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(all-namespaces ns-strs {:keys [excluding-ns prefixes?]})

Return all loaded namespaces that match with ns-strs but excluding excluding-ns. If prefixes? is true, ns-strs will be used as prefixes, else a exact match will be required.

Return all loaded namespaces that match with `ns-strs` but
excluding `excluding-ns`. If `prefixes?` is true, `ns-strs`
will be used as prefixes, else a exact match will be required.
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(eval-form-error-data _ ex)


(expanded-defn-parse ns-name expanded-defn-form)

Given a ns-name and a expanded-defn-form (macroexpanded) returns [fn-name-symbol fn-body].

Given a `ns-name` and a `expanded-defn-form` (macroexpanded) returns
[fn-name-symbol fn-body].
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(instrument-and-eval-form ns form config)
(instrument-and-eval-form ns form config retrying?)

Instrument form and evaluates it under ns.

Instrument `form` and evaluates it under `ns`.
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(instrument-files-for-namespaces ns-strs {:keys [prefixes?] :as config})

Instrument and evaluates all forms of all loaded namespaces matching ns-strs. If prefixes? is true, ns-strs will be used as prefixes, else a exact match will be required.

Instrument and evaluates all forms of all loaded namespaces matching
If `prefixes?` is true, `ns-strs` will be used as prefixes, else a exact match will be required.
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(interesting-files-for-namespaces ns-set)

Given a set of namespaces ns-set return a set of all files used to load them.

Given a set of namespaces `ns-set` return a set of all files
used to load them.
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(ns-vars ns)

Return all vars for a ns.

Return all vars for a `ns`.
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(read-file-ns-decl file)

Attempts to read a (ns ...) declaration from file and returns the unevaluated form.

Returns nil if ns declaration cannot be found.

read-opts is passed through to tools.reader/read.

Attempts to read a (ns ...) declaration from `file` and returns the unevaluated form.

Returns nil if ns declaration cannot be found.

`read-opts` is passed through to tools.reader/read.
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(uninteresting-form? ns form)

Predicate to check if a form is interesting to instrument.

Predicate to check if a `form` is interesting to instrument.
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