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PG2: A Fast PostgreSQL Driver For Clojure

PG2 is a client library for PostgreSQL server. It succeeds PG(one) -- my early attempt to make a JDBC-free client. Comparing to it, PG2 has the following features:

It's fast. Benchmarks prove up to 3 times performance boost compared to Next.JDBC. A simple HTTP application which reads data from the database and responds with JSON handles 2 times more RPS. For details, see the "benchmarks" below.

It's written in Java with a Clojure layer on top of it. Unfortunately, Clojure is not as fast as Java. For performance sake, I've got to implement most of the logic in pure Java. The Clojure layer is extremely thin and serves only to call certain methods.

It's still Clojure friendly: by default, all the queries return a vector of maps, where the keys are keywords. You don't need to remap the result in any way. But moreover, the library provides dozens of ways to group, index, a reduce a result.

It supports JSON out from the box: There is no need to extend any protocols and so on. Read and write json(b) with ease as Clojure data! Also, JSON reading and writing as really fast, again: 2-3 times faster than in Next.JDBC.

It supports COPY operations: you can easily COPY OUT a table into a stream. You can COPY IN a set of rows without CSV-encoding them because it's held by the library. It also supports binary COPY format, which is faster.

It supports java.time. classes. The ordinary JDBC clients still use Timestamp class for dates, which is horrible. In PG2, all the java.time.* classes are supported for reading and writing.

...And plenty of other features.

Table of Contents


Core functionality: the client and the connection pool, type encoding and decoding, COPY IN/OUT, SSL:

;; lein
[com.github.igrishaev/pg2-core "0.1.2"]

;; deps
com.github.igrishaev/pg2-core {:mvn/version "0.1.2"}

HoneySQL integration: special version of query and execute that accept not a string of SQL but a map that gets formatted to SQL under the hood.

;; lein
[com.github.igrishaev/pg2-honey "0.1.2"]

;; deps
com.github.igrishaev/pg2-honey {:mvn/version "0.1.2"}

Component integration: a package that extends the Connection and Pool objects with the Lifecycle protocol from the Component library.

;; lein
[com.github.igrishaev/pg2-component "0.1.2"]

;; deps
com.github.igrishaev/pg2-component {:mvn/version "0.1.2"}

Quick start (Demo)

This is a very brief passage through the library:

(ns pg.demo
   [pg.core :as pg]))

;; declare a minimal config
(def config
  {:host ""
   :port 10140
   :user "test"
   :password "test"
   :database "test"})

;; connect to the database
(def conn
  (pg/connect config))

;; a trivial query
(pg/query conn "select 1 as one")
;; [{:one 1}]

;; let's create a table
(pg/query conn "
create table demo (
  id serial primary key,
  title text not null,
  created_at timestamp with time zone default now()
;; {:command "CREATE TABLE"}

;; Insert three rows returning all the columns.
;; Pay attention that PG2 uses not question marks (?)
;; but numered dollars for parameters:
(pg/execute conn
            "insert into demo (title) values ($1), ($2), ($3)
             returning *"
            {:params ["test1" "test2" "test3"]})

;; The result: pay attention we got the j.t.OffsetDateTime class
;; for the timestamptz column (truncated):

[{:title "test1",
  :id 4,
  :created_at #object[j.t.OffsetDateTime "2024-01-17T21:57:58..."]}
 {:title "test2",
  :id 5,
  :created_at #object[j.t.OffsetDateTime "2024-01-17T21:57:58..."]}
 {:title "test3",
  :id 6,
  :created_at #object[j.t.OffsetDateTime "2024-01-17T21:57:58..."]}]

;; Try two expressions in a single transaction
(pg/with-tx [conn]
  (pg/execute conn
              "delete from demo where id = $1"
              {:params [3]})
  (pg/execute conn
              "insert into demo (title) values ($1)"
              {:params ["test4"]}))
;; {:inserted 1}

;; Now check out the database log:

;; LOG:  statement: BEGIN
;; LOG:  execute s3/p4: delete from demo where id = $1
;; DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '3'
;; LOG:  execute s5/p6: insert into demo (title) values ($1)
;; DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'test4'
;; LOG:  statement: COMMIT


See the following posts in my blog:


The library suppors the following authentication types and pipelines:

  • No password (for trusted clients);

  • Clear text password (not used nowadays);

  • MD5 password with hash (default prior to Postgres ver. 15);

  • SASL with the SCRAM-SHA-256 algorithm (default since Postgres ver. 15). The SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS algorithm is not implemented.

Connecting to the server

To connect the server, define a config map and pass it into the connect function:

(require '[pg.core :as pg])

(def config
  {:host ""
   :port 5432
   :user "test"
   :password "test"
   :database "test"})

(def conn
  (pg/connect config))

The conn is an instance of the class.

The :host, :port, and :password config fields have default values and might be skipped (the password is an empty string by default). Only the :user and :database fields are required when connecting. See the list of possible fields and their values in a separate section.

To close a connection, pass it into the close function:

(pg/close conn)

You cannot open or use this connection again afterwards.

To close the connection automatically, use either with-connection or with-open macro. The with-connection macro takes a binding symbol and a config map; the connection gets bound to the binding symbold while the body is executed:

(pg/with-connection [conn config]
  (pg/query conn "select 1 as one"))

The standard with-open macro calls the (.close connection) method on exit:

(with-open [conn (pg/connect config)]
  (pg/query conn "select 1 as one"))

Avoid situations when you close a connection manually. Use one of these two macros shown above.

Use :pg-params field to specify connection-specific Postgres parameters. These are "TimeZone", "application_name", "DateStyle" and more. Both keys and values are plain strings:

(def config+
  (assoc config
         {"application_name" "Clojure"
          "DateStyle" "ISO, MDY"}))

(def conn
  (pg/connect config+))

Connection config parameters

The following table describes all the possible connection options with the possible values and semantics. Only the two first options are requred. All the rest have predefined values.

:userstringrequiredthe name of the DB user
:databasestringrequiredthe name of the database
:hoststring127.0.0.1IP or hostname
:portinteger5432port number
:passwordstring""DB user password
:pg-paramsmap{}A map of session params like {string string}
:binary-encode?boolfalseWhether to use binary data encoding
:binary-decode?boolfalseWhether to use binary data decoding
:in-stream-buf-sizeinteger0xFFFFSize of the input buffered socket stream
:out-stream-buf-sizeinteger0xFFFFSize of the output buffered socket stream
:fn-notification1-arg fnlogging fnA function to handle notifications
:fn-protocol-version1-arg fnlogging fnA function to handle negotiation version protocol event
:fn-notice1-arg fnlogging fnA function to handle notices
:use-ssl?boolfalseWhether to use SSL connection
:ssl-contextSSLContextnilAn custom instance of SSLContext class to wrap a socket
:so-keep-alive?booltrueSocket KeepAlive value
:so-tcp-no-delay?booltrueSocket TcpNoDelay value
:so-timeoutinteger15.000Socket timeout value, in ms
:so-recv-buf-sizeinteger0xFFFFSocket receive buffer size
:so-send-buf-sizeinteger0xFFFFSocket send buffer size
:log-levelkeyword:infoConnection logging level. See possible values below
:cancel-timeout-msinteger5.000Default value for the with-timeout macro, in ms
:protocol-versioninteg196608Postgres protocol version

Possible :log-level values are:

  • :all to render all the events
  • :trace
  • :debug
  • :info
  • :error
  • :off, false, or nil to disable logging.


The query function sends a query to the server and returns the result. Non-data queries return a map with a tag:

(pg/query conn "create table test1 (id serial primary key, name text)")
{:command "CREATE TABLE"}

(pg/query conn "insert into test1 (name) values ('Ivan'), ('Huan')")
{:inserted 2}

Data queries return a vector of maps. This behaviour may be changed with reducers (see below).

(pg/query conn "select * from test1")
[{:name "Ivan", :id 1} {:name "Huan", :id 2}]

The SQL string might include several expressions concatenated with a semicolon. In this case, the result will be a vector of results:

(pg/query conn "insert into test1 (name) values ('Juan'); select * from test1")

[{:inserted 1}
 [{:name "Ivan", :id 1}
  {:name "Huan", :id 2}
  {:name "Juan", :id 3}]]

Use this feature wisely; don't try to do lots of things at once.

Important: the query function doesn't support parameters. You cannot run a query like these two below or similar:

(pg/query conn "select * from test1 where id = ?" 1)
;; or
(pg/query conn ["select * from test1 where id = ?" 1])

NEVER(!), NEVER(!!), NEVER(!!!) put parameters into a SQL string using str, format, or other functions that operate on strings. You will regret it one day. Use execute with parameters instead.


The execute function acts like query but has the following peculiarities:

  • The SQL string cannot have many expressions concatenated with a semicolon. There must be a single expression (although the trailing semicolon is allowed).

  • It may have parameters. The values for these parameters are passed separately. Unlike in JDBC, the parameters use dollar sign with a number, for example $1, $2, etc.

Here is how you can query a row by its primary key:

(pg/execute conn "select * from test1 where id = $1" {:params [2]})
;; [{:name "Huan", :id 2}]

The values are passed into the :params key; they must be a vector, or a list, or a lazy sequence. Passing a set is not recommended as it doesn't guarantee the order of the values.

This is how you insert values into a table using parameters:

(pg/execute conn
            "insert into test1 (name) values ($1), ($2), ($3)"
            {:params ["Huey" "Dewey" "Louie"]})
;; {:inserted 3}

Pay attention that the values are always a flat list. Imagine you'd like to insert rows with explicit ids:

(pg/execute conn
            "insert into test1 (id, name) values ($1, $2), ($3, $4), ($5, $6)"
            {:params [1001 "Harry" 1002 "Hermione" 1003 "Ron"]})
;; {:inserted 3}

The :params vector consists from flat values but not pairs like [1001 "Harry"]. For better readability, make a list of pairs and then flatten it:

(def pairs
  [[1001 "Harry"]
   [1002 "Hermione"]
   [1003 "Ron"]])

(flatten pairs)

;; (1001 "Harry" 1002 "Hermione" 1003 "Ron")

Since the parameters have explicit numbers, you can reference a certain value many times. The following query will create three agents Smith with different ids.

(pg/execute conn
            "insert into test1 (name) values ($1), ($1), ($1)"
            {:params ["Agent Smith"]})
;; {:inserted 3}

Both query and execute functions accept various options that affect data processing. Find their description in the next section.

Common Execute parameters

Type hints

Prepared Statements

In Postgres, prepared statements are queries that have passed all the preliminary stages and now ready to be executed. Running the same prepared statement with different parameters is faster than executing a fresh query each time. To prepare a statement, pass a SQL expression into the prepare function. It will return a special PreparedStatement object:

(def stmt-by-id
  (pg/prepare conn "select * from test1 where id = $1"))

(str stmt-by-id)
<Prepared statement, name: s11, param(s): 1, OIDs: [INT4], SQL: select * from test1 where id = $1>

The statement might have parameters. Now that you have a statement, execute it with the execute-statement function. Below, we execute it three times with various primary keys. We also pass the :first? option set to true to have only row in the result.

(pg/execute-statement conn
                      {:params [1] :first? true})
;; {:name "Ivan", :id 1}

(pg/execute-statement conn
                      {:params [5] :first? true})
;; {:name "Louie", :id 5}

(pg/execute-statement conn
                      {:params [8] :first? true})
;; {:name "Agent Smith", :id 8}

During its lifetime on the server, a statement consumes some resources. When it's not needed any longer, release it with the close-statement function:

(pg/close-statement conn stmt-by-id)

The following macro helps to auto-close a statement. The first argument is a binding symbol. It will be pointing to a fresh prepared statement during the execution of the body. Afterwards, the statement is closed.

Below, we insert tree rows in the database using the same prepared statement. Pay attention to the doall clause: it evaluates the lazy sequence produced by for. Without doall, you'll get an error from the server saying there is no such a prepared statement.

(pg/with-statement [stmt conn "insert into test1 (name) values ($1) returning *"]
   (for [character ["Agent Brown"
                    "Agent Smith"
                    "Agent Jones"]]
     (pg/execute-statement conn stmt {:params [character] :first? true}))))

({:name "Agent Brown", :id 12}
 {:name "Agent Smith", :id 13}
 {:name "Agent Jones", :id 14})

In Postgres, prepared statements are always bound to a certain connection. Don't share a statement opened in a connection A to B and vice versa. Do not share them across different threads.


To execute one or more queries in a transaction, wrap them with begin and commit functions as follows:

(pg/begin conn)

(pg/execute conn
            "insert into test1 (name) values ($1)"
            {:params ["Test1"]})

(pg/execute conn
            "insert into test1 (name) values ($1)"
            {:params ["Test2"]})

(pg/commit conn)

Both rows are inserted in a transaction. Should one of them fail, none will succeed. By checking the database log, you'll see the following entries:

statement: BEGIN
execute s23/p24: insert into test1 (name) values ($1)
  parameters: $1 = 'Test1'
execute s25/p26: insert into test1 (name) values ($1)
  parameters: $1 = 'Test2'
statement: COMMIT

The rollback function rolls back the current transaction. The "Test3" entry will be available during transaction but won't be stored at the end.

(pg/begin conn)
(pg/execute conn
            "insert into test1 (name) values ($1)"
            {:params ["Test3"]})
(pg/rollback conn)

Of course, there is a macro what handles BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK logic for you. The with-tx one wraps a block of code. It opens a transaction, executes the body and, if there was not an exception, commits it. If there was an exception, the macro rolls back the transaction and re-throws it.

The first argument of the macro is a connection object:

(pg/with-tx [conn]
  (pg/execute conn
              "delete from test1 where name like $1"
              {:params ["Test%"]})
  (pg/execute conn
              "insert into test1 (name) values ($1)"
              {:params ["Test3"]}))

The macro expands into something like this:

(pg/begin conn)
  (let [result (do <body>)]
    (pg/commit conn)
  (catch Throwable e
    (pg/rollback conn)
    (throw e)))

The macro accepts several optional parameters that affect a transaction, namely:

:read-only?BooleanWhen true, only read operations are allowed
:rollback?BooleanWhen true, he transaction gets rolled back even if there was no an exception
:isolation-levelKeyword or StringSet isolation level for the current transaction

The :read-only? parameter set to true restricts all the queries in this transaction to be read only. Thus, only SELECT queries will work. Running INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE will cause an exception:

(pg/with-tx [conn {:read-only? true}]
  (pg/execute conn
              "delete from test1 where name like $1"
              {:params ["Test%"]}))

;; Execution error (PGErrorResponse) at (
;; Server error response: {severity=ERROR, code=25006, ... message=cannot execute DELETE in a read-only transaction, verbosity=ERROR}

The :rollback? parameter, when set to true, rolls back a transaction even if it was successful. This is useful for tests:

(pg/with-tx [conn {:rollback? true}]
  (pg/execute conn
              "delete from test1 where name like $1"
              {:params ["Test%"]}))

;; statement: BEGIN
;; execute s11/p12: delete from test1 where name like $1
;;   parameters: $1 = 'Test%'
;; statement: ROLLBACK

Above, inside the with-tx macro, you'll have all the rows deleted but once you get back, they will be there again.

Finally, the :isolation-level parameter sets isolation level for the current transaction. The table below shows its possible values:

:isolation-level parameterPostgres level


(pg/with-tx [conn {:isolation-level :serializable}]
  (pg/execute conn
              "delete from test1 where name like $1"
              {:params ["Test%"]})
  (pg/execute conn
              "insert into test1 (name) values ($1)"
              {:params ["Test3"]}))

;; statement: BEGIN
;; execute s33/p34: delete from test1 where name like $1
;;   parameters: $1 = 'Test%'
;; execute s35/p36: insert into test1 (name) values ($1)
;;   parameters: $1 = 'Test3'
;; statement: COMMIT

The default transation level depends on the settings of your database.

This document doesn't describe the difference between isolation levels. Please refer to the official documentation for more information.

Connection state

There are some function to track the connection state. In Postgres, the state of a connection might be one of these:

  • idle when it's ready for a query;

  • in transaction when a transaction has already been started but not committed yet;

  • error when transaction has failed but hasn't been rolled back yet.

The status function returns either :I, :T, or :E keywords depending on where you are at the moment. For each state, there is a corresponding predicate that returns either true of false.

At the beginning, the connection is idle:

(pg/status conn)

(pg/idle? conn)

Open a transaction and check out the state:

(pg/begin conn)

(pg/status conn)

(pg/in-transaction? conn)

Now send a broken query to the server. You'll get an exception describing the error occurred on the server:

(pg/query conn "selekt dunno")

;; Execution error (PGErrorResponse) at (
;; Server error response: {severity=ERROR, code=42601, ...,  message=syntax error at or near "selekt", verbosity=ERROR}

The connection is in the error state now:

(pg/status conn)

(pg/tx-error? conn)

When state is error, the connection doesn't accept any new queries. Each of them will be rejected with a message saying that the connection is in the error state. To recover from an error, rollback the current transaction:

(pg/rollback conn)

(pg/idle? conn)

Now it's ready for new queries again.

Next.JDBC API layer

PG2 has a namespace that mimics Next.JDBC API. Of course, it doesn't cover 100% of Next.JDBC features yet most of the functions and macros are there. It will help you to introduce PG2 into the project without rewriting all the database-related code from scratch.

Obtaining a Connection

In Next.JDBC, all the functions and macros accept something that implements the Connectable protocol. It might be a plain Clojure map, an existing connection, or a connection pool. The PG2 wrapper follows this design. It works with either a map, a connection, or a pool.

Import the namespace and declare a config:

(require '[pg.jdbc :as jdbc])

(def config
  {:host ""
   :port 10140
   :user "test"
   :password "test"
   :dbname "test"})

Having a config map, obtain a connection by passing it into the get-connection function:

(def conn
  (jdbc/get-connection config))

This approach, although is a part of the Next.JDBC design, is not recommended to use. Once you've established a connection, you must either close it or, if it was borrowed from a pool, return it to the pool. There is a special macro on-connection that covers this logic:

(jdbc/on-connection [bind source]

If the source was a map, a new connection is spawned and gets closed afterwards. If the source is a pool, the connection gets returned to the pool. When the source is a connection, nothing happens when exiting the macro.

(jdbc/on-connection [conn config]
  (println conn))

A brief example with a connection pool and a couple of futures. Each future borrows a connection from a pool, and returns it afterwards.

(pool/with-pool [pool config]
  (let [f1
          (jdbc/on-connection [conn1 pool]
             (jdbc/execute-one! conn1 ["select 'hoho' as message"]))))
          (jdbc/on-connection [conn2 pool]
             (jdbc/execute-one! conn2 ["select 'haha' as message"]))))]

;; {{:message hoho}:message haha}
;; two overlapping print statements

Executing Queries

Two functions execute! and execute-one! send queries to the database. Each of them takes a source, a SQL vector, and a map of options. The SQL vector is a sequence where the first item is either a string or a prepared statement, and the rest values are parameters.

(jdbc/on-connection [conn config]
  (jdbc/execute! conn ["select $1 as num" 42]))
;; [{:num 42}]

Pay attention that parameters use the dollar sign with a number but not a question marks.

The execute-one! function acts like execute! but returns the first row only. Internaly, this is done by passing the {:first? true} parameter that enables the First reducer.

(jdbc/on-connection [conn config]
  (jdbc/execute-one! conn ["select $1 as num" 42]))
;; {:num 42}

To prepare a statement, pass a SQL-vector into the prepare function. The result will be an instance of the PreparedStatement class. To execute a statement, put it into a SQL-vector followed by the parameters:

(jdbc/on-connection [conn config]
  (let [stmt
        (jdbc/prepare conn
                      ["select $1::int4 + 1 as num"])
        (jdbc/execute-one! conn [stmt 1])

        (jdbc/execute-one! conn [stmt 2])]

    [res1 res2]))

;; [{:num 2} {:num 3}]

Above, the same stmt statement is executed twice with different parameters.

More realistic example with inserting data into a table. Let's prepare the table first:

(jdbc/execute! config ["create table test2 (id serial primary key, name text not null)"])

Insert a couple of rows returning the result:

(jdbc/on-connection [conn config]
  (let [stmt
        (jdbc/prepare conn
                      ["insert into test2 (name) values ($1) returning *"])

        (jdbc/execute-one! conn [stmt "Ivan"])

        (jdbc/execute-one! conn [stmt "Huan"])]

    [res1 res2]))

;; [{:name "Ivan", :id 1} {:name "Huan", :id 2}]

As it was mentioned above, in Postgres, a prepared statement is always bound to a certain connection. Thus, use the prepare function only inside the on-connection macro to ensure that all the underlying database interaction is made within the same connection.


The with-transaction macro wraps a block of code into a transaction. Before entering the block, the macro emits the BEGIN expression, and COMMIT afterwards, if there was no an exception. Should an exception pop up, the transaction gets rolled back with ROLLBACK, and the exception is re-thrown.

The macro takes a binding symbol which a connection is bound to, a source, an a map of options. The standard Next.JDBC transaction options are supported, namely:

  • :isolation
  • :read-only
  • :rollback-only

Here is an example of inserting a couple of rows in a transaction:

(jdbc/on-connection [conn config]

  (let [stmt
        (jdbc/prepare conn
                      ["insert into test2 (name) values ($1) returning *"])]

    (jdbc/with-transaction [TX conn {:isolation :serializable
                                     :read-only false
                                     :rollback-only false}]

      (let [res1
            (jdbc/execute-one! conn [stmt "Snip"])

            (jdbc/execute-one! conn [stmt "Snap"])]

        [res1 res2]))))

;; [{:name "Snip", :id 3} {:name "Snap", :id 4}]

The Postgres log:

insert into test2 (name) values ($1) returning *
  $1 = 'Snip'
insert into test2 (name) values ($1) returning *
  $1 = 'Snap'

The :isolation parameter might be one of the following:

  • :read-uncommitted
  • :read-committed
  • :repeatable-read
  • :serializable

To know more about transaction isolation, refer to the official Postgres documentation.

When read-only is true, any mutable query will trigger an error response from Postgres:

(jdbc/with-transaction [TX config {:read-only true}]
  (jdbc/execute! TX ["delete from test2"]))

;; Execution error (PGErrorResponse) at (
;; Server error response: {severity=ERROR, message=cannot execute DELETE in a read-only transaction, verbosity=ERROR}

When :rollback-only is true, the transaction gets rolled back even there was no an exception. This is useful for tests and experiments:

(jdbc/with-transaction [TX config {:rollback-only true}]
  (jdbc/execute! TX ["delete from test2"]))

The logs:

statement: BEGIN
execute s1/p2: delete from test2
statement: ROLLBACK

The table still has its data:

(jdbc/execute! config ["select * from test2"])

;; [{:name "Ivan", :id 1} ...]

The function active-tx? helps to determine if you're in the middle of a transaction:

(jdbc/on-connection [conn config]
  (let [res1 (jdbc/active-tx? conn)]
    (jdbc/with-transaction [TX conn]
      (let [res2 (jdbc/active-tx? TX)]
        [res1 res2]))))

;; [false true]

It returns true for transactions tha are in the error state as well.

Keys and Namespaces

The pg.jdbc wrapper tries to mimic Next.JDBC and thus uses kebab-case-keys when building maps:

(jdbc/on-connection [conn config]
  (jdbc/execute-one! conn ["select 42 as the_answer"]))

;; {:the-answer 42}

To change that behaviour and use snake_case_keys, pass the {:kebab-keys? false} option map:

(jdbc/on-connection [conn config]
  (jdbc/execute-one! conn
                     ["select 42 as the_answer"]
                     {:kebab-keys? false}))

;; {:the_answer 42}

By default, Next.JDBC returns full-qualified keys where namespaces are table names, for example :user/profile-id or :order/created-at. At the moment, namespaces are not supported by the wrapper.


Cloning a Connectin

Cancelling a Query

Thread Safety

Result reducers



Type Mapping

JSON support

Arrays support

Notify/Listen (PubSub)



Errors and Exceptions

Connection Pool

HoneySQL integration

Component integration

Ring middleware


Running tests

Running benchmarks

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