This section brings real configuration samples for various services. Everyone is welcome to share their settings for AWS, Azure, etc. requires SSL connection so always pass the :ssl?
(def config
{:host ""
:port 5432
:user "test_owner"
:password "<password>"
:database "test"
:ssl? true ;; always mandatory!
In Supabase, SSL in optional and is off by default. You can enable it in the dashboard:
When it's on, download the CA certificate file, make an instance of ssl-context and pass it to the config as follows:
(require '[pg.ssl :as ssl])
(def ssl-context
(ssl/context "/Users/ivan/Downloads/prod-ca-2021.crt"))
(def config
{:host ""
:port 6543
:user "postgres.XXXX"
:password "<password>"
:database "postgres"
:ssl-context ssl-context ;; mandatory when SSL is on
See the SSL Setup section for details.
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