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JSON support

Postgres is amazing when dealing with JSON. There hardly can be a database that serves it better. Unfortunately, Postgres clients never respect the JSON feature, which is horrible. Take JDBC, for example: when querying a JSON(b) value, you'll get a dull PGObject which should be decoded manually. The same applies to insertion: one cannot just pass a Clojure map or a vector. It should be packed into the PGObject as well.

Of course, this can be automated by extending certain protocols. But it's still slow as it's done on Clojure level (not Java), and it forces you to copy the same code across projects.

Fortunately, PG2 supports JSON out from the box. If you query a JSON value, you'll get its Clojure counter-part: a map, a vector, etc. To insert a JSON value to a table, you pass either a Clojure map or a vector. No additional steps are required.

PG2 relies on jsonista library to handle JSON. At the moment of writing, this is the fastest JSON library for Clojure. Jsonista uses a concept of object mappers: objects holding custom rules to encode and decode values. You can compose your own mapper with custom rules and pass it into the connection config.

Basic usage

Let's prepare a connection and a test table with a jsonb column:

(def config
  {:host ""
   :port 10140
   :user "test"
   :password "test"
   :dbname "test"})

(def conn
  (jdbc/get-connection config))

(pg/query conn "create table test_json (
  id serial primary key,
  data jsonb not null

Now insert a row:

(pg/execute conn
            "insert into test_json (data) values ($1)"
            {:params [{:some {:nested {:json 42}}}]})

No need to encode a map manually nor wrap it into a sort of PGObject. Let's fetch the new row by id:

(pg/execute conn
            "select * from test_json where id = $1"
            {:params [1]
             :first? true})

{:id 1 :data {:some {:nested {:json 42}}}}

Again, the JSON data returns as a Clojure map with no wrappers.

When using JSON with HoneySQL though, some circs are still needed. Namely, you have to wrap a value with [:lift ...] as follows:

(pgh/insert-one conn
                {:data [:lift {:another {:json {:value [1 2 3]}}}]})

{:id 2, :data {:another {:json {:value [1 2 3]}}}}

Without the [:lift ...] tag, HoneySQL will treat the value as a nested SQL map and try to render it as a string, which will fail of course or lead to a SQL injection.

Another way is to use HoneySQL parameters conception:

(pgh/insert-one conn
                {:data [:param :data]}
                {:honey {:params {:data {:some [:json {:map [1 2 3]}]}}}})

For details, see the HoneySQL Integration section.

PG2 supports only Clojure maps when encoding values into JSON. Vectors and other sequential values are treated as arrays. For details, see the Arrays support section.

Json Wrapper

In rare cases you might store a string or a number in a JSON field. Say, 123 is a valid JSON value but it's treated as a number. To tell Postgres it's a JSON indeed, wrap the value with pg/json-wrap:

(pgh/insert-one conn
                {:data (pg/json-wrap 42)})

{:id 4, :data 42}

The wrapper is especially useful to store a "null" JSON value: not the standard NULL but "null" which, when parsed, becomes nil. For this, pass (pg/json-wrap nil) as follows:

(pgh/insert-one conn
                {:data (pg/json-wrap nil)})

{:id 5, :data nil} ;; "null" in the database

Custom Object Mapper

One great thing about Jsonista is a conception of mapper objects. A mapper is a set of rules how to encode and decode data. Jsonista provides a way to build a custom mapper. Once built, it can be passed to a connection config so the JSON data is written and read back in a special way.

Let's assume you're going to tag JSON sub-parts to track their types. For example, if encoding a keyword :foo, you'll get a vector of ["!kw", "foo"]. When decoding that vector, by the "!kw" string, the mapper understands it a keyword and coerces "foo" to :foo.

Here is how you create a mapper with Jsonista:

(ns ...
    [jsonista.core :as j]
    [jsonista.tagged :as jt]))

(def tagged-mapper
   {:encode-key-fn true
    :decode-key-fn true
       {Keyword {:tag "!kw"
                 :encode jt/encode-keyword
                 :decode keyword}
        PersistentHashSet {:tag "!set"
                           :encode jt/encode-collection
                           :decode set}}})]}))

The object-mapper function accepts even more options but we skip them for now.

Now that you have a mapper, pass it into a config:

(def config
  {:host ""
   :port 10140
   :user "test"
   :password "test"
   :dbname "test"
   :object-mapper tagged-mapper})

(def conn
  (jdbc/get-connection config))

All the JSON operations made by this connection will use the passed object mapper. Let's insert a set of keywords:

(pg/execute conn
            "insert into test_json (data) values ($1)"
            {:params [{:object #{:foo :bar :baz}}]})

When read back, the JSON value is not a vector of strings any longer but a set of keywords:

(pg/execute conn "select * from test_json")

[{:id 1, :data {:object #{:baz :bar :foo}}}]

To peek a raw JSON value, select it as a plain text and print (just to avoid escaping quotes):

(printl (pg/execute conn "select data::text json_raw from test_json where id = 10"))

;; [{:json_raw {"object": ["!set", [["!kw", "baz"], ["!kw", "bar"], ["!kw", "foo"]]]}}]

If you read that row using another connection with a default object mapper, the data is returned without expanding tags.

Utility pg.json namespace

PG2 provides an utility namespace for JSON encoding and decoding. You can use it for files, HTTP API, etc. If you already have PG2 in the project, there is no need to plug in Cheshire or another JSON library. The namespace is pg.json:

(ns ...
   [pg.json :as json]))

Reading JSON

The read-string function reads a value from a JSON string:

(json/read-string "[1, 2, 3]")

[1 2 3]

The first argument might be an object mapper:

(json/read-string tagged-mapper "[\"!kw\", \"hello\"]")


The functions read-stream and read-reader act the same but accept either an InputStream or a Reader object:

(let [in (-> "[1, 2, 3]" .getBytes io/input-stream)]
  (json/read-stream tagged-mapper in))

(let [in (-> "[1, 2, 3]" .getBytes io/reader)]
  (json/read-reader tagged-mapper in))

Writing JSON

The write-string function dumps an value into a JSON string:

(json/write-string {:test [:hello 1 true]})

;; "{\"test\":[\"hello\",1,true]}"

The first argument might be a custom object mapper. Let's reuse our tagger mapper:

(json/write-string tagged-mapper {:test [:hello 1 true]})

;; "{\"test\":[[\"!kw\",\"hello\"],1,true]}"

The functions write-stream and write-writer act the same. The only difference is, they accept either an OutputStream or Writer objects. The first argument might be a mapper as well:

(let [out (new ByteArrayOutputStream)]
  (json/write-stream tagged-mapper {:foo [:a :b :c]} out))

(let [out (new StringWriter)]
  (json/write-writer tagged-mapper {:foo [:a :b :c]} out))

Ring HTTP middleware

PG2 provides an HTTP Ring middleware for JSON. It acts like wrap-json-request and wrap-json-response middleware from the ring-json library. Comparing to it, the PG2 stuff has the following advantages:

  • it's faster because of Jsonista, whereas Ring-json relies on Cheshire;
  • it wraps both request and response at once with a shortcut;
  • it supports custom object mappers.

Imagine you have a Ring handler that reads JSON body and returns a JSON map. Something like this:

(defn api-handler [request]
  (let [user-id (-> request :data :user_id)
        user (get-user-by-id user-id)]
    {:status 200
     :body {:user user}}))

Here is how you wrap it:

(ns ...
   [pg.ring.json :refer [wrap-json

(def app
  (-> api-handler
      (wrap-json <opt>)

Above, the wrap-json wrapper is a combination of wrap-json-request and wrap-json-response. You can apply them both explicitly:

(def app
  (-> api-handler
      (wrap-json-request <opt>)
      (wrap-json-response <opt>)

All the three wrap-json... middleware accept a handler to wrap and a map of options. Here is the options supported:

:object-mapperrequest, responseAn custom instance of ObjectMapper
:slotrequestA field to assoc the parsed JSON data (1)
:malformed-responserequestA ring response returned when payload cannot be parsed (2)


  1. The default slot name is :json. Please avoid using :body or :params to prevent overriding existing request fields. This is especially important for :body! Often, you need the origin input stream to calculate an MD5 or SHA-256 hash-sum of the payload. If you overwrite the :body field, you cannot do that.

  2. The default malformed response is something like 400 "Malformed JSON" (plain text).

A full example:

(def json-opt
  {:slot :data
   :object-mapper tagged-mapper ;; see above
   :malformed-response {:status 404
                        :body "<h1>Bad JSON</h1>"
                        :headers {"content-type" "text/html"}}})

(def app
  (-> api-handler
      (wrap-json json-opt)

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