A small Clojure library designed to handle and route Discord interactions, both for gateway events and incoming webhooks.
slash is environment-agnostic, extensible through middleware and works directly with Clojure data (no JSON parsing/printing included).
slash provides utilities to define slash commands in slash.command.structure
Once you are familiar with how slash commands are structured, the functions should be self-explanatory.
(require '[slash.command.structure :refer :all])
(def input-option (option "input" "Your input" :string :required true))
(def echo-command
"Echoes your input"
(def fun-commands
"Fun commands"
"Reverse the input"
(option "words" "Reverse words instead of characters?" :boolean)])
"Spongebob-mock the input"
You can use slash to handle interaction events based on their type.
(slash.core/route-interaction handler-map interaction-event)
is a map containing handlers for the different types of interactions that may occur. E.g.
{:ping ping-handler
:application-command command-handler
:message-component component-handler}
You can find default handler maps for both gateway and webhook environments in slash.gateway
slash offers further routing middleware and utilities specifically for slash commands. The API is heavily inspired by compojure.
Simple, single-command example:
(require '[slash.command :as cmd]
'[slash.response :refer [channel-message ephemeral]]) ; The response namespace provides utility functions to create interaction responses
(cmd/defhandler echo-handler
["echo"] ; Command path
_interaction ; Interaction binding - whatever you put here will be bound to the entire interaction
[input] ; Command options - can be either a vector or a custom binding (symbol, map destructuring, ...)
(channel-message {:content input}))
You can now use echo-handler
as a command handler to call with a command interaction event and it will return the response if it is an echo
command or nil
if it's not.
An example with multiple (sub-)commands:
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(cmd/defhandler reverse-handler
[input words]
{:content (if words
(->> #"\s+" (str/split input) reverse (str/join " "))
(str/reverse input))}))
(cmd/defhandler mock-handler
{:content (->> input
(map #(cond-> % (rand-nth [true false]) Character/toUpperCase))
(cmd/defhandler unknown-handler
[unknown] ; Placeholders can be used in paths too
{{{user-id :id} :user} :member} ; Using the interaction binding to get the user who ran the command
_ ; no options
(-> (channel-message {:content (str "I don't know the command `" unknown "`, <@" user-id ">.")})
(cmd/defpaths command-paths
(cmd/group ["fun"] ; common prefix for all following commands
Similar to the previous example, command-paths
can now be used as a command handler. It will call each of its nested handlers with the interaction and stop once a handler is found that does not return nil
For this example, I use the ring webserver specification.
Using ring-json and ring-discord-auth we can create a ring handler for accepting outgoing webhooks.
(require '[slash.webhook :refer [webhook-defaults]]
'[ring-discord-auth.ring :refer [wrap-authenticate]]
'[ring.middleware.json :refer [wrap-json-body wrap-json-response]])
(def ring-handler
(-> (partial slash.core/route-interaction
(assoc webhook-defaults :application-command command-paths))
(wrap-json-body {:keyword? true})
(wrap-authenticate "application public key")))
For this example, I use discljord.
You also see the use of the wrap-response-return
middleware for the interaction handler, which allows you to simply return the interaction
responses from your handlers and let the middleware respond via REST. You only need to provide a callback that specifies how to respond to the interaction (as I'm using discljord here, I used its functions for this purpose).
(require '[discljord.messaging :as rest]
'[discljord.connections :as gateway]
'[discljord.events :as events]
'[core.async :as a]
'[slash.gateway :refer [gateway-defaults wrap-response-return]])
(let [rest-conn (rest/start-connection! "bot token")
event-channel (a/chan 100)
gateway-conn (gateway/connect-bot! "bot token" event-channel :intents #{})
event-handler (-> slash.core/route-interaction
(partial (assoc gateway-defaults :application-command command-paths))
(wrap-response-return (fn [id token {:keys [type data]}]
(rest/create-interaction-response! rest-conn id token type :data data))))]
(events/message-pump! event-channel (partial events/dispatch-handlers {:interaction-create event-handler})))
Copyright © 2021 JohnnyJayJay
Licensed under the MIT license.
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