(add-link db [from-node from-port :as from] [to-node to-port :as to])
(add-node db
{:keys [:client-x :client-y :x :y :w :h
:as data})
(add-node-to-selection db node-id)
If node isn't selected add it to selection, if it is already part of selection remove it.
If node isn't selected add it to selection, if it is already part of selection remove it.
(build-node-click-handler n)
(build-node-mouse-down-handler n)
(build-svg-node-resizer-handler n)
(clear-nodes-selection db)
(client-coord->dia-coord {:keys [translate scale]} [client-x client-y])
(curve-link {:keys [x1 y1 x2 y2 arrow-start? arrow-end?]})
(debug-bar scale translate)
(default-node props)
(dia-coord->client-coord {:keys [translate scale]} [dia-x dia-y])
(diagram dia)
(div-node n)
(drag db current-cli-coord)
(drag-nodes db grab-node-id [drag-x drag-y])
(get-node db node-id)
(grab db grab-obj client-grab-origin)
(grab-release db)
(line-link {:keys [arrow-start? arrow-end? x1 y1 x2 y2]})
(link nodes {:keys [from-port to-port] :as l})
(link-curve-string [[fpx fpy] & points])
(node-debug {:keys [x y w h] :as node})
(node-extra-data db node-id)
(node-ports node)
(port node p)
(port-position node port-id)
(register-link-component! link-type component-fn)
(register-node-component! node-type comp-desc)
(remove-link db link-id)
(remove-node db node-id)
(remove-node-from-selection db node-id)
(select-single-node db node-id)
Leave this node as the only selected node, unless it is part of the current selection. In that case it is a nop.
Leave this node as the only selected node, unless it is part of the current selection. In that case it is a nop.
(selected-nodes db)
(selected-nodes-ids db)
(set-link-config db link-config)
(set-link-label db link-id label)
(set-link-type db link-type)
(set-node-dimensions db node-id {:keys [w h]})
(set-node-extra-data db node-id extra-data)
(set-port-dimensions db node-id port-id {:keys [w h client-x client-y]})
(svg-node n)
(svg-nodes-comparator type1 type2)
(translate-diagram db to)
(zoom db delta [client-center-x client-center-y :as cli-coords])
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