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To execute one or more queries in a transaction, wrap them with begin and commit functions as follows:

(pg/begin conn)

(pg/execute conn
            "insert into test1 (name) values ($1)"
            {:params ["Test1"]})

(pg/execute conn
            "insert into test1 (name) values ($1)"
            {:params ["Test2"]})

(pg/commit conn)

Both rows are inserted in a transaction. Should one of them fail, none will succeed. By checking the database log, you'll see the following entries:

statement: BEGIN
execute s23/p24: insert into test1 (name) values ($1)
  parameters: $1 = 'Test1'
execute s25/p26: insert into test1 (name) values ($1)
  parameters: $1 = 'Test2'
statement: COMMIT

The rollback function rolls back the current transaction. The "Test3" entry will be available during transaction but won't be stored at the end.

(pg/begin conn)
(pg/execute conn
            "insert into test1 (name) values ($1)"
            {:params ["Test3"]})
(pg/rollback conn)

Of course, there is a macro what handles BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK logic for you. The with-tx one wraps a block of code. It opens a transaction, executes the body and, if there was not an exception, commits it. If there was an exception, the macro rolls back the transaction and re-throws it.

The first argument of the macro is a connection object:

(pg/with-tx [conn]
  (pg/execute conn
              "delete from test1 where name like $1"
              {:params ["Test%"]})
  (pg/execute conn
              "insert into test1 (name) values ($1)"
              {:params ["Test3"]}))

The macro expands into something like this:

(pg/begin conn)
  (let [result (do <body>)]
    (pg/commit conn)
  (catch Throwable e
    (pg/rollback conn)
    (throw e)))

The macro accepts several optional parameters that affect a transaction, namely:

:read-only?BooleanWhen true, only read operations are allowed
:rollback?BooleanWhen true, he transaction gets rolled back even if there was no an exception
:isolation-levelKeyword or StringSet isolation level for the current transaction

The :read-only? parameter set to true restricts all the queries in this transaction to be read only. Thus, only SELECT queries will work. Running INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE will cause an exception:

(pg/with-tx [conn {:read-only? true}]
  (pg/execute conn
              "delete from test1 where name like $1"
              {:params ["Test%"]}))

;; Execution error (PGErrorResponse) at (
;; Server error response: {severity=ERROR, code=25006, ... message=cannot execute DELETE in a read-only transaction, verbosity=ERROR}

The :rollback? parameter, when set to true, rolls back a transaction even if it was successful. This is useful for tests:

(pg/with-tx [conn {:rollback? true}]
  (pg/execute conn
              "delete from test1 where name like $1"
              {:params ["Test%"]}))

;; statement: BEGIN
;; execute s11/p12: delete from test1 where name like $1
;;   parameters: $1 = 'Test%'
;; statement: ROLLBACK

Above, inside the with-tx macro, you'll have all the rows deleted but once you get back, they will be there again.

Finally, the :isolation-level parameter sets isolation level for the current transaction. The table below shows its possible values:

:isolation-level parameterPostgres level


(pg/with-tx [conn {:isolation-level :serializable}]
  (pg/execute conn
              "delete from test1 where name like $1"
              {:params ["Test%"]})
  (pg/execute conn
              "insert into test1 (name) values ($1)"
              {:params ["Test3"]}))

;; statement: BEGIN
;; execute s33/p34: delete from test1 where name like $1
;;   parameters: $1 = 'Test%'
;; execute s35/p36: insert into test1 (name) values ($1)
;;   parameters: $1 = 'Test3'
;; statement: COMMIT

The default transation level depends on the settings of your database.

This document doesn't describe the difference between isolation levels. Please refer to the official documentation for more information.

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