This namespace is for internal use and may move in the future. Platform unified code Clojure/ClojureScript.
This namespace is for internal use and may move in the future. Platform unified code Clojure/ClojureScript.
(eager-for & body)
A for wrapped with a doall to force realisation. Usage is the same as regular for.
A for wrapped with a doall to force realisation. Usage is the same as regular for.
(group-by-seq f coll)
Groups the items of the given coll by f to each item. Returns a seq of tuples of the form
[f-val xs] where xs are items from the coll and f-val is the result of applying f to any of
those xs. Each x in xs has the same value (f x). xs will be in the same order as they were
found in coll.
The behavior is similar to calling (seq (group-by f coll))
However, the returned seq will
always have consistent ordering from process to process. The ordering is insertion order
as new (f x) values are found traversing the given coll collection in its seq order. The
returned order is made consistent to ensure that relevant places within the rules engine that
use this grouping logic have deterministic behavior across different processes.
Groups the items of the given coll by f to each item. Returns a seq of tuples of the form [f-val xs] where xs are items from the coll and f-val is the result of applying f to any of those xs. Each x in xs has the same value (f x). xs will be in the same order as they were found in coll. The behavior is similar to calling `(seq (group-by f coll))` However, the returned seq will always have consistent ordering from process to process. The ordering is insertion order as new (f x) values are found traversing the given coll collection in its seq order. The returned order is made consistent to ensure that relevant places within the rules engine that use this grouping logic have deterministic behavior across different processes.
(jeq-wrap value)
wraps the value with a JavaEqualityWrapper
wraps the value with a JavaEqualityWrapper
(query-param p)
Coerces a query param to a parameter keyword such as :?param, if an unsupported type is supplied then an exception will be thrown
Coerces a query param to a parameter keyword such as :?param, if an unsupported type is supplied then an exception will be thrown
(throw-error description)
Throw an error with the given description string.
Throw an error with the given description string.
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