values and semantics. Only the two first options are requred. All the rest have predefined values.

:userstringrequiredthe name of the DB user
:databasestringrequiredthe name of the database
:hoststring127.0.0.1IP or hostname
:portinteger5432port number
:passwordstring""DB user password
:pg-paramsmap{}A map of session params like {string string}
:binary-encode?boolfalseWhether to use binary data encoding
:binary-decode?boolfalseWhether to use binary data decoding
:read-only?boolfalseWhether to initiate this connection in READ ONLY mode (see below)
:in-stream-buf-sizeinteger0xFFFFSize of the input buffered socket stream
:out-stream-buf-sizeinteger0xFFFFSize of the output buffered socket stream
:fn-notification1-arg fnlogging fnA function to handle notifications
:fn-protocol-version1-arg fnlogging fnA function to handle negotiation version protocol event
:fn-notice1-arg fnlogging fnA function to handle notices
:use-ssl?boolfalseWhether to use SSL connection
:ssl-contextSSLContextnilAn custom instance of SSLContext class to wrap a socket
:so-keep-alive?booltrueSocket KeepAlive value
:so-tcp-no-delay?booltrueSocket TcpNoDelay value
:so-timeoutinteger15.000Socket timeout value, in ms
:so-recv-buf-sizeinteger0xFFFFSocket receive buffer size
:so-send-buf-sizeinteger0xFFFFSocket send buffer size
:cancel-timeout-msinteger5.000Default value for the with-timeout macro, in ms
:protocol-versioninteger196608Postgres protocol version
:object-mapperObjectMapperJSON.defaultMapperAn instance of ObjectMapper for custom JSON processing (see the "JSON" section)

Parameter notes

Read Only Mode

The :read-only? connection parameter does two things under the hood:

  1. It appends the default_transaction_read_only parameter to the startup message set to on. Thus, any transaction gets started on READ ONLY mode.

  2. It prevents the :read-only? flag from overriding in the with-tx macro. Say, even if the macro is called like this:

(pg/with-tx [conn {:read-only? false}] ;; try to mute the global :read-only? flag
  (pg/query conn "delete from students"))

The transaction will be in READ ONLY mode anyway.

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